Recoil drift increase on .75 ADS speed guns is a bad change

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Gheeta

    The new recoil patterns are completely random and can not be compensated for, this means that all of the .75 modifier weapons will be completely useless since you can not go for headshots even at cqc ranges.

    Were these weapons over performing? Yes but this is not the right way to balance them.

    Instead of the current changes i would suggest increasing vertical recoil or/and increasing the damage degradation at range. This way good aiming is rewarded and range gets limited which was the intention of these changes in the first place.
  2. Hibiki54

    If you look on PTS, NC LMG hip-fire has been adjusted as per indicated along with a reload speed nerf for all LMGs across the board.
  3. Iridar51

    They're going about it the whole wrong way. All carbines should have 75% movespeed. Shotguns do, why not carbines? It's not as if they weigh a lot more.

    At least from LA point of view. Maybe engineers should have completely another weapon class instead of carbines.
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  4. Silver Fox

    But did they change the horizontal recoil patterns?
  5. CrashB111

    What I'm worried about is the increased reload times.

    TR weapons already reload slow as Christmas, am I going to have a Jaguar now the reloads as slow as the damn Carv?
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  6. Gheeta

    All weapons with .75 movement modifier now have completely random recoil pattern which essentially can not be compensated for. This means that all these weapons will become utterly useless.
  7. Silver Fox

    I understand that, but Kibiki was saying that the nerf applied to all NC LMGs, and I was asking if the random recoil was the nerf he was talking about.
  8. Mazdam

    NO WAY! this recoil is pure garbage, now TR will have the best LMG; tr9 carv.. the hipfire is awesome on it, and everything is good on it, except reload time, but u have 100bullets..
  9. Pruto

    I was always under the impression that there were multiple good guns in this game, many of them having no .75 ADS modifier. Again, correct me if I am wrong.

    The SVA might make it out alive, because it's always been an ADS focused gun and it has more attachments to deal with recoil. Something like the Orion was already not the best at mid range ADS, but good at CQC and hipfire. It will be pretty bad at both once this patch is done.

    The Lynx is already not that great at any mid range ADSing. It might as well be DOA against carbines like the GD7F, VX and Serpent past hipfire range, unless you use a foregrip. If you use a foregrip, then you lose to them in hipfire by default. What is created is a weapon that is unversatile and unsuited to LA duty. Jag will be "okay" though, and useable either with a grip or laser. Not as good as before, but okay.

    I wouldn't call that balance. Even while fighting the best TR players in ADS, it didn't feel like they had any unfair advantages. I always had the marginal DPS if it was Lynx vs. GD, or significant DPS if it was Jag vs. GD. Now it feels like it will be a no contest.

    And applying recoil dispersion to NS weapons just goes to show that SOE does not play their game at all. It is very obvious what these weapons give up, each are the lowest DPS guns in their category

    The NS-15M in particular is going to be absolutely worthless after this patch, and will fit right alongside other toothless LMGs like the Ursa. Not only is it already one of the lowest DPS guns in the game, but it's also getting it's native hip CoF nerfed and the same random recoil that .75 ADS weapons are getting.
  10. WaaWaa

    I'm not sure if I'm one of the few hardcore NC that doesn't want a VS/TR weapon nerf.

    I am against this proposed nerf. Really what I as an NC would like is an LMG that performs well at both ADS and hipfire and that doesn't go all over the place after 8 bullets when I hold the trigger down. Just 1 weapon that is on par with TR/VS weapons.

    Instead we get wholesale nerfs that are gonna imbalance the game, nerf things that work, and make people either leave the game or jump to the perceived "OP empire", which some are saying will be NC. I don't want 4th empire mongrels on my side thank you very much.

    Why are the Devs so afraid to try and rework 1 NC weapon to make it viable/competitive against its TR/VS brethren, preferably one that stock pubbies have access to when they start the game? Take your time, but don't do this please!
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  11. Necron

    Guy Flegman... my hero.
  12. Yerk

    Not gonna happen due to the headshot, nanoweave and hitbox changes. Accuracy (precision) and high rate of fire is even more favored in the new system. It's good that they are lowering the hipfire accuracy for every LMG. NC "high damage" advantage on a couple of weapons is terribly constrained versus TR and Vanu point and spray arsenal.

