Is having points capped by cloaked infiltrators bothering anyone else?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killuminati C, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. RHINO_Mk.II

    I would be okay with it if capture points could only be flipped at ground level. The other night I spent about 15 minutes with a darklight flashlight equipped LA trying to find an infiltrator hiding somewhere in the crystals of Geo Survey Camp. Pretty sure he was bugged, though, because I covered every inch of ground and crystal with darklight at least 5 times.
  2. Chad444

    He wasn't bugged, you just weren't looking hard enough
  3. Ravenorth

    That would be hilarious!
  4. JudgeNu

    If I am not mistaken, infils have to uncloak to cap.

    Sometimes they sit on top of the point and wait for peeps to leave, uncloak and cap.
    Had one do it yesterday, while it is annoying, it is somewhat effective what they "try" to do.
    One person completely halting a zerg? kudos.

    However I really didn't think of it but will next time.
    I went stalker also and waited for them to show themselves.
    I didn't think about my darklight, nor did I remember about the EMP.
    More effective than trying to sweep the area with bullets.
    I was just trying to get the my next sniping spot.

    Frankly no one wants to stay behind and guard point. To me it turns into a 1v1 scenario or a small skirmish for control over a small area.
    I do not play this game for that, I find it quite boring. I am not trying too hard to be better than someone else. Been there done that got the t-shirt.
    I just want to enjoy my time playing the game.

    I didn't want to sacrifice my laser on my pistol but I rarely need to have it out that quick as I always have it out while I am moving or feel vulnerable. *I wish I had smaller crosshairs for my Commish, my pistol aim is not the best*
  5. FieldMarshall

    You would have hated hunting for Infils in PS1...
  6. Modern Ancestor

    Would not change a thing really the infils would simply go hide and come back later. And as posts above me allready indicate infils can be found if you really want to.

    If you fight to win, you fight with all the means in your disposal. Should not hate the enemy simply because they do the same.
  7. Fox234

    If running Hunter cloak I think they should have to decloak to take or keep a point. No other class requires a weapon mod to see them. If a MAX unit can't cap a point, yet can be damaged by all weapons, be noisy, and be highly visible, then why should someone with unlimited cloak, a 2 hit crossbow, revolvers, hi dmg pistols, auto pistols, burst pistols, AP mines, and motion trackers be allowed to cap?

    Decloak, cap point, re-cloak, and hide in the corner to defend the point or run away. Its a small price to pay for permanent cloaking.

    Not really. In PS1 Darklight worked universally and didn't take certs. Its only limitation was Stamina. In PS2 Darklight takes up a valuable slot on a weapon.
  8. bPostal

    You could do it cloaked but there was a slight noise (sounded kinda like morse code) and a colored beam of light. Really tricky to get away with but if nobody was paying attention or if everyone left the CC to go camp destroy the spawns then it's game over. The cloak in Planetside is very much like the stalker cloak in PS2.

    Keep in mind that even though your Stalker cloak regens quickly, if you're moving then it's very much a finite resource and I've managed to track down and murder more than one cloaker because of the sound.

    I don't personally see a problem with cloakers being able to hack things while cloaked. With terminals, you can now see them flashing on the minimap. With turrets...well most turrets are either blown up or empty that I've seen. Vehicles? Same mentality as in Planetside. If your ride gets jacked, it's probably because you were sitting there farming like an idiot and now you gotta pay.

    Yes, it can take a while to get established at the next base. That's one of the reasons it always helps to have a squad or two run ahead of the main force and begin to prep the next base while the main force is finishing up a cap.
    You can't just lazily wait for the base to flip, everyone to run and clear the spawns and THEN pull your vehicles/roll out. Anyone you may be fighting is going to take advantage of your large turnaround time to shift around and behind you.

    Take their link away as quickly as possible (maybe even with a stalker infil of your own on the next point) while your main force sets up and you shouldn't have to worry about getting back hacked again.
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  9. DQCraze

    I think its great and they need to add one more thing to the infiltrators arsenal.

