[Suggestion] The Ultimate Thread Dedicated to Refurbishing TR as a Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EliteEskimo, May 3, 2013.

  1. Metalsheep

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  2. Elahhez

    While i lost count on the number of TR heavies i killed while they were maintaining lock to empty a striker clip.

    You overestimate the lancer, which sort of have the same problem, it takes ages to charge to full damage, giving any target armor plenty of time to get out of harms way with no danger of losing their vehicle. Making it rather useless unless you have a handful of people using it, in which case, any anti vehicle weapon would have the same effect. I'd trade it for the phoenix in a heartbeat.
  3. Huskeh

    Remove the narrator line "There's no quit in a TR soldier." because, as it turns out, there's quite a lot of quit in the TR.
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  4. Zorro

    Actually, I would dare say it is a bit overpowered, at least in comparison with the other rocket launchers. The lancer can hit vehicles out to render range, and although an organized group may not be able to stop a large vehicle zerg, they can severely weaken it with their own risk being only from aircraft (even these are destroyed quickly). Even at closer ranges the Phoenix is not as effective as the Lancer, unless one is shooting around cover. It is not as bad as the AV MANA turret, but it is definitely an issue.

    Keep in mind the Lancer can shoot uncharged shots and be able to kill damaged targets. If one is talking about individuals only, then a single heavy assault with a Striker or Phoenix is definitely more powerful than one with a Lancer, if he is within 300m of the target.
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  5. TheReaperKing82

    That's not a bad idea, then every faction would have their niche. Although I would like to see the no bullet drop on weapons where it actually matters on (like sniper rifles and maybe even the magrider which has the most bullet drop of any MBT). All the factions should not just seem different but be different and actually emphasize their faction traits.
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  6. EliteEskimo

    This has absolutely nothing to deal with the refurbishment of the TR, and this is not the thread to be debating about the effectiveness of a Vanu ESRL. It can kill a tank beyond render range, it gives the target no warning the the impending projectile, and it is the most devastating ESRL atm in my opinion. If you wish to say something to benefit the TR visually or make us more fun than this is the thread for you, if that is not the case this is not the thread for you.

    Please add something constructive that will benefit the TR, we need ideas to improve the TR not insults. If you can't get past the idea of people getting bored of a faction which basically has NS weapons with more bullets but more horizontal recoil I don't know what to tell you. There are so many areas the TR need a revamp and what is unfortunate is after the many months I posted this thread a massive amount of it is still accurate.
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  7. WyrdHarper

    Really? Go troll somewhere else. This thread is just as relevant--if not moreso now--as it was at its inception.
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  8. Longasc

    Given how much I like the TR Carbines, the Mosquito's speed and the magazine size and ROF in general... this whole thread was started under an utterly rubbish premise that the TR has nothing going for it and sucks, which simply isn't the case.
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  9. EliteEskimo

    So the TR carbines make up for the lack luster LMG's for use at medium to long range? The mosquito's speed makes up for the low skill cap weapons due to side to side horizontal recoil our weapons have? The few extra bullets in our magazines makes up for the tank and max abilities which don't mesh with the vehicle well/ aren't fun?The ROF trait (which isn't even solely TR if you look at the Vanu weapons) makes up for the Striker being a lock on launcher which adds no new flavor to the faction?:rolleyes:

    Continuing on...The Vulcan doesn't mesh with the Prowler or the Prowler's ability, The Marauder doesn't mesh the Prowlers special ability, and the weapons looking really similar and sounding bad isn't relevant? It would be nice if people would read the first post in the thread, which doesn't say answer the TR have nothing going for it. (Seriously put your money where your mouth is and quote me saying in this thread the TR have nothing going for us). The thread was made to say the TR aren't following the lore very well, are generally boring as a faction, have some weapons that are balanced the wrong with with horizontal recoil which can't be compensated for, and we have vehicles weapons which don't mesh with the vehicles they are used with.
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  10. RogueVindicare

    So what kind of ideas do you really have to fix things like the Vulcan and the Marauder?

    I know we talked about reducing the Vulcan's bullet damage and then giving it a high multiplier against vehicle armor to keep its effectiveness against infantry to a minimum (but not useless). But I had another idea recently.

    Something like a 5-barreled, burst fire Fracture. Say, with a clip of 30 rounds and fires in bursts of 5. Give the gun a tiny bit of bloom per shot to reduce effectiveness against infantry at anything except close range. But make sure the bloom recovery is quick enough that it is completely recovered after each burst.

    I also think the Marauder would be better if it was more of a micro-grenade machine gun. Double the clip size to 20 default, increase RoF and launch velocity, but reduce damage per projectile and blast radius. It would basically become a super heavy Banshee that shoots grenades.

    What do you think?
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  11. lyravega

    Everything TR gets is basically a NS copy/paste with TR flavour, which is higher ROF, more COF, bigger magazines, and lower damage. Think about it. Think about Striker and Annihilator. Or, Vulcan and Basilisk. And on the roadmap, they've stated that they intend to give TR a Zepher-Variant liberator belly gun on liberator update, which exactly has the TR flavour stated above.

    Why don't we get a minigun instead? Check the first link in my signature for an example. Back to the topic, TR could use miniguns with spool-up feature (which is missing from Vulcan or mini-chaingun), and a heat mechanic. These miniguns could have no magazine (not the mini-chaingun, but Vulcan and my suggestion for the liberator belly gun - aka vehicle miniguns), and the heat could be the balancing factor. The miniguns will still hold ammo, but there won't be a need to reload, only to wait for the weapon to cooldown if critical heat is reached (just like Phalanx base turrets). If you think about it, what a magazine does is, stopping the user from firing its weapon for a short period of time. Heat would do the same, so I think it can be balanced very well.