    Watch the Vanu video on my last post on this thread. It's funny because he's just holding his LMB and spraying and expecting everything to hit (that goes to show how EZ Vanu is). That can't be done with NC weapons at all (the cof will explode if you just hold and spray). So yeah, the Vanu will actually have to learn how to *burst* their weapons like we do. And no more professor Vanu of teaching NC how to use our weapons while they themselves utilize point, spray, hold and profit weapons lol.
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  13. WaaWaa

    I get it dude. Karma and all that good stuff. I also see the opposite side of things. Taking good weapons and making them unusable, nerfing everyone into the ground. Why? So more people can leave the game and quit in frustration? We've had less people to play with for quite a few months now, and nerfs like these serve to gut our total populations even further.

    Really the main point was that the NC didn't have a competitive LMG that the TR/VS had, and we needed only 1 weapon that could behave like theirs did so stock pubbies could at least have a chance of killing something at the ranges the TR/VS analog weapons do. I guess the nerf/buff cycle continues! :(
  14. KnightCole

    Thats what he means to say =D

    Cuz in this game, seems any time I stop for a second anywhere in the open there is a sniper like instantly aimed at my brain bucket. Just yesterday I was at Saerro scanning down from the C post...stopped for a split second and suddenly...well, none other then a Parallax to the head....literally.
  15. Nephera

    did..did they increase the reload time of the gauss saw? because its already 7.5 seconds..
  16. Zombo

    I dont really care, i play VS mainly and some NC, and while VS has good 0.75 LMGs, i only really use the Flare even in CQC and got used to having a big magazine and a lot of bullets, though i will try the Polaris at some point as well

    I hate the recoil patterns allready though, and giving weapons additional random recoil seems really bad, especially for an LMG

    If you give us LMGs SOE, at least design them the way LMGs are supposed to be, with heavy mass and a long barrel, normally sustained fire is what LMGs are good at, while the ridiculous CoF bloom on LMGs force you to burst every 5-6 shots to hit something 20 meters away

    adding that enemys in PS2 need a lot of bullets to drop, CoF bloom is my main enemy when playing
  17. Zombo

    Back when playing NC, i never really had the feeling that other empire weapons were that overperforming, or that NC guns were underperforming (except for the Jokehammer back then, but now its basically the best Shotgun as it should be (being next to the awesome Lasher and the pinpoint acc minigun) )

    The NC Gauss Saw was my favorite, and had good attachments for ADSing, and the GD22-S was very good at encounters that are closer, and a short reload time for LMGs

    The GD7F tore just as much into enemies as the GR22, and comparing them to the HV45 and Serpent seems to be a close call

    but hey, soe has the numbers, and apparently 0.75 guns are overperforming, time to make them useless!
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  18. Selerox

    As has been said by other people already, a more sensible balance change would simply be to reduce the ADS movement bonus itself, rather that ruin the weapons by adding in random recoil to balance it out.

    Just drop the movement bonus to ~60-65%. They still have a slight advantage, but it's reduced in effectiveness.

    To be perfectly honest, they could just remove the ADS bonus altogether and I still don't think it would have the same level of negative impact that these changes will do to the 0.75 weapons.

    No-one seems to like - or even understand - this change. I'm amazed SOE are still intent of putting this into the game.
  19. Flharfh

    This. Characteristic SOE hamhanded nerfing. Just like nerfing the lockdown prowler's projectile speed because it is supposedly OP at killing liberators. You have something that is overpowered in very narrow situations, so you nerf it so it is worse in every situation. SMH.

    It's only a matter of time before we get PS2:NGE
  20. Iridar51

    Well, to be honest, at distance segment of 5 to 10m I would expect a gun with advanced laser sights to hit more than in that video.
    Otherwise, what's the point of using that attachment at all?

    Obviously, he should've used burst to let his CoF reset when he saw he wasn't hitting anything, but that really does seem like a nerf that would make advanced laser sights obsolete on LMG.

    I myself am a follower of the idea that heavies should get assault rifles by default, and LMGs should be reworked to what they are in real life - a mobile fire support weapon fired mainly from bipods and mounts. But I guess engineer turrets already fill that role.

    Heavies will just have to use SMGs and shotguns in CQC after patch. Yay, more ez cheeze ... :confused: (said blitz user)