No one, or at least the mass majority likes the new death spot indicator...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. LT_Latency

    It fine, Seriously How many times do you die and not know what direction the the enemy fire came from???

    Almost never.

    Then how many times will you respawn and get back to that spot fast enough for the information you had to make a difference??

    The is only effects people who camp in one spot and don't ever move and are very very very close to the spawn.
  2. ComradeHavoc

    This effects stealth game play in general. You seem to selectively forget that there's a magical thing called outfits, and that they are in communications with each other, most likely through teamspeak. ALSO when your playing one shot one kill with a BASR, they won't know what direction your coming from. This update craps all over players who sneak into enemy territory either playing stalker cloak or spending a hour or so trying to find a good vantage point to pick off enemies. I recount so many times when a single sniper undetected would help turn the tide for us, picking off medics, and engineers when they are repairing a tank/max.
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  3. Zeblasky

    Bump, because I'm actually completely stopped playing right from the killmap update in hope of this feature COMPLETE reversal. Devs, plz, don't Force this on us, if you know what I mean.
  4. Fenrisk

    I don't believe this update was designed to help noobs. It was just designed to reduce experience/cert gain by making it impossible to get multiple kill streaks through stealth and tactical vantage point gameplay without being detected and killed.

    This goes hand in hand with the reduced assist experience. They want us all grinding experience in zergs all fighting over SCRAPS rather then using any tactics that might increase our exp gain or get us solo kills. They want us all shooting the same targets and getting a low xp pay out.
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  5. ComradeHavoc

    El bumpo de forum o
  6. LT_Latency

    Except people get huge bonuses for killing a player who has killed a few people
  7. LT_Latency

    So what, How do you not know what direction someone is in after the first bullet hits you??? If I get hit I am spinning around and shooting back before I even die. After you have played the game for a while this should be second nature to anyone except some one very very very bad or very very new

    Why should the BAR be excluded from the same problems as every other gun?? And the bar is my second most used gun in the game.
  8. Fenrisk

    Except they won't as after one kill that player has already given away his position to that enemy and anyone he's on voice coms too. Within a second of dying they can say "sniper on the ridge to the south" rather then not knowing if they were killed by the the enemies they had engaged in front of them or a sniper 200m away in the other direction.

    So no more kill streaks for stealth game play and no more high threat kills on stealth players as they won't rack up a massive streak unless the respawning enemy and his buddy's choose to ignore him.
  9. LT_Latency

    You really can't get kill streaks anymore??
  10. HereticKannon

    I like the new death screen, kill cam or whatever you like to call it included. Anything that keeps people from hiding in a corner and shooting people in the back until they run out of ammo is a plus in my book. If you're staying the least bit mobile then who cares if they know where you were when you killed them?

    I may not be happy with everything they pulled out with this patch but the new death screen is a big plus for me.
  11. Fenrisk

    If they are going to start dumbing down game-play to appeal to noobs' and remove tactics what's coming next? Auto aim mods for certain guns? a disruption field in certain bases that unstealth's enemy infiltrators? quick time events to prevent infiltrators stabbing you in the back?

    Sure sounds like the path they are heading down if they are going to reward players for dying :rolleyes:
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  12. JudgeNu

    I didn't want this feature when I heard of it.
    Now that it is live, I have not seen any major impact to my game.
    I snipe all day everyday.
    Y'all are over-reacting to say the least.
    I really think it is a terrible idea ,as new players will not even be able to use the killmap the way you think.
    You really have to stop and look at it carefully and then determine direction you were facing and the area etc, most will just carry on, you know, ADHD.

    Its nothing compared to killcams where it shows you your killer camping in their spot, an actual shot, like a selfie!....
    Enough already.
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  13. Torok

    I don't think I ever watched at the death screen map even once, hell when it appears i'm there smashing spacebar trying to skip it asap, atleast with the old screen I could press ESC to skip it :(

    I say you guys Deal with it :D
  14. ComradeHavoc

    All hail consol kiddies
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  15. OldMaster80

    Impunity? So in your opinion those who manage to find a good spot to flank the enemy should be punished?
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  16. TheBTron

    The kill cam needs to go, it removed stealth and tactics. The feature was already removed in tech test not sure why they would want to bring it back, it only to dum down the game!
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  17. MostlyClueless

    I'm not sure "Getting to kill people" is a punishment. This only happens if you kill people. You flanking got you those kills. It just (slightly) discourages camping.
  18. OldMaster80

    I believe many over-reacted to the new killcam but still it remains a completely stupid implementation.
    Just imagine: you play LA, use your jetpack to outmaneuver the enemy, manage to sneak on a rooftop without being seen, cover your assault with a smoke granade, you have the proper camo and a silenced carbine and... the first time you manage to kill someone your position is automatically communicated to the enemy team?!?! What's the point in flanking then?! o_O

    The cam should only be for BR 1-15, then it should disappear. And silencers should widen the cone from 15° to 30° at least.
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  19. Afrodude4

    Okay, I don't even care how this has ****** my gameplay over on multiple occasions, (not just my infiltrator, mind you) what's really the absolute issue here is SOE BLATANTLY ignoring feedback and suggestions from people. I don't really care that I can't snipe as effectively as before, I don't care that my location is more or less compromised even if I haven't been spotted, but this blatant disregard for feedback, whether constructive or outright negative is horrendous.
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  20. MostlyClueless

    That happened before, hitmarkers and tracers will give you away even if you do use a Silencer. It also isn't 'automatically' communicated to the enemy team. If the guy you killed yells "He's somewhere over to the North" then... well actually probably nobody will pay attention to them unless they're an outfit member, in which case they were going to zero in on you anyway.