Does screaming for a medic actually help?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Silver Fox, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. Silver Fox

    Serious question here, I've always wondered this. I hear people doing this regularly, in bases so crowded that you can't tell who is who. So does this actually work? How?

    I should clarify that I know how effective saying something like "MAX down on the stairs" can be, but will just screaming "Medic!" over and over again net you the same result?

    Edit: I mean screaming over the mic, not using the V selection.
  2. vsae

    If you play TR, your medic calls not only entertain the opposing faction players, but also give you negative morale for having such unmanly sqeaky voice.
    That is of course if you have standard voice pack.
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  3. quatin

    You show up as a blinking icon on the mini map. Also, don't expect a medic to come to you. They show up as a cross on the minimap, if you need help go find the medic.
  4. MostlyClueless

    I think he means screaming on Proximity. I've ressed a few people yelling medic but I was probably going to res them anyway, I want the certs.

    Some people are so obnoxious about it I'll deliberately avoid them though, so it's kind of the opposite of what they want.
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  5. MajiinBuu

    Saying it once is enough, people around who aren't medics might switch to medic for you. Most people don't for some reason (do they not like certs?). The dedicated medics will be everyone's best friend. Big bandoleir with revive grenades, watching the minimap for dead/injured soldiers, healing without being asked. Those are the best guys to have in a fight.

    Some people (I think mostly newer players) use medic for the ability to heal themselves, and they only look after themselves. Those guys aren't gonna farm revive fallen allies, spamming for heals or shooting them in the back won't help.

    And if you need to be healed, keep in mind that reviving dead guys is usually a higher priority then topping off the live ones.

    Edit: Oh you meant on proximity chat...
    You can ask for a revive as much as you want, especially if you're a fallen max. If you see someone (cross on the minimap) heading towards you than stop talking, they might heal you. Just don't overdo it with the cries for help.
    You can turn off the HUD to see if you're body has disappeared yet, or just wait 30 seconds before redeploying.
  6. Silver Fox

    Yes, I should have made that more clear, I mean someone with a mic yelling "medic" like that dumb@ss private in every war movie ever.
  7. Jerox

    I don't think it's the call that makes medics come to you and heal you.
    I think that medics constantly paying attention and the incentive to get easy exp makes them rush over to help you out (though some times you find a medic who is absolutely oblivious to your presence. That's probably because of how crowded it is I guess, or because they don't give a crap lol).
  8. MostlyClueless

    Sometimes I'm being shot at and you died in a stupid place where I'd likely get shot trying to res you. If I'm feeling super nice I may throw a revive grenade, but probably not.
  9. DaninTexas

    I have found a nasty habit with some medics - they won't heal you - but they will scramble of 20 tanks to rez you no matter what. I think cause they get more certs. Annoys me enough I have thought about switching to dedicated medic
  10. Drol

    Yes of course, i will often look at a corpse and think to myself "if only he would yell medic in a droning tone 5 times i could revive him"

    medics hate those guys (i do at least)
  11. Silver Fox

    Lol so what I'm gathering is that yelling "Medic" in proxi doesn't do a damn thing.. Guess I'm justified for laughing at those that do :p
  12. OldCuban

    Yeah, I wouldn't using proxy for that.

    Just use the in gave voice macro, I think it's V then 1. That way you'll be highlighted as needing a heal.

    Otherwise most medics annoy the hell out of me. The zerg mindless zombie ones mostly. You know the ones, they come into a room full of corpses and don't try to rez a single one. Then you get the ones that keep rezing fellow zerglings that die in direct line of enemy fire, only to die instantly the moment he gets rezed, over and over.....
  13. Whatupwidat

    Never had a problem being healed by a medic - but just randomly yelling for one isn't the way to go, just like randomly yelling for ammo while running around isn't the way to get an engie to plop a pack down.

    Just find a medic/engineer, and then use the call out. If they're busy, I dunno, SHOOTING then maybe they won't hear you - but just keep asking and hoping. After all, it's in their best interest to help.

    One thing though - I find when playing Vanu that engineers are really hard to tell apart from other soldiers...hence the embarrassing moment the other day where I asked for ammo from a Heavy who just looked at me bewildered that someone as stupid as me could play Vanu :p
  14. Iridar51

    Don't you dare touch my elven warrior!
    (not actually mine elven warrior)
  15. Tuco

    1 out of 10 medic revives are actually useful.

    Most of the time I'm close enough to the spawn to not care for one
    Or am in the enemy line of sight and will die instantly after revive
    Or I intend to change class after I die anyways

    I stopped accepting revives a long time ago.
  16. Dornez

    I main as a medic, and yes there are many times where I am so caught up in the explosions around me that I miss someone who needs a touch up, I do actively look for the person screaming "WHERES THE DOC!?" (which I think is the dumbest line in the game)
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  17. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Yes, as medic, i can't see downed teammates at my back, but if someone calls medic, i will pay attention.
    And when i see downed teammates, i screaming for a medic
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  18. Pirbi

    I sometimes do it for effect if i'm dead. Act like I'm really hurt. "Tell my cat I love her". Granted I have proxy nearly muted and probably can't hear the reply. I also suspect that despawn timer gets a little out of whack. I can be in coms with the medic and they can't find me despite the fact I see them right over top of me on the map. Or maybe the corpse just fell below the map.
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  19. Cinnamon

    If someone starts begging for a medic too much I normally just mute them. People who start to backseat medic too much when losing, even though they often don't have any experience playing medic, they are generally annoying.
  20. Mekeji

    I keep the mic off unless playing in a squad or outfit.

    However when it comes to the V calls I always switch to my healing tool and search for the guy calling for help.

    I try to keep an eye on the mini map for deaths but sometimes I lose track of what is going on.