Scheduled Maintenance March 27th, 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. TheRunDown

    How about removing Stats that grass up the enemy location?
    This isn't Call of Duty you know!
    Don't Men don't talk, neither do they have eyes in the back of their head when killed.
    People climbing mountains to come get me after sniping their squad is starting to cheese me off. The Lengths some people go to just to get a revenge kill...............................................................
  2. GoyoElGringo

    And you think they only know your location because of the death screen map? lol
  3. SgtRitaPoon

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  4. bluevenom

    Hmmmm game seems to be closing to desk top as soon as i click login..... Interesting.
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  5. Plantjen

    Planetside now exits as soon as I try to log in with one of my characters. Brilliant feature. I don't see it mentioned in the change log, however?
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  6. Luighseach

    ...I'm probably not the first person to reply to this but you do realize that it is only for redeploy. It took 10 seconds to redeploy plus 15 to respawn. If you die it is still 15 seconds. It now actually makes sense to redeploy instead of /suiciding(which is what I did when I was in a real hurry).
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  7. Oogbar

    "(The guy who keeps accidentally TKing you with C4 is not technically an enemy)"... Yeah, it's the guy who runs up to you, while your repairing an AA turret, asks for ammo, reloads when he gets the ammo, then shoots you in the back of the head... Or the guy who sits in the WarpGate room, killing people via headshots while they are trying to warp to a different continent, or CHANGE THEIR WEAPON! *I condone revenge genocide, and perma-killing TKers in the warpgate*
  8. Takomunch

    The hotfix seems to have solved the disconnects for me, but I now crash like crazy to desktop xD

    Hopefully things get fixed soon :)
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  9. JadeFalken

    Anyone know when they plan on having the game working again today?
  10. Einherjar22

    So promote memberships by giving members weekend Exp. boost. Then "Fix" it to where no one can log in. I call it theft. ,.|..
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  11. JadeFalken

    Noticed some of my guild mates could get in the game and SOE is manually switching territory control? What is going on here SOE?
  12. SashsaACIII

    nada mega Patch Fix Klient PS2.

    Missy zone arena fix *solo personah ( А) (A B C) (A B C D) point
  13. Wolfen2424

    Looks like it's back to WoT's... this is getting ridiculous
  14. Suppertime

    Never had a problem with ps2.... till today.
    Played earlier, now have disconnects every 20 minutes or so.

    Tried to log in, but I cant get into Connery -crash to desktop.
    I can get into Matheson without an issue...too bad I don't have characters there...

  15. Knix124

    I was able to make a new character and log into Matherson but not connery...what the hell are you doing with connery all the ****** time SOE? Is Connery your little Test server or what the hell? May be if you would actually give us some freaking information instead of just not giving a **** we wouldnt be as angry as we are now!!!!!! if this doesnt get fixed in half an hour i wont pay another penny until the game has been stable for at least a month....
  16. Srazor

    My game crashes every time I try to log in with a character. I hope this gets fixed soon.
  17. Mormomboy

    It may be what usually happens. When server is full it just kicks you back to desktop... An error message would be apreciated by the way, perhaps a notice of it being full.
    Double XP weekend and all.
  18. Shatara

    Would be a great time to use that 3-day boost from the WDS. Oh wait, they never gave it out. Oh well.
  19. Knix124

    well the population of connery is low while matherson has a population of medium soooo i dont know^^
  20. Timbosss

    Same here. Any character.