Why havent strikers been fixed yet?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Silkensmooth, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Iridar51

    Comments like these show exactly how little non-TR players know about actually using the striker. It's useless against MAXes and turrets. Most of the time I go around with the grounder (our G2A Lock-on) for the versatility's sake, and switch to striker only when I know I will be fighting in an open field or against putaQ harassers.
    And the only reason I even bought striker is to pay back for the endless stream of tanks and aircraft farming infantry. You reap what you sow, and you sown explosions.

    To OP.
    The only things that warms my heart after a night being farmed by NC/VS lolpodders are threads like this.
    I know that even though I got blown to bits by some putaQ, seeking easy victories, that putaQ feels even worse when his precious little Scythevear gets blown to bits 5 seconds after leaving the warpgate. Cry me a striker.
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  2. Sen7rygun

    Same sh*t thread, different day.

    The Striker has been nerfed heavily, its projectile speed has been lowered to the point where fuel tanks will out run the missiles till they despawn, aconstant visual lock is required to use it and a break will render all missiles useless so cover can now be used effectively. There is an existing bug with flares that effects all lock on launchers which the devs are aware of and working on a fix.

    I personally haven't been effected by this bug when flying or operating G2A missiles, flares have worked for me and against me correctly every time. If i had a dollar for every time I've locked up an enemy pilot, waited for them to pop flares and then shot them anyway after they've stayed in the lock zone afterwards with no attempt to vacate the area, I'd have enough cash to by myself that Suzuki M109RZ I've always wanted.

    From my experience I believe that most pilots just blame a bug or OP weapons for their poor flying and lack of understanding about how flares work. I'm not saying this bug doesn't exist, but in approximately 500 uses of flares and countless G2A missiles fired its never effected me once either negatively or positively.

    The standard NC/VS excuse and response for not using G2A lock on launchers is also laughable. Most of them would rather carry the default dumbfire launchers than spend 250 certs on the G2A which is basically the same as the default but with a powerful airspace denial aspect, it still one shots infantry, it still deals hefty damage to ground vehicles from the sides and rear AND it wrecks aircraft if they're silly enough to lurk around. This typical stubborn arrogance has been on display throughout this thread, and was perfectly highlighted by Willowstyle in an earlier post.
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  3. Scorponok

    i tried my TR charater yesterday and the Striker didnt hit the aircraft i shot at when he used his flare....the rockets just flew right up into the sky and was never seen again...they lost track of him...same when i was flying as NC...popped flare and the lock-on was gone..
  4. BigMacDeez

  5. Riskae

    I do run flares... everyone with a brain runs flaires... its the best defensive thing for air hands down.
  6. Twitch760

    So the other 90% of your team that run around with the Striker are actually screwing themselves out of some awesome opportunities to kill MAXes and Turrets is really your argument?
  7. Iridar51

    No, my argument is that they don't run with striker all the time, you just don't know about it.
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  8. NoXousX

    It's a shame they weren't hotfixed back in march when they came out.
  9. Selerox

    Two thirds? You've not been keeping track of the populations have you?

    As for the Striker, the best thing they can do is just refund everyone's certs and remove all the ESRLs from the game.
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  10. Vixxing

    Yeah i bet 85% of NC and VS would gladly give up their crappy ESRL's just to be rid of the BEEP-BEEEP-BEEEP
    (or better yet remove Striker and let every Striker owner choose between Pheonix and Lancer, so they can see how awesome those two are!)
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  11. huller

    even better, make the striker lock on to infany for a week, *then* you can use that bs 'why was phoenix fixed so fast? zomg!' argument
  12. illgot

    They are trying to fix all lock on weapons, but they are being smart.

    Unlike in the past where they make 5 changes to an item and see how it works, they are fixing one feature at a time.
  13. Matlock0

    Striker is pretty **** now to be honest. It requires you to keep aiming at the target until you get hit markers.

    Grounder is way better currently. It has insanely fast dumbfire speed, meaning you can snipe tanks from pretty damn long ranges with it, and it ofc has the ability to lock-on to aircrafts (with fire and forget and minimal amount of exposure unlike the striker that requires you to look in the sky for around 10 seconds).

    Only thing striker is good for now is hitting ground vehicles in an open area + the occasional liberators that is not moving away from you.

    Not that VS/NC players would know anything about it, they still cry when they get killed by it and call it OP right?
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  14. LordCreepy

    The empire g2a launchers are better as the patched striker right now.
    More front loaded damage, less exposure time, doesn't need to maintain lock, has DUMBFIRE
    But people will keep ******** because gras is greener.
  15. Camycamera

  16. JonboyX

    You're right insofar as the Hawk isn't much different from the Shrike. 200 less damage against ground targets (though with the same splash damage!). Unless you've bought the Decimator it's probably a better choice to carry around "just in case" pretty much anywhere other than a biolab.

    To be fair, it doesn't compare to the striker's ability to run G2A and G2G simultaneously; nor has its damage output (gotta say that 2,500 damage is handy; the phoenix does 750!)... but in terms of AA you're right, it does feel as though not enough NC carry it often enough.
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  17. Matlock0

    Striker currently is like having a basilisk on your MBT. It's better to "specialize" in 90% of the cases and use grounder so you are not totally destroyed when the tank is closer than 100m away, or if you want to hit ESFs and Libs reliably.

    Also do you realise how long it takes for striker to dish out that 2500 dmg and be exposed the whole time while we wait our 5 missiles to hit? I expect people look at dmg and reload speed and call for nerfs as we speak, but there's more to it than that.
  18. OddChelsea

    First of all the phoenix does 750 damage against infantry it does way more against armor and air. It is only showing it's infantry damage on the stats screen which is a major oversight by SOE that causes players to not want to use it. They say oh that's insanely weak! It's not as weak as it says it is.

    I use the hawk all the time, I own the decimator and the phoenix as well. The hawk is easily the most versatile launcher to carry as locking on to air is far more important than locking on to ground, any heavy worth his or her salt can dumbfire a tank that is nearby.
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  19. BigMacDeez

    I blew up a Vanguard with my Striker today. With only 1 clip, because I maneuvered on him to get a good firing point and hit him in the rear.



  20. Slandebande

    Have any of the "whiners" even acknowledged the changes to the Striker, with it requiring you to keep your sights on the target for the entire flight of the rockets? Oh, and the few times where I actually fly over enemy territory as a TR, there are still plenty of lock-ons for me to avoid at least.

    First of all, the 500m is for air targets, it's 400m for ground targets. Just putting it out there. And no, not every TR use a Striker as their default load-out, doing so would be stupid and non-versatile. You pull it out when you know there isn't enemy infantry coming close combined with enemy vehicles moving out in big open spaces.

    There is quite a difference in how long it has taken to fix things. For example, the Prowler's having near hitscan speeds after the Anchor Mode buff was fixed very fast. Not that I don't sympathize with your situation, it's just that there most likely isn't some great big conspiracy against NC/VS.

    The Phoenix does 1500 damage to vehicles, as does the Lancer, without any active counters (except shooting the laggy Phoenix rockets). It's called resistances.

    Do you mean 90% of the TR run around with the Striker as their default load-out? Then you would be sorely mistaken in your biased opinion, as that would just be ********.

    Yesssssss! Give me a Lancer and I'll never look back! If I really need a lock-on I can still go buy a very nice one instead of the Striker, and I would then be left with more utility as a whole, thanks to the Lancer!
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