Scheduled Maintenance March 13th 6 AM

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. NBnator

    I really think you should have kept the update for one more week on PTS. We have a lot more content, like Amerish and the Infiltrator tools, so there won't be any content starving too fast. (Atleast not for an additional week). Either that or communicate that the update that reached PTS just some days ago has been polished in an internal build, but even then I find it hard to argue for letting stuff go live so prematurely.

    Additionally it is not "Scheduled Maintenance" if it appears just hours before the update hits live. I was checking the Forums 10 hours ago and the notes weren't there. Having atleast 24 hours would be a good start.
  2. cc2001

    Nope not ok with that. My point is given the type of vehicle and the areas it has problems you're not going to get a valid test on the test server. If it becomes horribly OP I hope they fix it without over-nerfing it.

    Still can't even get TR and particularly NC tankers to admit though that their tanks are outperforming as an AA platform against what is supposed to be their intended predator.
  3. pascalli

    Can we PLEASE post this stuff sooner! It's my day off and I checked the forums last night around 1am Eastern, no news of servers being down so I plan my day off to get up early and get some PS2 time in before the better half makes me go do stuff. Getting up all excited just to find the servers down wrecked my day. :(

    I understand it and I'm all for updates but 8 hours of notice would be nice.
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  4. Nayrx

    or PS1 BFRs

    or PS1 battle islands

    or PS1 core combat

    Thank you SoE for killing stalker cloak, Crossbow,Sniping, and flanking as a light assualt for me. Like really thank you. You have now made suppressors pretty much USELESS on snipers. It is now pretty much as useless as a pre-buff flashlight.
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  6. Regpuppy

    I'm not a huge fan of it either, but I'm not going to give into doom and gloom or paranoia yet. :p
  7. Winfield

    Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's me cancelling my subscription, thanks but no thanks.
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  8. Timairborne

    for real, more scrubs spamming lock ons and burster max(imumop)'s
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  9. Bnuldun

    I can't say I know what you're talking about there. I never played PlanetSide 1. I never even knew it existed until last year.
  10. Autorelic

    The portion of tanks that can reliably strike Libs like that are small. I do it a lot on my AP Lightning, yet the amount of actual kills are small. A Vanguard slapping my hull with AP does a lot of damage, but I'm still in the fight. I don't think adding a resistance to it is helpful in the slightest. I'm betting it encourages more tankbuster runs right up the noses of tanks. lol
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  11. MossesVS

    i reported you for being a ******
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  12. Aruna321

    If they don't know where you killed them from why the hell should they be rewarded with your position postmortem?!
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  13. DieHard2Live3


    I saw the mockup. It looks okay, but the killmap pretty much makes flanking/stealth/sniping almost totally useless.

    Add that to the Lib buff, and this doesn't seem to be a very good update.

    I hope the 64-bit patch and other future patches can make up for this.

    Until then, I'm gonna have to fight head-on and ignore flanking until the guys at SOE know how to make the suppressor worth the 100 certs it costs. And if you guys do some changes to the deathscreen to make it more infil-friendly, I will seriously consider a membership.
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  14. Nayrx

    BFRs giant mech warrior like robots that could fly
    Battle islands they took a continent and cut it into 4 small islands with vehicle and weapon restrictions
    Core combat was the expansion that was subterranean caves made of crystals with zip lines designed to disorient you with buildings on the ceiling. Looked like supermans fortress of solitude.
  15. Alzir

    This "killcam" thing is being overstated by many players here. 9 times out of 10 you already know where your killer was but 99% of the time you at least know the direction they shot you from thanks the the hit indicator on your Hud. Showing this on the minimap on a death screen is a very small change to make.
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  16. pascalli

    Wait, WHAT?! The following statement should be in bold and red letters in the OP. It's kind of a game changer.

    Death Screen Revamp
    • A minimap displaying the killer’s relative position to yours.
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  17. Gadamlu

    read after your orange highlight. in the case of not being spotted, they get a semi randomised 15. cone pointing towards the player that killed you. adding this to a simple check of what weapon they are running should give you an idea of exactly where they are.

    pistol inf? oh, he's got stalker cloak and is right over there. free certs!

    bolt action/battle rifle/engie AV turret? oh, he is over on that ridge/tower behind us! time to pull a sniper and dome that mofo.

    see where this is going mate? say goodbie to stealth.

    and SOE? say good bie to many paying costumers too.
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  18. Ximaster

    How long the maintenance?
  19. Robertooooo

    Yes. My position.
    My guess is that new players will still have the same problem even with the killcam (or whatever it is) but experienced players will have it easier cause they can use that info to some real effect.
  20. RaZz0R

    Seriously - Why do you think a MBT should be able to take out a bomber aircraft?

    They shouldn't be able to - not in the short time they can before this patch.
    Trying to fly low to avoid flak and bang! friggen AP shell hits ya! Not cool when I had certed FULL comp armour. Thats a lot of certs and it should deflect damage from AP \ HE \ Heat rounds.
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