[Suggestion] Medic Ignorance

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by nooblet91698, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. 74murse

    Id rather be revived by a lvl 1 than not at all. If i dont want the rezz i just spawn. When i run as medic i immediatly press F when rezzed just in case.
  2. Kid Gloves

    There's also situations where a medic is reviving from safest to least safe. I got chewed out the other day with another medic repeatedly saying over prox chat to not revive me because I didn't prioritise reviving him when I could. Why? Because there was a HA right next to me and there was an enemy LA right around the corner. When I revived the other medic I came under fire, but because there was an active HA next to me the enemy LA died at the same time I did, so the other medic was able to then pick up the rest of the squad - while chewing me out in voice for being a 'scrub' and advising not to rez me.

    So my advice? Assume the other medic is -not- actually trying to steal your rez's and is just doing his job. If he doesn't pick you up ever despite the threat going away, you probably have a ********* on scene. But most of the time it's simply a matter of the medic either prioritising other targets or not being able to tell you're a medic. I sure can't tell what class you are when your corpse is buried in terrain and all I can see is your toe.
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  3. rovad

    Well everything is situational in this game, and I'm not one of those who jumps on the hate wagon immediately, but if you KNOW there are at least 3 medics in the biolab teleport room cuz they picked up a few guys before you could rezz them, and then you die the moment you leave the safety of shields, and they just refuse to pick you up, then it's just a ****** situation.

    These days I don't even run medic in biolabs. I used to it before but as soon as I get killed, and that happens often in those massive biolab battles, I had to respawn. I don't claim all medics are douchebags, but there are a lot of them running around like that, just competing for that 1 godamn revive.

    I can understand farm because I regularly farmed (I still do sometimes) by rezzing in biolabs during alerts, but the amount of douchebagness (is that even a word XD) is sometimes too damn high.
  4. InsaneLinguist

    When there are no hostiles around I'll gladly top you off, but in a firefight it is more convenient (and safer for me) to let you die because of time spent defenseless when reviving with a maxed tool (revives at 100% health) is actually lower than healing a near-dead player (1-2 bars left), not to mention if you are so low on health during a fight your shields are most likely compromised anyway.
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  5. Makora

    The problems I've found with callouts and Proxy chat when calling for a medic (or that you are a medic) is that they are unreliable when it comes to determining the direction the call is coming from. For some reason they just seem to come from your general vicinity, sure there is SOME directional sound to them but especially with proxy I've had cases where me and the guy I try to treat are shouting "where are you?" and we simply can't locate one another.

    Might also be that it is hard as hell to see the difference between thirty other nearly identical people. Camos and helmets be damned.
  6. BluescalesNZ

    I wonder the same thing myself. Tonight on Briggs we had just capped Saurva Overflow Depot, I had been downed just beforehand and saw on the deploy screen that there were four medics all within 5-10 meters of me. I asked for a revive, it took four attempts to get a response.

    And that response? 'Just respawn you lazy ****.'

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  7. RobotNinja

    So...let me get this straight...you're saying...Medics...MEDICS...should heal and rez players? I dunno...
  8. TomoB

    I can't undestand why does the damn thing lock on to fully healthy people running around the corpse I'm trying to revive, so annoying. Also even if I'm standing over the corpse and it fills my screen the damn rez gun decides to beam some random 100% health guy at the side I can't even see.
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  9. JorgeSarcos

    That and the Gun/Vehicles Stations, i find myself pretty often spamming E until they decide to work