Still not sure why you'd spend 1000 certs on T32

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by TheBloodEagle, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. TheBloodEagle

    instead of either grabbing the T16 or MSW-R. Heck, you can have both for cheaper.

    I can't justify it unless you want Auraxium with it. Still feels like a lost weapon. Also it should get back an extra mag; was randomly nerfed in GU07 (?). I think to make it worth it they should give it 0.75 ADS since none of the TR LMGs have it, although more of a hipfire gun since they gave it SP & very slightly better hipfire COF (same as MSW-R). The main thing going for it is the SP ammo and 2x sight.

    They were going for an overlap like this in its duty but the price doesn't fit what its combat value is in my opinion.

  2. lilleAllan

    Too me, the Rhino is the only 650 rpm LMG that makes sense. 640 bullet velocity, adv foregrip. I get it.

    Polaris, EM1, Bull - I know these weapons have their fans, but I just don't see the point.
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  3. ColdCheezePizza

    I trialed it extensively in the VR because I have Auraxiums on every TR LMG except the MCG and Bull, it felt like a NS-15 lmg without the .75 ads. It's like the CME AR for vanu which to me felt like a .75 ads-less NS AR, both those weapons need something special added to make it worth while over the NS versions to justify their premium price imo.
  4. Lazaruz

    I wouldn't buy the Bull, unless I was really drunk and went on a Station Cash spending spree.

    Which I have... :oops:
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  5. Iridar51

    Maybe T32 is just a stub, waiting for its hour to be made special, much like Jackhammer once was.
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  6. KnightCole

    BUll? is it a 750RpM gun? Otherwise I dont see its point.

    Same with CARV S....I got it cuz it kinda looks cool and had alot of attachments and stuff but so far my performance with it has been subpar. It seems to be a gun that is only good if the enemy doesnt fire back.
  7. IamDH

    T32 bull? Thats a pretty nice gun
  8. Badname0192

    T32 Bull is what you use after the MSW-R in your quest for purple medals!

    That and it reaches out better than the MSW-R and has a more forgiving recoil pattern at range than the T9.
  9. Littleman

    The bull falls into the category of guns that would be worth having if not for the NS option in that class. The NS-15m is, simply put, better, because overall it is better sans DPS output. Tighter CoF (seriously, don't look at the numbers) faster ADS movement, faster reload for just 5 rounds less, pretty much the same selection of attachments. The only thing that gets me to even equip the T32 Bull over the NS-15M is empire pride, and that isn't nearly enough to justify taking it out of the VR.

    It's a good overall weapon. Neither the T32, T16, or NS-15m need a fore-grip to function well (I'm killed by the T16 + adv fore-grip most often within 40m, at which point a Carv even without a fore-grip is just plain better, but people are mindless sheep) but it's just over shadowed by the T16 for long range work and the NS-15m has it beat as a flexible weapon good at all ranges regardless of attachments.
  10. harmypants

    It definitely needs something to make me not want to just slap a laser sight on my T16. I'd definitely support a bump to ROF; maybe up to 692-700ish. At the moment it feels terribly useless at everything, not the jack of all trades/master of none it should be.
  11. Van Dax

    I know what you mean man
  12. RobotNixon

    I use the bull a lot, mostly because of its reload speed and is fast equip time. Not to mention you can throw on the laser sight and it acts the same as with a comp. and foregrip.
  13. Lucidius134

    Doesn't it got tighter hipfire? (2.5 moving vs 3 iirc)

    I don't have it and i don't trust the wikis for attachment information and with the new update I can't check but does it have adv laser sight? If not it just looks like a very crummy sustained fire hip fire weapon, where as the T16 is a sustained fire ADS weapon and the MSW-R is a CQC beast.

    Does it atleast got SPA?
  14. TheBloodEagle

    Can't get Advanced Laser but does have SPA.
  15. ColdCheezePizza

    bullsh.... :p
  16. Mxiter

    T16 is the only one good 143/652 lmg (even if a 2X scoupe would be nice).

    Between the other "bad" 143/652 LMGs, the polaris is certainly the best: better COFs, recoil, magazine size and attachements.
    Compared to the NS15M, it just lose the 0.75 ads move mult for adv laser sight. (if you keep in mind that larger mag size have reload speed as tradeoff).

    Then, there is the EM1(polaris with worse COFs and recoil) and the T32(polaris without adv. laser sight and small mag size). @ 10m&colid2=28&filterstr2=0.3&colid3=10&filterstr3=2x&colid4=23&filterstr4=0.35&sortcolid=-1&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250 @ 10m&colid2=41&filterstr2=652&sortcolid=-1&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250

    The T32 havn't specific attachments (just SPA/HVA and compensator) and the EM1 have worse recoil, recoil decrease and "standards" COFs.

    On the other hand, the NS15M is great...everywhere (same COFs and recoil patterns than T32/polaris, all attachements but adv. stuffs,0.75ADS move mult. and very high recoil decrease) but ROF.
  17. Nakar

    The NS-15M has the same ROF as the other 652 LMGs; the 625 thing is a spreadsheet error. As somebody else said, the NS-15M and Bull are essentially the same weapon but the former is better (because of 0.75x ADS). The sole distinguishing factor for the Bull is 5 extra rounds, but with a worse reload.

    Compare this with the Rhino (Adv Grip/exmags), Polaris (ALS), and EM1 (ALS/exmags + quick reload time) (plus they all have a baseline 100 round magazine), which at least have factors that distinguish them from the NS-15M and make them arguable picks against it. The Bull is essentially as much of an expense to get less of a gun, since the NS guns are cross-faction.

    If the Bull got 0.75x ADS it would essentially be a factional NS-15M. Not imbalanced (unless you believe the NS-15M is), but also not really unique in any way.
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  18. KnightCole

    WHy cant we get some of the odd damage numbers we see on Tank guns and stuff? THe Kobalt is a 193 MG at 550RPM, there is another that has 150dmg and I think another with 155dmg. WHy cant some of those translate into LMGs and infantry weapons? THey equate to varying lvls of dmg against different lvls of nano weave.

    THe T32 and all 143@652 guns need an inbetween damage lvl that puts them slightly more deadly then 143@750 guns but not as good as 167@600 guns. 698 need it as well, the TTK on 143@698 guns is holy crap long time. I use the Pulsar on my VS chick and she cant kill a damn thing without a year of firing and half the mag later. KD on that toon is like 2.6 and dropping like a brick cuz she gets wasted with that 698 Rof. WHy am I not using the Orion? Cuz I like bigger mags on my LMGs I guess and the Pulsar sounded good....but now its showing its true colors.
  19. Jokkie

    Yeah, the T32 Bull is pretty terrible. I plan on going back to the T16 after I get Auraxium with the T32. The TR are the best at spamming rounds on a target and the T16 plays the TR gimmick the best. Advanced fore grip for longer range fights, and 200 rounds for close to medium range.
  20. Gurra

    well im happy with my purchase i love the wepon handling both the ads and hipfire and almost got 3000 kills with it! :)