Rocket Launchers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bibibla, May 27, 2014.

  1. JibbaJabba

    What might actually be helpful:

    Put a non-edited video of using a rocket primary. Include not only kills but the frustrating downside of trying to pull out that pistol/LMG when you miss and are about to die.

    A well edited video showing just want you wanted to show has sparked a discussion that might frankly screw up part of the game. Good Jerb.
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  2. Get2dachoppa

    Yes, I too will be looking forward to this OP AI Vortex abuse video. I expect to see it posted in this thread one week from today.
  3. Gearlock

    Only when I totally deserve it, or by an extreme stroke of luck on the part of the assailant.

    Apparently I'm not encountering these players who supposedly are managing to farm mad kills with their OHK launcher.

    Typically I only die to them when I'm shuffling in a pack of fellow ***** behind a rock and a heavy comes and, appropriately mind you, blasts us with a rocket. Fish in a barrel.

    Or, when I'm being stupid poking my head out of cover while camping an enemy's spawn.
  4. Gammit

    Solution: kill the medics + frag grenades
  5. Alarox

    As someone who does it, you rarely ever kill the same person multiple times. You usually get a kill every 2-3 shots if you're using nothing but a launcher. It is more a fun thing to do or something you use when in the right situation rather than "I am going to farm".
  6. Mustarde

    Have you ever heard of I'm at work so I can't dig up stats. But take a look.

    And let's talk about numbers. How many kills out of 100 are from liberators? For me, the answer is 0 out of last 100. And looking around, the numbers are not that high compared to the more commonly available weapons we face. Yet, libs are almost universally hated for their impact on a fight and the helplessness we feel when getting farmed by a lib. If we took a numbers approach to libs, we wouldn't have much of a case for a nerf. But numbers are just a small part of the balance debate and for a good reason.
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  7. Bine

    Like many others, this. Granted, it's still amusing when I blow someone up with a rocket launcher. Hey guys, im trying to kill your max. Ganna ***** at me for using the gun i have equipped?
  8. Solidpew

    I don't die to rockets as much as I do to bullets, planes or vehicles. The times I do recall dying to rockets usually involve me being in or near a clump of allies, or if I'm close to a MAX. The times when I round the corner and see a heavy waiting to shoot a rocket at my face are not many in comparison.

    On the flipside, I tend to use rockets most against MAXes, clumps of enemies I can't poke my head out at to shoot because I'd die too quickly or when I see someone I've wounded badly hide behind an obstacle they can't move from (finisher).
  9. Cinnamon

    None at all on my recent death board. Mostly it's max, heavy assault and snipers.
  10. Koldorn

    I call BS.

    But on topic for a moment: For maximum nerfing, I propose dual-pounder MAX.
    And see if we can't get Matti to revisit the "non-intended purpose" series with pounders, as AI weapons.

    See where it goes.
  11. IamDH

    The rocket whine is getting out of hand and if it continues this way its going to get nerfed. I'm not going to wait for the "development" to do that.

    I have a personal opinion that rocket whine is illogical and that you barely ever die to a rocket as an infantry unit. It takes both skill and risk for the owner but yet its going to get hit with the nerf bat. I do not understand what your video is trying to demonstrate and i find it highly irrelevant to whether it is OP or not.

    I could make a kill montage with the beamer, would that make it OP? The basis of your video is that rocket launchers are not intended with infantry (which is false)

    Sorry Mustarde but it seems like you started this and then everyone just hopped on the bandwagon for that 1/100 times they die to an RL.
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  12. Darkwulf

    Once or twice a gaming session. which is close to the same as 60-70 deaths. Death from rockets is pretty much a non factor for me. People just like to complain.
  13. JibbaJabba

    3 out of last 100 on my killboard. I believe 2 of those were while I was in a vehicle. Not sure about other one. Might have been while in a max suit.

    So approximately 1% of my deaths are due to a RL kill while I'm infantry.

    Since this whole *stupid* discussion started I've paid more attention and arrived at the conclusion that I really just don't get killed by them that much at all. When I do it's simply inconsequential to me.

    Leave the RL as-is.
  14. gigastar

    Not even the Lasher can keep the res spammers down. Your argument is invalid.
  15. Fortress

    I never got killed by the viper back in its ridiculous murder everything phase, obviously that means it was super underpowered. We should have it fire dalton rounds.

    After all, based on your logic, if it isn't wrecking half of the players in the game, it must be balanced.
  16. Bloodlet

    Hardly ever and when I do it often seems like I just ran in the path of the rocket on accident on its way to some other target like a tank or MAX.
  17. Mustarde

    I bring up the other current nerf bandwagon, liberators. How many deaths/100 are from libs? Should we use that as a basis for nerfs too? 1/100 for me, it must need a buff
  18. FABIIK

    But you could easily find killstreaks that showed how OP it was.

    Could you please show us the same killstreaks with a RL ?
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  19. Gammit

    Then you're doing it wrong. Try more aiming and killing.

    It works for me and I would be happy to provide specifics such as "find medic, aim at medic, kill medic" or "realize closed spaces mean frag grenades and dumb-fire rockets work well"... perhaps even "if they are outside, use rockets/liberators/tanks."
  20. Mustarde

    Would that really change your opinion? I'm sure I can find, or create an absurd rocket streak. How long does it need to be?