Dasanfall Stats Site is biased now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pruto, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. ChicoFuerte

    Pre-50's stats site, this is how DA looked at applicants. We wanted to see what their 4.00 KDR actually meant.

    Infantry-centric outfits look at stats the same way. And we did this every time someone applied to us. We still do, just now we plug your little character into 50's stats page and get a breakdown of your stats. Something we'd already do that is now much easier to do.

    I think what upsets people the most is seeing their precious KDR ripped apart into the different categories of the game. Different "playstyles"

    DA showcases Infantry first because it's OUR stats page. It's what WE use to determine a players skill and worth to DA.

    If you kick *** as a Pilot, we might send you to an outfit that will be a better fit for you. If you are a kick *** tanker, we'll send you to another outfit.

    We want the best infantry players. We don't want stat-padders or people with 30 KDR, but really only about 1.1kdr when you take them out of a tank, plane or MAX.
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  2. Baiyun

    The stat site is completely biased towards those that buy cosmetic gear as well. It's pay2win in its extreme form. This is the nightmare we have all been warned against.

    I stand with the respected members of this community whose KDR's were erased. BWC tank RPers, TENC max pullers, you have my support!
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  3. Posse

    You still don't understand the point (well, I personally agree that shotguns should be included though), Infantry vs Infantry just reflects your skill as infantry player, how good you are n pure infantry vs infantry fights, how good you are against a MAX is irrelevant for that score, it all depends on what data you can see. If you want to see the overall numbers you can see them, but I find it amusing that people have a problem when even MORE data is shown, which allows you to access much more information.
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  4. Yuukikun

    There are several reasons why it would be good to not have shotgun in the list of weapons used to calculate MLG score. Here's a few

    - The accuracy stats of shotguns have been broken since the start of the game. In the first months, people could get a ''hit'' for every pellet hitting target while only being counted as 1 shot taken, making people still having over 100% accuracy on them.

    - The shotguns are a IvI gun but behaves very differently from other ones, making people who use it (without having the 1st problem mentionned higher) have a high accuracy due to it's big spread making it easier to hit a target (even if not the one intended to hit), which leads to a very high accuracy.

    - I auraxium'd every shotgun on my VS character and i can tell you from my experience that unless you are at less than 3 meters from your target, aiming at the head have more chances of making you have worse performance than aiming at the body.

    here are the consequences for those three problems

    - Players who used shotguns before the shotgun stats changed have more accuracy which would make the system give them higher mlg score. It wouldn't work because this means 2 players with the same ''skill'' would have different scores based on this stats flaw.

    - Accuracy is a good part of MLG score and shotguns always have a higher accuracy than other listed guns, which would make people use shotguns more to pad their average accuracy.

    - Headshot rate is also used in the calculation of MLG score, and like i pointed out, you will tend to aim for the body more and this will make your headshot rate lower.

    As for people who say ''shotgun are skilless weapons'', well they're just bit ching. It's not impossible to beat a shotgun in CQC, and when you have good awareness of your environment, it's not that hard to avoid getting in an extreme CQC situation against a shotgun. Instead of crying, people who rage when they get killed by shotguns should see how was their positioning wrong, or approach of the ''fight'' wrong instead.

    I myself see shotgun users as free certs, and when i die to one, well it's my own fault.

    On the positive side, shotguns are guns used for going ''balls deep'', charging like there's no tomorrow and taking out as many as possible before getting killed. Having the shotgun stats not accounted into the MLG score, it gives players a chance of doing crazy charges into ennemy groups without being afraid of having their score go down. The shotgun is a very fun gun to use because it leads to very intense action situations.

    I myself did some amazing things with a shotgun by myself, and other times i just die a couple times in a row because i couldn't reach the CQC range before being spotted.

    To conclude (now i sound like i'm writing an essay for school), shotguns shouldn't be a listed weapon because it's just too different from other listed weapons making it disrupt a player's stats too much for nothing.

    This post has been presented in colours by YuukikunVS
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  5. ChicoFuerte


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  6. Revanmug

    I wonder if sniper are not consider as an infantry vs infantry weapon. Them stats say I only have 13k AI vs AI when I have close to 16k with the longshot alone...

    Then again, my class page have been bugged out since they add those.
  7. DiHorizon

    No, we need to get angry in public. How else will people know that we disagree with the early implementation of a player-made statistics tool that is currently limited-access as details like this are not yet finalised?
    If I performed a global query on shotgun performance by user, would it not skew the data to include the Jackhammer while disregarding the Lasher and MCG? Clearly it would be a "kick in the nuts" to all TR and VS players if their skills with their respective LMG-style heavy weapons weren't compared directly to weapons that function differently and fill different roles. They can even be equipped in the same slot!
  8. Kociboss

    I appreciate your PSA, but why would anyone care?

