"TR weapons are going to receive a few changes" - Matt Higby. So TR... What do we want ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Owen W., Mar 25, 2014.

  1. GhostAvatar

    And Lockdown??? especially in regards to synergy on the Prowler or the MAX in general.
  2. Ghodere

    I swear I thought I was the only one who ever noticed this, it has bothered me so much. Not to mention I think the old AP/HE model just plain looked better and less goofy than the HEAT one.
  3. Twitch760

    Yeah how about hell no to this. You basically want a shoulder mounted Fury grenade launcher that would so not be fun for the VS and the NC. But I'll trade the capability to one shot infantry when I'm using my Phoenix if that's what you want.
  4. Owen W.

    I believe they mentioned lockdown getting some kind of activation and deactivation speed increase... I think.

    But it will still not be enough to keep TR MAXes from dying from C4 all the time while using lockdown.
  5. miraculousmouse

    Hopefully the devs would forget their coffee that morning, right? :p
  6. Bape

    IT not gonna happen though just saying ;).
  7. daniel696

    M7 Mini gun, the weapon that should be the TR ITSELF, it's crap. Make a revamp of it for christ sake.
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  8. sustainedfire

    Skip to 40 seconds into the video:

    The words are clear, they are adding new weapons for Aprils balance pass.

    I thought the same as you did, that April would be a slow content month. I started spending my certs on frivolous things I did not really need- and then saw this video and started rebuilding my cert bank.
  9. Tycoh

    • An small increase in accuracy for the TR MAX chainguns would be a start.
    • A slow firing 187 damage LMG for TR would be great since NC gets a piece of our pie (GD-77) We should steal some of theirs.
    • The prowler tank being correctly centered on the turret would be amazing as would having TRay not do TR's design anymore.
    • The Vulcan needs a pick me up.
    • The MCG is just a CARV wannabe with a spin up time and no iron sight.
    • Bull, T5 AMC, and the dreadful Trac-5 S need damage buffs from 143 to 167.
    • Changing the Striker to a dumbfire Coyote rocket launcher would be great.
    • Did i mention having TRay not doing TR's design yet?
    • Remove the Trac-5 Burst and replace with some other new weapon.
    • A recoil buff to the 99SV (TR starter sniper rifle)
    • Turning the Pounders into purely anti-infantry/light armor grenade launchers would be cool
    • Buffing the Fractures travel speed by 2 meters more would make it viable again.
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  10. Shubniggurath

    Actually wouldn't be surprised.

    Just a little info here. When the T5 AMC was introduced into beta it was a 167 damage weapon with a 30 round mag. The devs consciously made TR more bland.
  11. Wecomeinpeace

    What's wrong with the TR weapons? Hell, what's wrong with any factions weapons?

    This is a total waste of development time imo. Same would apply to changing VS or NCs weapons.
    I want more continents, intercontinental warfare, a resource system, more interesting gameplay dynamics, immersion. And yet all i see on here is "nerf this weapon/vehicle", "buff this weapon/vehicle", "change this faction". Concentrate on the important stuff people.
  12. Tycoh

    So you want to ignore the weapon balance problems and go for more continents? Adding more continents wont fix weapon balance, and further more servers are having trouble trying to fill 1 single continent fully let alone the other 2 continents...

    You need to remember that players like shooting good, effective weapons; Not exploring low populated barren continents.
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  13. DevDevBooday

    This is important, TR needs to be refurbished, Im sick of being underpopped. Why are we underpopped? Because there is nothing interesting about TR. I asked a friend to play TR and he asked me 'why? what have they got?' and I couldnt think of anything since almost every piece of ES stuff we have is terribad.

    Inquisitor? Desperado is better
    Striker? Phoenix and Lancer are better
    Lockdown? Aegis is better
    Anchor mode? really good but Vanny shield has absolutely no downside and not situational.
    Vulcan? need i say more?
    Marauder? Loses hands down to PPA and almost on par with the suck that is Canister
    MCG? its just a bad LMG, not special and on top if that, Jackhammer is better

    Not only do they suck but Striker, Vulcan, Marauder and lockdown are SO bad they are BROKEN

    I spose this is what happens when none of the devs play TR.

    We also only have 2 167 damage primaries out of our entire armoury, everything else is 143 damage.

    TR guns are bland and similar and most of our ES gear is broken
  14. Wecomeinpeace

    Let me repeat: What's so horribly wrong with TR weapons? Last time i played i could kill people with them just as fine as with my VS or NC weapons.

    Edit: Ok, i give you the striker, that thing really seemed kinda broken last time i tried it.
  15. GoyoElGringo

    Are they more accurate? Their stats for accuracy are the same, but I suppose the hailstorm could have more horizontal recoil. But if not, then adding a forward grip to the hailstorm would make it more accurate than any other SMG that has am extended magazine.
  16. Gav7x

    The armistice is actually the fastest firing SMG with 895 rpms, the failstorm is a piece of **** tho
  17. Eyeklops

    So for about a year, it was this:

    Followed by:

    What will happen:
  18. Aegie

    Just got that for my Prowler and like it so far. Yes, it makes you into a long range artillery battery but that has a lot of utility in PS2 IMO- that is most of what MBTs do in the first place because getting too close to any infantry engagement can be problematic.

    I have yet to get it for MAX but I plan too. Most of what I use the TR MAX for is holding angles on a front line and so I think it makes sense- I stand here and hold this angle with as much lead as possible.
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  19. Tycoh

    Play TR for a few months before saying that they're ok. In those few months you'll find that faults of some TR weapons fairly quickly.

    And if you want to know the faults before you find them personally just look into every weapon thread on this forum. There will be at least 1 or more players that will repeat the same problems with TR over and over and over again.
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  20. BluescalesNZ

    The Striker does not need a dumbfire mode, end of story. A separate dumbfire version of the Striker I'm more inclined to agree with, but a weapon that can lock on to everything and spam explosions? Hell no.

    Take the Striker, remove lock-on, give it dumbfire and one extra shot per clip, slightly higher ammo cap and some other special feature to compensate, like the ability to preload multiple warheads Unreal Tournament style or two and three round burst modes. Maybe reduce the damage or blast radius slightly to compensate. Call it the T3 Stormer, done.

    And before anyone says it would be unfair if the TR got one more launcher than everyone else, the devs should take the opportunity to give the NC and VS something cool and faction-themed too, because I want my damned man portable shoulder fired AV rail-cannon already.