    Trip flares for around the facility and a trip flash for inside. Both of these are seen by friendlies and tripped by enemies.
  10. SinerAthin

    I like placing mines at the Cap point and watch as kills pop up on my screen later on as would-be-Metal-Gear Infiltrators who think they are super sneaky tries to capture it.
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  11. Rift23

    Works well in reverse, too (putting down a mine then flipping a point just so someone runs in full tilt).
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  12. Rohxer

    This happens not just at cap points, but generators as well. On BOTH sides of the equation. I ran into a defending stalker cloaked infiltrator at a generator, nowhere near the front lines (I had flanked the base to take it out). After killing me I sent him a tell and he told me his outfit had actually tasked him with that job. I thought that was some pretty smart strategy, as I wasn't the only one he had taken out.
  13. NinjaTurtle

    Really pleased the Infiltrator is able to do so.

    Was a bit surprised SOE allowed points to be capped whilst cloaked but am pleased they did
  14. Xrkr

    Now, that's what I call "ghost capping".

    I'll show myself out.
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  15. iller

    No, it's called "defending", in essence, the next Hex in the Lane....
    They can't start capturing the next hex your faction still owns, if you keep contesting the previous point behind them.

    In alerts it's often a crucial time-buying tactic (assuming your squad is coordinating with other leaders). In a LOT of cases, reinforcements are a very limited resource b/c so few players join outfits to begin with. It's no surprise that most players just look for the biggest farm they can find on a continent. (that's obviously why SOE is pinning so much hope and effort and player-control on this mission system they're adding). But when you're actually working with players who are open to coordinating through a Queue of tasks, you need that extra minute a lot of times for them to finish up their current base capture. And also because the enemy leadership often schedules out all their captures down to an even finer tolerance. (especially the damned Connery and Matherson Vanu .... those guys take efficiency waaay too seriously sometimes). We have Alerts all the time on Connery where even a 30 seconds delay makes that final Amp station or Tech plant impossible to-capture-in-time. And delaying an entire lane-drive by several minutes can allow your whole faction to effectively ignore the threat of that lane being driven entirely -- My engie loadout has a Darklight on a shotgun just to deal with the guys trying to do it to us. If I could mount one on my Mana Turret, I'd buy that as well --
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  16. maudibe

    The way to fix that is easy. You team flipped the base so unless they brought a sundy one kill and they are gone. Plant a bunch of Proxy mines around the A point area and watch what happens, the best part is you DONT EVEN HAVE TO BE THERE to defend it. I routinely get kills on the proxy mines. The LA's just fly up to the top of the A point and sit there and dont walk around the floor, so they often avoid the proxy mines but the cloakers dont. Of course as a cloaker i am constantly looking for mines and sometimes find the obvious ones and shoot them to avoid getting killed by them (still does damage to me however as the ange often makes it so i have to be somewhat close to hit them with the gun). Immediately after base flip i turn into claoker and fire off endless darts (resupply) from the spawn room at every building, tree, etc to find hidden enemys. OF course there are always teamates looking also and the darts just help identify LAs in trees, or cloakers. So its not hard to sweep the area.
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  17. DeadAlive99

    As someone who has always enjoyed cloaker infs in the games I've played, I at first really felt that it was OP to allow cloaked capping. But, the more I've experienced this situation, the less I feel that way.

    I think between the darklight, and simply expecting more than a single defender to handle the situation, it's balanced.

    One tip for new defenders who have just cleared out a base and are moving on, run a full sweep first. And I mean get several guys to sweep the whole base, with darts, darklights, motion sensors. So many times I have sat around cloaked, while the enemy team rolls out without doing a sweep. A sweep would get me, but they don't do it. There's your solution! :)
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  18. Midnightmare

    makes sense......not sure i would just take my entire squad and leave something i just captured......there is a thing called a counter attack after all.
  19. Monkeydmomo

    I'm sorry but have you ever heard of something referred as a strategy? Say their opponent was running a zerg, you, and they're trampling over all the lattice to reach a Tech plant for an alert and they have low pop at the moment. The best idea they can come up with to delay the zerg's conquest is by tediously back capping their abandoned base.
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  20. Monkeydmomo

    Have you ever watched the planetside 2 trailer before? The one with the New Conglomerate light assault referred to as "Chief"? If not I'd advise you watch it because it subtly promotes an individual at a random point placing a spawn beacon by literally blasting his way through Terran Republic forces, boarding galaxies, and then crash landing into a RANDOM facility and placing a spawn beacon for his eleven other guys to deploy.

    My point? Working as intended.
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