    There are other sites.
  9. TheFamilyGhost

    Boy, you got really mad, didn't ya? I hit a chord. Don't worry, I see it out of my adolescent son all the time. Can dish it out all day, but can't take it. It is a normal part of gaining emotional maturity. You should outgrow it...given that it isn't a firmly entrenched cultural value by the time you're there.

    You can tantrum all you want, but you reveal yourself in what you write; you *do* attach moral equivalencies to gaming styles, and you *do* want the game changed to meet the equivalency that only you can define.

    No, won't bring it to 50 pages. It was important to do it once in order to let you all reveal yourselves. Now discerning readers take over.
  10. DiHorizon

    Snipers are not counted for ivi. At the bottom of your page where it lists performance by weapon, any weapon with a star after the name is counted and any weapon without is not.
  11. ChicoFuerte

    Do you need a code to ours? You clearly haven't seen it.
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  12. Giggily

    sniper rifles are not ivi either

    im sorry if weapon x not being included in the ivi metric calls you any emotional trauma

    get a new gimmick or something
  13. Rogueghost

    With how harsh SOE mods have been recently, lock incoming.
  14. Revanmug

    Completly missed that. Thanks.

    Kind of sad since I love bolt action and most of my kills with a bolt action are done under 100m but hey, not going to ask for the moon.

    Amusigly, my KDR is still good without my main gun and farming tool. Ah!

    I'm terribly sorry, you'll have to find someone else to feed of tears. The fact that I like a certain type of gun doesn't mean I can't use the few others unlike many people on these forums.

    Beside, the site was already reducing my KDR. Probably from Furry harasser and lightning HEAT farming. Not like it's changing much.
  15. Accuser

    The OP is complaining that DA has gone to the trouble of parsing the data and showing -all- of it, rather than putting it up as an undifferentiated K/D blob.
    I think it's strange that shotguns are somehow excluded, but more information (and more detail about that information) is a good thing... well, unless you're some kind of pathetic person who is both egotistical enough to obsess over K/D AND is terrible at infantry combat.
  16. Ender

    Censoring me by labeling huh? I see you failed to take the time to answer even one of the questions. Requesting forum name to be "TheLazyGhost". Good job deflecting while not answering a single question. I asked where we attached moral equivalencies - you responded, "You *do* attach moral equivalencies." Do your peer reviewers accept this type of evidence as legitimate for such things as hydrogen extraction from proto-stars? Interesting set of standards. (Yes I realize a paper such as that is based on mostly theory, but the concept was conveyed the same)

    Also, "Am I mad, No...." - "Boy, you got really mad". Ahh I see, when one achieves maturity, arguments need to start and end with, "Yeah, you're mad lul, and wrong. Proof is obvious."

    Also Also - Thanks for your continued DA Public Relation endeavors. You've really helped accelerate our infamy and we can't thank you enough. It simply wouldn't be possible without you and someday we'll repay you somehow. I'd continue responding to your inevitable replies, but I have other people to get mad at, things to rage at, and only a set amount of time before my rage leads to cardiac arrest. Keep up the good work, LazyGhost. May your co-workers enjoy the laughs.
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  17. Giggily

    it's not to eliminate farming, it's to eliminate weapons and classes that DA doesn't really use. honestly the UBGL carbines and ARs shouldn't be included either, though

    shotguns can get over 100% accuracy as has already been stated
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  18. Flapatax

    Like, infiltrators shouldn't even be in the game, man.
  19. Accuser

    Right, so they should obviously be excluded from the accuracy calculation. But are they excluded from other stats, such as K/D?
  20. Earthman

    This is EXACTLY the kind of crap that I suspected comes around whenever the self-declared "hardcore/elite/professional" players get their way. Granted, it's their site and they can do what they please with it. My problem is giving these guys any special attention on the part of the developers regarding their opinions and whims.

    I never bought the "trickle down effect" that these guys claimed would happen if SOE gave them a special seat in all discussions. And this is even more evidence of something awful happening if SOE took these guys any more seriously than the rest of us.

    Imagine points in this game being assigned directly on how "skilled" this oligarchy determines your weapon use is. Imagine not getting any credit at all for using "disruptive tactics" such as, say, putting C4 on a Flash and ramming it into a Sunderer. Imagination, creative applications of powers and abilities, all would be subject to the "is this allowed in our skill-only e-arena?"

    What crap.
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