still online after 3 days of stat padding

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by janeTEXAS, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. janeTEXAS!/5428153774132619153/killboard

    So SOE didnt ban this guy yet, he is online for 3 days now and still stat padding. Game is full of stat padders that make 2000 certs a day and get away while legit players need to play hard, hackers everywhere that bypass hardware bans etc

    I feel bad for people that support the game with a subscription or buying boosts. :(

    SOE is more worried on doing fancy posts about philosophy on reddit. And some still eat that and get emotional lol
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  2. FieldMarshall

    Omg he is on my server and i never noticed. I want to find him and kill him so badly =D

    By the way, the real padder is the medic doing the reviving. This guy only get spawn kills for little xp.

    Edit: Yay, Extreme menace kill. Here is the Medic reviving with 700SPM... Seems legit!/5428161003960368289/classes
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  3. Latrodectus

    Two things:

    First of all, who cares? These people literally hurt no one, I seriously couldn't care less if there is some guy off in a corner shooting another guy constantly while a medic rezzes him. Stats like KDR in this game mean nothing, they have always meant nothing.

    Secondly, these people are NOT making bank on certs any faster than average players. If you look at most of the above-average players, their score-per-minute is 500+.

    Yes, what they are doing is lame, but there are soooo many things that should take priority over dealing with these idiots.
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  4. FieldMarshall

    Give everyone unlimited certs. Its not hurting anybody
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  5. Ac3s

    Other things (such as cheaters killing everything they encounter) are a real nuisance and need to be fixed first, because those people actually impact the gameplay of other people.
    These stat padders are the least of my concerns.
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  6. Guppet

    Exactly why should he be banned? What rule is he breaking? If he was hacking, then ban him, but stat padding is not against any rules.

    Your just jealous that he can do it. If takes 3 people with a bit if coordination and discapline to do what they are doing and one of em is getting nothing out if it.

    I would much rather the devs ban the hackers.
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  7. M2_Bradley

    Who gives a flying hoot about these idiots who have no skill to get kills the fair way?I could care less about one no-life in the corner of the map that's farming certs.
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  8. ViXeN

    Don't even worry about him, focus on getting certs yourself and having fun. People are going to stat pad, its the way gamers are ever since games started tracking stats and adding achievements. They want to try to look better than they actually are... :rolleyes: And in this case, to get easy certs.

    But you shouldn't let that affect your own enjoyment of the game. I refuse to cert farm (at least not in a cheap way) or stat-pad and I'm loving my experiences on PS2 so far.
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  9. Goretzu

    BOTing like this is a much lesser evil than in say a MMORPG, certainly........ but still anyone doing this should be banned.

    If they don't ban them, then quickly enough there'll be 1000 of them on every server doing it.

    BOTing in WoW got so bad a one point it was difficult to find a non-BOT (i.e. real player) in many zone.
  10. Borusa

    SOE should care. If you can get away with things like that, it might just become more popular. Why would I spend 700 SC to unlock a gun, when I can leave a script running overnight to kill my alt? Because I can't imagine they're doing this manually.

    About the score per minute, I'm fairly sure his 326 SPM is without any sort of boosts. The above-average players with 500+ SPM will most likely will have membership and/or boost. Furthermore I'm also pretty sure not many of those above-average players play 24 hours a day.

    While the KDR doesn't really matter, it still does bend the statistics for the AI turret/med tool/whatnot. Probably nothing major on the long run, but I guess it was worth mentioning.

    That being said, I agree they're the least harmful cheaters. On the other hand they don't deal much faster with blatant aimbotters either, so yeah...
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  11. janeTEXAS

    stat padding is against the rules. He is gaining certs with no skill, not even wasting money on boosts or subscription. Like i said i feel bad for people that support the game with boosts and subscription to get certs.
  12. Crator

    Another thing to consider is perhaps these people are getting certs the free way and then turning around and selling the character for real money. Just a thought.
  13. ViXeN

    If I need to tell you why then you probably won't understand anyway.

    Yeah, there are a lot of people out there who would take the path of least resistance in that situation but there are also lot who wouldn't do it. I'm one of them. I'd rather earn my certs and kills.
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  14. DurandaI

    If you think he is hacking/botting/bootsing, just report him ingame, reporting players on the forums is against the terms of service and you yourself could get in trouble for it, also just keep TKing him he will have to log in at some point to get back to botting
  15. MadKat

    Hah, this is pretty funny. :D
  16. Guppet

    You know he has no subscription or boosts how? Oh right you don't. Your just making assumptions and using it as fact.

    Also what is happening presumably takes 3 players not 1. One to kill (this guy), one to get killed and one to rez. So it's potentially a 3 man effort and any if them could have subs or boosts.

    Stat padding is not against any rule. Half of what people do in game boils down to stat padding. I'm not saying I agree with what they are doing, just that SOE can't do jack about it and not sure they would want to, if any if them pay.
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  17. Greenmachine

    Yes it is against the rules
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  18. DrunkenDoughnuts

    Luperza from another thread...
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  19. Borusa

    Character created 3 days ago, 53 hours played.
    ~1 million score, 12k kills, if you manage to divide the two numbers you'll see it's about 80 score per kill (probably includes some spawn killing by mistake). It's pretty much obvious he doesn't have any boost and it's just a script running.
    Unless you actually believe that there's one player actually sitting and shooting with turret, an other resurrecting the victim and the third is just dying. In that case you are REALLY naive. And I was expressing myself in a very nice way.

    Edit: The numbers are a bit off due to the ribbons, so it ends up being more like 55-60 score per kill, as far as I am aware. But still very unlikely you'd get subscription or buy boosts for an account you're going to bot with.
  20. Axehilt

    I want to say, "He died to a Flash Renegade, your argument is invalid."

    But I feel that might cheapen the potentially legitimate concern here.

    Also, for players you think are cheating please don't give them additional infamy in the forums (that's part of why some players cheat.) Instead privately report them, and at most use /region (not /yell) ingame to get more of your teammates to watch for their questionable behavior and report them.