    And it could have a key-binding to keep the weapon spooled up, at a minimal heat cost. And these miniguns will not fire until they are spooled up fully, which could take 1-2 seconds (only the vehicle miniguns though). When they start firing, they spray a little area (by little, I mean Basilisk size area / COF, not Vulcan size area) with high-velocity bullets having very, very low damage, and at an insane ROF. COF is not too big to make it useful in range aswell, where the damage fall-off is the balancing factor.

    Imagine a new Vulcan with the stated stuff above. It would be not only viable in close range, but at medium/long ranges aswell, maybe can even compete with Saron (Enforcer is always greater at long range, I intentionally said Saron as I think the theoretical DPS of this minigun should compete with Saron, not Enforcer). And it'd have some unique features, while doing it "conventionally".

    The old TR traits for empire specific stuff (flavour) needs to go. Instead of these;
    -Higher ROF
    -Bigger COF
    -Bigger Magazines
    -Lower Damage (per projectile)

    I suggest these;
    -Insane ROF (RPM) that is unmatched
    -Smaller COF (thinking of Basilisk levels)
    -Very, very low damage (to balance the ROF)
    -Higher projectile velocity to make it useful in range as well (thinking of Saron levels in theoretical DPS at medium/long range)
    -No Magazines; uses ammo, but requires no reload
    -Heat mechanic (just like Phalanx base turrets); also there to balance the No Magazine feat
    -Spool-Up mechanic (and a key-binding to keep the weapon spooled up at minimal heat cost)
    -Vehicle weapons with this TR Minigun flavour may require to be fully spooled up before firing
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  12. AdmiralArcher

    why hasnt anyone done anything about the 42 pages of comments on this thread? isnt this what the devs are looking for? cant they realize that this is something that we want?
  13. Christo92K

    Amazing thread, why SOE didn't care about it?

    It's very well made, constructive and not even hard suggestions like fixed Prowler.

    Oh I forgot. Devs have an anti TR bias, they Favor VS (TRay) and NC (Higby)
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  14. Matixzun

    Yeah, Good job listening to feedback, devs. 42 pages of constructive feedback, and what do you do? Nothing.
    Maybe if it was made on reddit...
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  15. Irrelevant--

    This is what I want the most. TR needs an overhaul. We need to follow the faction traits and lore and become something fun to play instead of generic, vanilla, and an NS-downgrade.

    If for whatever reason the devs don't care, can't afford to, or lack manpower I would be 100% in support of a Kickstarter campaign or something and would have NO PROBLEM AT ALL donating $50 or whatever to see this happen.
  16. EliteEskimo

    The TR 30 RAMM actually sounds similar to the Gatling Gun rocket launcher launcher I have in Part 2 of my Ultimate TR refurbishment Thread (The one currently in my signature). Feast your eyes on this beautiful work of art.:cool:


    As for the T2000 chain gun you'll hear basically nothing but praise from me for Gatling gun ideas that aren't a joke to fire like the Vulcan currently is. The only problem with an underslung Gatling gun, if that's what you mean by pure hipfire, is that according T-Ray they can't include it since it wouldn't shoot over railings and they didn't want to make a weapon to use strictly outside. Personally I think that's a load of crap, and I'm sure the TR would be willing to take an under slung Gatling gun that's mostly used for outdoors. The players love more options even if they are situational and fill a certain niche. However it's just another example of SOE loosing out on money because they think they know what's best instead of making what the customer wants.

    On a side note Shadowomega you should focus a little more on Empire specific weapons, not that your NS weapons are bad, but perhaps continue coming up with more cool/interesting and creative ideas for the TR that introduce more cool mechanics or just fun to fire. Feel free to post your ideas for the TR in both this thread and Part 2 in my signature. The TR need refurbishment more than ever before so having these threads up for the developers to see is important. It's also nice to have players from other factions come up with ideas with the TR. Keep up the good work:D
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  17. Ebonlock

    *brushes dust off goggles*

    Huh, totally forgot about this thread. SOE needs to get on this.
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  18. GhostAvatar

    Semi-auto sniper rifles already have no drop or did you mean bolt action. For bolt action it might be a bit of a balance issue due to the high velocity of the rounds (it would be the closet this game would have to a hitscan weapon). As for the Magrider, I don't see a major issue with that, since it has the slowest velocity of the three. At the very least it should have the lowest bullet drop if they are concerned about balance (or I am sure they could balance it with something else).
  19. Shadowomega

    The RAMM was based on RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile ; Just designed for shoulder use.

    As for the Hip slunged weapons I really think SOE should reconsider their stance on it as there are alot of options for ADSing.
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  20. EliteEskimo

    Well ideas to fix the Vulcan would consist of changing into something similar I posted in the first post. I would make it have very low DPS per bullet, as low as even 1 damage per bullet even, but give it a very high AV resist % type modifiers so that it could be made accurate to use against other tanks in the 200-300 meter range. At the same time without the AV modifers it wouldn't matter how accurate it was because of it's overall low damage against infantry and the fact that the infantry would have to stay still for a pretty lenghy period of time and get hit with a ton of bullets for it to kill them. That way we could increase the RPM to 1000, which is around the Max RPM the game can handle, heavily tighten the COF, increase projectile velocity somewhat, and give it damage drop off to keep it a medium range weapon. That way the Halberd will still be the short- render distance range AV/AI weapon, and the Vulcan will be the specialized AV weapon which can be used in tank fights all the way out to 200-300 meters.

    The Marauder already does less DPS overall than the fury I believe, but it's major downfall is it has really horrible projectile drop/velocity. If it is given much more projectile velocity so it's not just a short range AI weapon it will be decent to pull over the Halberd for AI purposes.