How bad is the subtle hacking in this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dunkman, Dec 27, 2013.

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  1. Simferion

    You are implying that subtle cheats mean small effects. It's a wrong assumptions:
    I could be the most fast clicker and super accurate shooter of the world, but I could have a poor situational awareness or not at all. So an ESP/Radar cheat could increase exponentially my skills.

    Or I could be a mediocre shooter and receive a big boost by a CoF reduction and an occasional aimkey.
  2. Sordid

    How exactly would you do it, then? Because I can't think of any such system that could be built today that would not be either trivial to circumvent or prohibitively expensive.
  3. CaptHaddock

    I do not suck at the game and I think it's more than 1% - and by 1% I'm ignoring the bulk of brand new players of sub 10 BR. If you evaluate active population, those that play multiple times per week, I would say the count is more than 1%. I truly think subtle hacks are used by people that have invested significant amounts of time - the casual hacker that is new runs the obvious hacks and are gone 24 hours later.
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  4. JasonVoorhees

    You know those BR 100 players that have all the goodies from the shop and own you every time you face them and have uncanny aim? You know the type they know where you are all the time and have flawless aim, yet they have been playing forever and are BR 90-100?

    The type that owns you every time and even though you are not new and play the game months they own you like your a newbie sucker every time. :)

    How many of THOSE PLAYERS you think are using "Subtle" hacks like detune aimbot, no cof, no recoil, or wallhacks.
  5. Ealhdun

    1. There is the possibility to instead of banning the hacker to send a viral package that overheats his graphics card and CPU and thus destroying them, this would quite quickly make it way to expensive for the hacker. (There is also the less illegal option of simply banning on GPU and CPU, you can buy new ones but it gets expensive after a while)

    2. A lot of nations have a method to identify people online by either a digital identity card, social security number, etc and requiring such identification to make an account would limit people to one account unless they are willing to commit a real crime with all the consequences that entails. For example the Belgian identity card is used in such a method for certain chat rooms intended for children to prevent pedophiles from being able to enter them.

    3. If a nation lacks a solid method mentioned in point 2. Require people to purchase a digipass (optional code generator a lot of online games offer) that is only delivered by mail. If person is banned the generator will be canceled out and no new one will be send. It is less fool proof but it does limit the number of times.

    Just for the record none of these options are desireable.
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  6. Pie Chasm

    Nothing is subtle about the guys shooting out of rocks, or teleporting libs.

    So.. really, it's not bad at all.
  7. Locke

    I honestly think the percentage is very low. I'm sure there are some but I have only run across a few that I thought were consistently suspiciously fast at finding targets so they may have been using a hack. Normally all in the same outfit. There are just some very good players out there and although it's frustrating you just need to accept it sometimes. 0.5-1.5% of players sounds about right to me.
  8. PLooschacK

    Just as many other players, I'm playing PS2 since beta and for few months I have not reported anyone for hacking. Yeah, I fell a victim of some incredible shots since then, but nothing I couldn't do or that would be unimaginable even for players with higher skill.
  9. ChuckNorrisBeard

    I am about to get flamed hard.

    I think it's high.

    Maybe 60-70%.

    My reasoning is I have been decent in other games and played FPS for awhile, but something is just off about PS2.

    In this game I notice there are a lot of cheap cheat sites (some 5 bucks lol) and no anti cheat enforcement by SOE. So we have easy to get cheats and no consequences for using them. The game being F2P exacerbates the situation.

    I have played months and I notice a large percentage of players have flawless aim in this game. They also have flawless tactics and know where I am a lot for no good reason. Best players ever. Crazy aim, crazy awareness, master tacticians.

    So since I think so many cheat do I also think all the PS2 players are eviI and dishonest people? Not really.

    I kind of think most people get the game with the intention of being honest. Play awhile, get owned over and over by cheaters, then they see they have horrible KDR and are not having fun. Getting destroyed by cheaters is not fun, who likes that?

    They finally come to the conclusion most are cheating and go to the cheap cheat sites knowing there are NO consequences for cheating in this game. Then they start to cheat.

    It is "keeping up with the Joneses", it is rational thinking actually..if you can't beat em join em! It is human nature. Who can blame someone for that? Nobody likes getting owned by cheaters, you HAVE to level the playing field right?

    So get the cheats and use no recoil*cof and maybe sometimes use wallhacks. That way players feel they are not cheating too bad and obviously will not get in trouble or hurt others gameplay too much because everyone is cheating right?

    So a huge chunk of the player base I firmly believe is doing that.

    I actually think the low BR players are honest and not cheating (they do not know any better). You will have a few who make throwaway accounts and use obvious cheats. Now, I think the higher BR players who have a name for themselves and are MLG well they surely are the ones using "game enchancing" software.

    Now I am sure there are a few freakishly good players but only a very very few. It is a bell curve. Most players should be average (but yet are NOT).

    What if I am wrong? What if most players are not cheating?

    Then PS2 players have the best aim and skill level of any online game I have played in the last 20 years.
  10. anchorman

    I've never reported anyone for hacking , because with the hit detection in this game and the difference in internet speed. Both do a good job of hiding any subtle hack most people could use . You could say this is the perfect game to use subtle cheats because most won't report you unless they have absolute proof and with most of the staff off for holidays now would be a good time to get away with more than you normally would . I have never cheated because it takes away from the fun of the game but some people have to be the best even if its bs. I would say with all the hacks out their for this game the percentage is higher than you think.
  11. soeguud

    You've taken out 440,000 unique players?
  12. Radeonman-K

    I can honestly say that I have only seen a few in the year that I've played. Those, of course, were obvious and seem to have all but vanished.

