Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by x7xBillyDaKidx7x, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Silkensmooth

    You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

    All the tankers QQ about libs, but guess what tanks are the easiest most effective vehicles in the game.

    Now there are no more libs to farm. Yay. And nothing to kill all the tanks camping. Yay.

    Thats ok, i like driving tanks, its easy and it makes my k/d look good.
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  2. GaBeRock

    TB and bulldog nerfs are still incoming, thats "phase 2" of SOE's grand plan to remove liberators from the equation. Composite armour has been nerfed, as stock lib has been nerfed. It's always been a pretty bad choice anyways, NAN is absolutely essential for air vehicles.

    Shredder should have a niche- worse against heavy AV than the dalton, but better against Light AV (harassers, eSFs, flashes.) The lroblem there is that its splash damage has been removed, which makes it worse against all those options, and reserve ammo has been cut by more than 50%, meaning gunners can't even risk shooting them or they'll be unable to defend themselves.

    Regardless, your comparison to tanks is invalid, because SOE at least buffed tanks- vanguard acceleration and turret stabalization now, and likely some form of reverse speed buff in the future.
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  3. Jeslis

    You mean.. afk in a rep sundy near a tank zerg and soaking in that new spawn xp.. making twice as much xp as a lib can now cause they overnerfed em to **** just like the harasser?! Yup! thats exactly what I'm doing, 120k SPH afk in a rep sundy baby.
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  4. Archlyte

    How the hell does OP figure that gunships were supposed to be the alpha vehicle of the game? It's not Liberatorside 2.
  5. Epic High Five

    In order of actual difficulty to score many kills with:

    1) MBTs
    2) Galaxy
    3) Liberator

    Notice the trend? It's mobility. Being slow in this game is a DEATH SENTENCE, it's why ZOE MAXes died 20% less than non-ZOE MAXes despite taking 30% more damage. More time defending yourself = less time killing. No swooping for a quick tank bust+dalton instagib with an AP Vanguard I'm afraid

    Yep! It's PLANETside 2, which is why terrain is the #1 killer of all vehicles
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  6. Ac3s

    Finally someone that understand the libs current predicement.
  7. z1967

    I had a blast today. Reasons why it was fun:
    -No libs that instantly killed my tank the moment I spawned it.
    -I got to flank around a battle and not be clobbered into hell by an armada of tank cannon wielding Libs.
    -I racked up a ****ton of certs from C4 kills because there were actually tanks to kill.
    -I shot down a Liberator with my Skyguard because there weren't tons of them

    Funny how some specialization changes make everyone think the Lib is now useless. Dalton maintains its AV power, Shredder lost some AV capability, Zephyr might have been nerfed a bit harshly (I didn't see how the changes effected it since splash is broken in VR), and the Duster isn't a pile of dung anymore (I think?). Seems like a much better change than the sledgehammer they had planned before.


    They have the exact same amount of ammo as tanks. Not really that devastating of a change.
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  8. Epic High Five

    If you don't deal with the immediate threat, all of the ammo in the world won't help you

    If you aren't prepared to deal with an immediate and likely threat, all of the ammo in the world won't help you

    Why not bring a 3rd for a Walker butt-gun if this is so terrifying? Why does everybody else have to change so that Libs don't have to?

    Yeah, as an NC, I've got one word for big armadas of camping tanks:


    No Libs needed. I've literally never seen camping tanks cleared out by Libs. Libs won't go near a pile of tanks, that work's always done by - you guessed it - TANKS! It's why I'm so much more excited to have TIW on my side as opposed to PREY (who I'm also happy we'll be getting!)
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  9. LightningDriver

    I'm sure that the good flyboys will still be effective with the liberator. As for the rest, no more instant 50 kill streaks for you.
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  10. Jbrain

    I see a lot of people make bad comments against these pilots, I didn't see anything wrong with liberators pre nerf.. nothing a couple burster maxes couldn't handle.. with that said.. I see people make statements like "maybe now you can get out of your vehicle and get good" I loathe people who act that way., I am infantry main player because that's what I am best at... I am terrible at flying.. someone whos the opposite of me isn't bad.. they are just good at what they do.. your idea of being good isn't someone elses..

