Is the '' HA pros '' did convice Higby to give up on the change ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, May 26, 2014.

  1. Eyeklops

    Stew can't even spell "huehue" right. Huehuehuehue.
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  2. Eyeklops

    You must be new around here. That's called "Stewglish"
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  3. z1967


    Let the bad grammar and poor balance decisions commence.
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  4. Eyeklops

    There are 2 base infantry classes meant for attacking, LA & HA (hence the term "assault" in their names). Combat medics should be behind HA's, and Engineers behind MAX's. Combat medics & Engineers should not win against HA's skill for skill on average, they are not meant for that role.

    So then you have to look at balancing HA vs LA:
    LA's special ability is the jumpjet, which allows the class to get the "jump" on HA with a surprise attack from an unusual angle.
    HA's special ability (then NMG in particular) is a shield that acts as an equalizer to the "jump" LA can get on them.

    If you add a delay to the HA shield it's no longer a counter to the "jump" LA can get, and LA will be overpowered vs HA.

    If you lose to an HA* and his "I win shield :rolleyes:" as an Engineer or Medic the first thing to ask yourself was "Where was your Heavy/Max, and why were you not behind them?"

    * - Or LA when they use jump jets to attack from an advantageous angle.

    NOTE: If the HA shield gets nerfed, there is a chance "medic trains" could become OP. With how fast revives are now (not to mention rez nades), it's already close to OP in a well organized squad.

    The NMG isn't really a full counter to JJ tactics, but more of an equalizer, it's saved me many times in against a rooftop LA. Sometimes latency and an opponents ability to land lead on my dome kill me before the NMG comes up anyway. I am still not sure why support players run towards heavies spraying body shots. That's just asking for a bad time.

    Medic vs HA @ Medium Range / Med-Long range
    The Medic class usually has the accuracy advantage at medium range. The assault rifle will land more headshots at medium range than the LMG and provides some equalization between the classes. "Ohh...wait!, you're saying the Medic is, on average, better at medium range, playing mid line (support), than the front line CQC pushers HA?" Yes, yes I am.

    At med-long range neither the LMG or AR are accurate enough to easily kill each other before getting to cover (unless your cover-to-cover movement is totally fail). Once in cover the Medic not only has the advantage of accuracy, but also no health limitation. If a medic pins down a lone HA, he can win the through attrition. Without support, the HA will be forced to play "pop out wars", which he will lose, or try and use the NMG health boost to close the gap under fire and find new cover for a quick med-kit stab. At that point his NMG is toast, and possibly some shield. The medic and HA are now on even ground health wise, but the medic still has the better weapon. Balanced

    Engineer vs HA @ QCQ thu medium range
    Engineers are vehicle jockeys, explosive junkies, turret wizards, and MAX pocket repairmen. This class needs no buffs or nerfs against the assault classes, it has enough roles already. At med-long range an engineer can easily beat a heavy with the AV or AI mana turret. Is that an "I-win" button too? In close quarters an engineer should be humping MAX legs, not trying to shoot HA. When a solo engineer runs face-2-face with an HA he should get dunked for being without his max. Balanced.

    Infiltrator vs HA @ QCQ
    LOL, your invisible. Try making sure you land headshots, your life depends on it. This is a tough class in general to play in QCQ. It requires a special kind of player, usually with skills the majority don't posses, get to be invisible: Balanced.

    The medic, engineer, and infiltrator classes are just played differently, and have different strengths than the assault classes. I think the "instant on" NMG is an important part of the balance equation and adding a delay would negatively impact the variety in gameplay and required tactics if removed. The diversity in gameplay and departure from the homogenized gunplay of COF/BF is what makes Planetside fun and unique for me. I would prefer the NMG remained unchanged.
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  5. Eyeklops

    LOL. I know that's not true.
  6. Liberty

    Great write up above, the big thing you can add for infiltrators in cqc is the insanely tight hipfire cone of SMG's which they usually tend to carry, combined with the generally high DPS of the weapons.

    LMG's usually represent the bottom of the barrel when it comes to weapons with anything except magazine size. Their high DPS CQC weapons are 1 to 2 DPS tiers below the highest carbines and AR's and have much worse hipfire. Their long range weapons even in the 652@143 category tend to have more kick to them than a 652 @ 143 AR.
  7. Eyeklops

    Thank you. In another thread on this same topic, somebody tried to argue with me that LMG's were better than AR's. I was like: LOL WUT!?!?, LMG's are better than AR's said nobody ever, except you.
  8. z1967

    Sat in a biolab for about 20 minutes farming kills for my Trac-5 Burst Auraxium. Only moved when I needed more ammo (in which case a nice engineer had already placed it nearby, lol).

