ESFs are not direct counters to liberators. So what is?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kriegson, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. WycliffSlim

    If you want to have even more fun you should go fight ESF's with the tailgun of a Liberator :p
  2. IamnotAmazing

    hey I killed rguitar with a walker once, don't doubt the tail gun
  3. Whatupwidat

    Haha - naw my preferred weapon against ESFs is a vanguard main gun ;P

    Got about 30 odd of them now, and yet they still attack me slowly and within my gun's elevation range. God (and NC armour) punishes the cocky I guess xD
  4. Zapon

    Oh, I know the answer to this one!

    What can directly a liberator? Well, TTK wise- the answer is =

    A Liberator

    Or did i miss some discussion already on the effectiveness of tank busters and shredders against them

    (be advised i a mentioning that they serve as a counter now , in effect- not that they are meant to hunt them specifically really )
  5. Obstruction

    oh, the OP means something he is good enough to use. but he's extremely poor in the air, as evidenced by the video. what he seems to want is either multiple additional nerfs to the Lib, or some kind of win button for scrubs and bads to trump skill with. he's not really getting it that Planetside 2 is designed as a system of scaling soft counters, and he doesn't seem content to shoot flak and lock ons from the spawn with the rest of the peasants.

    you didn't miss much conversation however. very early on it was handily decided as a simple case of Mad Because Bad, L2P, GETGUDSON, and U WOT M8 (I SWARE N ME MUM). you are technically correct though. air-meta and Ground2Air-meta is the correct answer. a system of soft counters that scale from deterrent to hard counter with population, and only a small number of extremely well practiced teams/squads/outfits able to push air vehicles (all air vehicles, actually), as well as G2A defense configurations (and well laid traps!) to their limits.
  6. Hoki

    Man, liberators are out of ******* control.

    And its no surprise that the same people defending them are the same ones that want pre-nerf harassers back.

    Take their health and chop it by 1/3 this is seriously ******* ridiculous.
  7. IamnotAmazing

    I"m confused how a buff to comp armor and tail angles made the lib into this crazy op thing that forumside warriors need to ***** their heads off about
  8. Hoki

    and put ceiling shields on all spawn rooms, that would go a long way against the horse**** liberator camping

    burster max air deterrent my ***
  9. Hoki

    Well thats easy. There are a lot more libwhorators now.

    But anyways I'm not arguing with you. Highest damage vehicle in the game is a flying tank with no direct counters and the things that are supposed to deter them don't deter them at all.

    You're in nuc so I don't expect you to understand the lot of the rest of us. You can just go grap 2 MLG buddies, and no problem.

    If every other vehicle were balanced around "get 3 nuc super-friends to counter" this game would be a giant piece of ****.
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  10. MajiinBuu

    Liberators are obviously very powerful, why not use liberators to take them down? Is it seriously that hard to comprehend?
  11. IamnotAmazing

    considering an esf counters a lib pretty hard you must be new to flying

    yes I'm in nuc so i'm an elitist ***** who thinks that I should own the game, nailed it!
  12. Hoki

    Let's put it this way, I have no problem shooing off esfs from my prowler with nothing but a walker.
    You could call them bad pilots but that's most of the player base.

    The last time i gunned a lib I put a reaver on fire in about 1.5 seconds of amateur hour aiming and we didn't even have a walker gunner.
    I've gunned a lib exactly 7 times, everytime with a bad pilot, and I never found it difficult.

    I think you think the average player is way more capable than in reality. That makes you out of touch with the majority of players.

    Which is why I implore soe to balance to the average and not just the adept. That'd be like balancing bolt actions around mustarde.
  13. IamnotAmazing

    If you set an esf to fire you're either lying or were shooting a reaver that wasn't moving/paying attention to you and just flying in a straight line

    If you think the average player can kill an esf with a lib then you're out of touch. The average lib will just run away.. or try to attack me and get shrecked
  14. lawn gnome

    i can face down liberator pilots with my lightning, but i have to be running on all cylinders and CONSTANTLY aware of his position. even one slight mistake and i am toast. now that i have flown liberators and tank busted a bit i can definitively say the same is not even remotely true from the other side. hitting tanks with the TB is cake and even hitting attacking aircraft is pretty easy. get in close and lead just a little bit and at the very least any ESF will run for it after a couple hits.

    i am still bad enough that i regularly crash into trees and hills, but even i can hit ESF with the TB.
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  15. lawn gnome

    everyone who doesn't agree with you is a liar then?
  16. Hoki

    And that's most of the player base.

    And that's you.
  17. Hoki

    yeah thats the greatest weakness of the lightning and other G2A turrets. I wish they had the air vehicle radar as a utility option that would help tremendously.
    But one clever girl and the hard-counter gets rocketpods of the ***. :(
  18. IamnotAmazing

    How on earth... what?

    Try making some sense, he was talking about a situation that happened in the game, I doubt that it happened, or he's exaggerating, or he was shooting a reaver that wasn't moving, no need to attack me
    please read the post next time

    alright, so let's take average joe vs average billy

    the average lib's going to run away and the esf would chase him not really moving

    the esf is going to win, as the average player isn't going to nail an esf with a couple bulldogs, and the walker is garbage

    if you're talking ace v a good crew

    the esf is going to keep backing up and reversing while the lib chases with his belly up while the gunner misses because the only way to hit is to be lucky, then the pilots gets frustrated and tries to tb, then miserably fails because dat velocity.

    Conclusions libs kinda suck, unless you're really that good, (there's literally three people on waterson that scare me with a dalton) I'm sorry but these godly lib crews aren't as common as you make them out to be, but even at that high of a skill the lib still looses far more than a majority of the time
  19. Phos!

    I want to say I disagree with something in the OP - That libs have a high skill ceiling. This is a myth spread by liberator crews, whether it's motivated by a delusion of grandeur or something else I can't say, but there's no real depth to it.

    A liberator can easily out DPS a skyguard with just its belly gun.

    I just saw another battle completely end when a liberator turned up and denied the defenders the ability to exit spawn, oh wait what were we talking about?

    Not just comp armor, the liberator also got improved resistance to tank shells base. It's only recently that people have been abusing them like they have as of late. Sometimes the meta is slow to catch on. I was abusing the absurd destructive potential of liberators a while back, even before the buffs. It's also the only vehicle that requires that amount of organized effort to counter. If there's a liberator and a few ESFs in a territory you basically need "what they have but more" to dislodge them.

    Really I think the liberator is just dumb as it is. It's this big gormless aircraft that lazily floats about. There's no real world equivalent or even analog to it. They kind of wanted an AC-130, kind of wanted an attack helicopter, kind of wanted an A-10, so they ended up making some kind of flying tank.

    Also worth mentioning that it's a classic game balancing red flag when the best counter to something is itself.
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  20. Obstruction

    there would be probably 6 more on connery, and at least one of them is one of your waterson guys come over to play on our server.