    If you died to "subtle" or "tuned down" (those are new terms to me) aimbots, it would be the same as dying to a good twitch player or a lucky shot. And it may be safe to say that someone has accused just about anything reading this of "hacking." Between Client Side hit detection causing that last lucky bullet to register a hit even if you ducked, someone with headphones on max volume acting like their own sensor dart or simply someone out playing you it's easy to jump to the conclusion of hacking.

    Two cases in point: I got pretty good leading targets with VS slugs prior nerf. Took out someone running at maybe 75-100m, and got the "I'm reporting you" /tell for killing them with "buckshot." One person's ignorance of game mechanics causes them to throw the blame on someone else.

    Or, shooting down an ESF with a locked down prowler. The pilot spawned a Vortex MAX and attempted to ADAD strafe my prowler with out using cover. He subsequently blamed his death on my aimbot.

    Just because a shot is difficult doesn't mean it's impossible.
  13. MurderBunneh

    You are in way over your head and don't know what you are talking about.

    Aimbots exist they predict movement that is how they work. Any more questions?
  14. Goretzu

    You don't have to believe me, but that doesn't then make you right. :)

    I could just post a link to one of the many videos, but that isn't allowed (rightly), but it's hardly difficult to find yourself.

    There are blatent hacker accounts, but they rarely last long these days (usually no more than a few hours killing like that).

    The guys don't just hide under the ground they move up and down (and fly) at will.

    There are aimbots that turn off CoF and recoil, and there are also ones that predict drop (there was a video of a Liberator gunner using one of the latter to great effect a few months ago), as well as infinite ammo etc. (given how much is clientside, this likely isn't too hard).

    The ESP hack overlays the position of everyone on the battlefield.

    Aimbots in PS2 are pretty simple things compared to the genuine BOT software seen in WoW and such.

    SOE seem to have got a lot better at getting rid of them (or as some have said maybe there isn't the money in making PS2 hack software anymore) as there are a lot less these days, but they existed and exist, the last one I saw was 5 days ago on my faction and farming the enemy like there was no tomorrow (which undoubtely there wasn't for that account).
  15. FriendlierFire


    How bad are you at video games? Most people in PS2 have mediocre aim and run around only partially aware of their surroundings. Sometimes someone will end up behind you, sometimes you end up behind others. I have yet to run into anything close to "flawless aim" except occasionally at very close range, where it is perfectly reasonable a good player could put a burst onto your head.

    60-70% hacking, I can't believe how delusional people are about hacking. I assume they must be bad at the game, is it really that upsetting?
  16. Catch23

    you will "know" that someone is sitting in a rock when he stays in there while shooting. thats the blatant way doing it. just saw that yesterday on Miller, when a rock killed 7+ guys.
    But what if the guy only hides in there to reload or wait for enemies, then pop out and shoot you in the back? thats the "subtle" way of using this cheat and yes, you will never "know", only find that really suspicious. he can hide in there again and make you think he just logged out. again, you cannot "know".
    And if the guy is really smart, he will play infiltrator, than you won't even assume he was doing something weired.
    Blatant cheaters use HAs with 100 bullet LMGs, Subtle cheaters are...uhhmm...more subtle and make their cheats appear resulting from strategy? not so difficult IF you know the game. I do, others do to, on both sides.

    and you don't have to "know" in every individual case to make general assumptions. its a matter ob observation, in-game experience, knowledge of game mechanics and probabilities. common sense.

    thousands of people registering for PS2 cheats. 1 % would be a mere 150 Players, all servers combined.

    you don't have to "know" to have an opinion. It's about: would you bet your money on it? I would because I'm SURE (thats the Magic word not KNOW) that it's more than 1%, eventhough I can only "know" in blatant cases, which occur in maybe 1%
  17. Goretzu

    It's not the same at all, one is cheating, the other is skill or luck.

    However, yes, it is pretty much impossible for a players (and maybe even SOE) to determine one from the other, that doesn't make it right or not something to worry about though.
  18. FABIIK

    Technical limitations (latency, lag, clientside hit detection,...) are much more influential than hackers. When i die in a funny/strange/weird way I consider the game itself is to blame. Maybe I'm wrong but it's better for my sanity.

    As long as i'm getting better, i'm satisfied. I don't care if others are cheating or not.

    Oh and people, stop comparing yourselves to others.

    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” Ernest Hemingway
  19. Sordid

    Vituses can't really do that. Even if you could make a virus that would, say, overvolt the CPU or GPU and then stress it constantly, which is highly unlikely in the first place as it would have to basically be tailor-made for that specific machine, the computer would either shut down due to automatic overheating protection kicking in or just crash before any damage actually occurred.
    As for banning specific GPUs and CPUs, I'm pretty sure that could be circumvented rather easily. Kinda like the MAC address of a network adapter, which is supposed to be a unique identifier of a particular piece of hardware, but you can just edit a registry value in Windows and set it to whatever you want.

    People already sell cheating tools online, the only thing implementing such a system would result in would be the creation of a site where you can pay five bucks to one of thousands of random dudes from around the world to have him make a new account for you with his information. Because you just know there's plenty of people out there stupid enough to think that it's a good idea to sell their personal information online like that for a few bucks.

    No new one will be sent where? To the guy who ordered the last one that was banned? Ordering things to a different address than your own is trivial.

    You're right that these measures would be a lot more difficult and/or expensive to circumvent than what is actually used to ban people today, but it's still entirely possible to do. Which was my point. Not that it's easy to come back from a ban, just that it's always possible no matter what measures are used to enforce the ban. It's not going to be possible to identify a specific person online until we all have chips implanted in our brains. And even then, I'm sure people are going to hack those as well.
  20. HadesR

    Apart from one uses skill and the other uses artificial aids ... A bit like losing to Lance Armstrong would be the same as losing to a fitter cyclist .. While technically true it doesn't make it acceptable.
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