    Best farm spot ever, vines completely cover it and you have a mostly clear view of the B point pad facing door and pad entrance. Can switch to a slightly more visible place, but still obscured by vines, to get a much bigger field of fire. That being said, many LAs have to keep moving (especially shotgun/C4 fairies) if they want to survive. But it varies based on situation.
  9. Dudinatorman

    Heavy's shield isn't OP at all, if you approach something that is designed to absorb damage well guess what's going to happen? He's going to be able to take a hit.
    Every class has it's benefits, why should it be taken away when that's one of the reasons to use that class in the first place?
  10. Stew360

    In this hole wall of non sens , only this quote matter , this is a total BS statement ...

    I never ever feel playing as a LA or even as a HA not using shield , that any medic as ever been OP by any means , the healing aura truely dont last long and will not save you from death in close up combat , iam far to be unexperienced with any classes ,

    The combat medics isnt a pawn or a servents , they are the heart and soul of the battlefield they are helping others , but they also are on the front line , they put their life at risk and are not meant to be camping behind the HA or LA lol

    COmbat medic and Team fortress medic are 2 different things ;)

    If you want to play TF you go play TF , medic in ps2 are combat medic not HA pawn

    All classes are mostly balance beside the HA , only the HA outclasses anything and yess those who abuse the HA shield will always try to defend it , this classes is broken and always as been , its not a traditional HA and thats maybe why its hard to balance , the way HA are right now need to be revisited and redesigned
  11. FABIIK

    Then what is the HA's special ability if you deny their ability to tank it ?

    They can't fly. They can't heal each other. They can't become invisible.

    What can they do that others can't do ?
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  12. FieldMarshall

  13. Posse

    l2p stew
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  14. Eyeklops

    Stew said this? Stew, do you realize most of us say this about ALL of your posts??
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  15. Scr1nRusher

    Stew, I think you might need to get your Xbox 360 checked out, it seems to be having the red rings of death.
  16. Stew360

    What you '' think '' about my post do not make any of your argument revelant , and certainly do not defeat the purpose of changing the HA mechanics , i cant count how many peoples i have seen complaining about this BS shield ability , and those peoples arent whining they are actually seeing the truth ...

    HA shield ability as been broken since tech test they have try to well '' balance it '' with speed debuff , but since the speed debuff do not affect the HA more than few sec or milisecond this speed debuff become irrevelant

    SOE as to come with better ideas to revamp the HA classes maybe giving it more tools and less Shield ;) so peoples will still have a reason to play it , but wont have the atrociously stupid Shield mechanics , and please dont compare it to the vanguard shield lol , because the two cant be compare , the manoeuvrability debuff and speed is always On , on a vanguard and the Vang shield last for secs or - 3000 damage so yeah

    No matter what feeling you have , my post and OP , while poorly written still make a lots of sens i dont use sophisme and BS to make a arguement but facts and in game experience !
  17. Whatupwidat

    Am I the only person who manages to kill HA's just fine? 0.o
  18. Eyeklops

    My arguments themselves are relevant Stew. People need to use the right class for the job. Don't take HA head-on in close quarters using a support class. Don't jump HA from behind unless you can aim. Don't argue to turn PS2 into COD/BF3. Class diversity is good. HA shield is fine.
  19. z1967

    Yep. That happened. And look at how people view the Inquisitor now. I see maybe one per week at most. NC and VS probably see more because they are (if they are) getting killed by it :|

    I tried using it once and it has a stupidly long TTK, even for a pistol. It has a theoretical TTK of .89 (9 clicks per second...) but goes up to ~1.2 if you adjust the click speed to a more human three clicks per second. That is twice the TTK of just about every other weapon in the game. That is why they considered adding a 2x burst to the weapon but later removed it for whatever reason.
  20. Stew360

    LOL a compleate BS derail once agains , the inquisitor as it was on test was simply for me a secondary primary weapon , much better than any of the other empire weapons , i was using this in a middle of a huge fight and wrecking peoples with it in PTS ive never try it back on live ever so yeah at this point i dont know ;)

    Stop derailing from the OP , this is a dicussion about HA not about your silly feelings