    I don't think of myself more skilled because I can infantry ok while someone else might be better at tanker, pilots, medic, max,, etc.. we all have our play style and id like people to think about the other people who play the game too.. do you really want less people playing ? I love looking at the sky and seeing my fellow NC pilots clearing the skies, or libs busting those tanks.. it makes me feel apart of an actual military force.. other wise were just playing a bad version of cod.
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  11. Ac3s

    Well you know what that means right?
    Too many tanks which will now camp the spawnroom so next thing SOE will nerf are the tanks.
    Too many C4 destroying all the tanks so now the C4 will have to get nerfed.

    The way SOE is going with this game you can bet your *** that in a few months this will happen.
  12. Silkensmooth

    Unless you get in a tank.
  13. z1967

    Lol, C4 makes up for 10% of tank deaths overall over the course of the game. The fact that they haven't nerfed so far makes me think that this is kind of what they want. Nerfing tanks would be the average balance patch for them, which wouldn't surprise me all that much.

    I sincerely doubt the change from Libs camping spawn rooms to tanks camping spawn rooms is going to get anything nerfed. But meh, anything can happen.
  14. GaBeRock

    No, the ammo change is a pretty big change. Resistances have been nerfed to the point where libs can no longer aford to go low (as it should be) but that means libs have to sit a long distance away from tanks, on a platform nearly required to move. This makes hitting vehicles harder, meaning libs are more penalized by their small ammo pool than tanks. They don't need to have the same ammo capacities as befofe, but a buff to ammo capabilities is in order.
  15. z1967

    It really only means you have to go back and resupply every 3-4 minutes or so assuming you don't try and shoot every target around you. Since the Lib can move 2.5x faster than most tanks I would say this balance change is fairly negligible in the long run.
  16. GaBeRock

    Ressuplying doesn't happen when your ammo hits zero, it happens when "if I keep using this weapon, I won't be able to defend myself." Even for the best lib crews, that's only going to be around 10-15 rounds left. Even with 30 rounds, with the necessity for more accuracy, a dalton lib will get maybe 1-2 kills before needing to resupply. This is, of course, in addition to the downtime required to change hexes once your lattice heats up. That's unfun, and doesn't really benefit play much anyways. Daltons should have 40 rounds stock, and 60 rounds max.
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  17. Ac3s

    Your wrong, it means you can't attack much or otherwise you run out of ammo and die if you encounter enemy air following you on your way to the ammo station.
    Really just go play with the lib and you'll see its like a harasser in the air at the moment, the only thing you can do is ***** the enemy a bit and then you need to get out or risk getting out of ammo and die.
  18. z1967

    Well a part of the problem is that the dalton reloads insanely quick for its damage profile, making you want to spam rounds everywhere. But I do have a hard time imagining that having to resupply or not fire at everything is a game breaking nerf. In reality, its a helluva lot better than what they had planned before.


    So, like tanks? I really do fail to see how an ammo nerf is going to severely affect lib pilots other than they have to rearm more often. Hell, I just land on ammo sundies when I need ammo (for an ESF).
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  19. DevDevBooday

    Did you ever think the reason why they nerfed ammo was SO you couldnt spam?
    So you couldnt ALWAYS spam away at ESFs until you won?

    libs are SUPPOSED to suck against ESFs.
    Now they have a chance it is apparently unacceptable?

    The other problem you have which was 'you cant attack for as long' is also a good thing because it means that people pm the ground might actually get a minute or two reprieve whilst you resupply, rather than a Liberator spamming a Zephyr at your spawn room for 10 minutes and you are just drumming your fingers waiting for it to get bored.

    We might be able to get back to actually playing the game now that these nerfs have gone through.
    Liberatorside 2 was so dull.
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  20. squarebug

    seriously this belly gun patch is bs