
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frenk, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Revanmug

    Except that the only remotly close weapon to the TRAP is the SABR and that's a AR. No other weapon is even close, even less Infiltrator weapon.

    It doesn't replace any of your Bolt action. It does replace every semi and scout rifle though.
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  2. Vaphell

    numbers were pulled from my back, specifically made round for trivial mental arithmetic to show the principle. That said, after aggravating session with this garbage i went to VR to do some shooting and in my subjective perception Longshot hit dummies scattered around the base faster, at distances that make up for 95% of the encounters in the game.

    To use this gun you have to forget everything you know about how BASRs work in this game and it's hard if you got 4 auraxiums on them like me. It's crap in dynamic scenarios and under pressure, it's usable only against oblivious noobs, at extreme distances and from the safety of spawnroom.
    No pro sniper will use it, the delay kills drag-sniping technique.
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  3. TomaHawk

    In that case, I am boosting resources from now on and will only emerge from structures in my Lightning, Prowler, or Sundy. Good bye open infantry combat for me!
  4. HadesR

    Depends what distances you normally snipe at I guess .. I'm finding <230m it's Longshot > Railjack ..
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  5. Gav7x

    We warned you guys, SOE always listening to feedback, lovely company
  6. Planetdoge

    The other pros and cons of the Railjack and Longshot are debatable, but if we're just talking about bullet flight time (and therefore kill time), then what distance do you define as "extreme"? If the delay is 0.05 seconds (which feels plausible to me, but like I said I haven't measured the real delay), then the Railjack's bullet flight time is better than the Longshot's for all distances after ~140 m. It's funny to me that the longer the distance, the more of an advantage the Railjack has over the Longshot, since the Longshot is called...well, the Longshot.

    True... I might find myself switching back to my precious Bolt Driver from time to time, huehuehue. I do like the ability to snipe from longer distances, though. For one, you're harder to detect, especially with the Railjack's low noise. Plus, it's harder for enemy infiltrators to countersnipe you when they do see you, because they don't have the Railjack. lol
  7. Nyerk

    Did anyone else noticed the big flash this thing does when firing?

  8. AltF4Fun

    I expected way more tears. Kind of surprised that most of them come from the wrong side, the NC and not TR+VS.Oh SOE,you never fail to amuse me.
  9. Nephera

    sounds like it functions like MWO's gauss rifle, with a firing delay nobody wanted in that game either.

    edit: with a considerably more functional lower velocity/damage alternative too(Ppcs).
  10. Phaze

    RJ is pretty disappointing on Live.

    Another thing to Auraxium. Not the rifle you'd use if you were trying your hardest to "win."

    Glad I didn't spend $$$ on it.
  11. ComradeHavoc

    My 2 certs:
    VS tears removed the shotgun alt
    and turned it into a slightly better longshot.
    Get this through, on PTS 300m comparing both the long shot and the railjack, I did not need to compensate for bullet drop, they were ******* clones. Now get this through your head, the longshot needs less of a leading shot due to the railjack have a delayed shot. Now ffs understand this, the bloody ESSRs just came out, so of course the infultraiters are going to mostly use them. I for one already have a longshot and I'm going to stick with it.
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  12. Revanmug

    Fire delay is much more than that.

    I just did a small test. No real clue how to test it so I went to face a wall (1m distance) on esamir and record myself hip firing. The time between the start of the muzzle flash animation and the bullet hiting the wall was around .20 sec.

    To give perpective, I couldn't find a frame without the muzzle flash and the bullet hole while using a Longshot.
  13. SnipersUnion

    Your being killed by it because it came out today and anyone with a half decent shot is trying it out, the same with all factions and rifles.

    Forumside decided this weapon was OP before it left the PTS. A quick trip to the infiltrator sub-forum or a convo with a few NC snipers will show you that a lot of people actually consider it somewhat 'broken'. I've already heard people refer to it as the 'lag rifle' because of the delay in the shot actually being fired (which feels like lag).

    My opinion on the gun in its current state is just meh, I still prefer a longshot as the difference in damage is irrelevant with headshots and velocity is minimal enough within 300m which is infantry render distance to cater for - Plus a quicker re-chamber. I was hoping this rifles would be a little more unique, as the TR and VS versions do at least do the job a little differently.

    You counter it the same way you counter any sniper. There is no unique trick to this gun. (which is kinda the problem with it) If you are having trouble with snipers you can try counter sniping, (as in sniping them back) but if you don't like that or feel outclassed by the other sniper just close the gap. Move from cover to cover and never run in a straight line. A lot of snipers take out at least a 10x scope because they want zoom and as soon as you are in closer range their best bet of getting any hits (besides a 360yolonoscopeswagshot) on you is to switch to a secondary, giving you a huge edge. avoid any darts, watch out for proximity mines on approach and if you can try to get behind them for a kill without even trying. Or pull any vehicle. Not hard.

    If you keep getting shot then consider the sniper has some skill, or if you become suspicious check your killfeed and his to see if he is aimbotting. they are easy to spot and should all be burned in a big fire as soon as possible.
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  14. gnometheft

    it's just a worse longshot since the devs stealth nerfed it from pts to live with the delay. A longshot will hit a target faster at most ranges, and they have the same drop, what was the point of velocity again?

    Its even harder to hit moving targets with this than a longshot, and it fires slower and has no straight pull bolt.

    Yesterday on pts I was very excited. Now with the delay i'm extremely dissapointed.
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  15. Odin

    please please give us the trap the tr don't like, that is ****** awesome and take back the "railcrap" or give it to them.
    With the added firing delay it is not even as good as the longshot that's been around forever bwhahahha
  16. Epicstrat

    You missed a great chance to call it the "Failjack"
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  17. Nyerk

  18. Epicstrat

    Hmmm AF-8 Railjack = Awful F***ing Failcrap?
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  19. Odin

    failjack I like it, gg
  20. LordCreepy

    So it got a delay -big deal so did the old saron..

    I still don't get why you have to lead your target if the weapon has an delay tough --> just keep your sights centered on your target, bullet fires after delay and will hit most likely given the 850m/s traverse speed