When did the Combat Medic become an issue?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Taemien

    Thats what a MAX or two is for. Those platoons are pretty limited to just getting on a point and holding it. They have very limited defense against a coordinated push however. The only thing they are immune to is an unorganized zerg. And you know what? I say screw the Zerg. They want to use numbers to overcome everything, let them get hard countered. Its a good eye opener for them.

    In my experience, gimmicky platoon arrangements do very little to stop other organized platoons and thats exactly what a heavy medic platoon is, gimmicky at best.

    I was running around doing revives yesterday and one thing that the enemy didn't do well was come after me. And it wasn't like I was being hard to kill. It was one of those ledge biolab fights and I was able to run back and forth in front of the entrance many times.. taking only shield damage at most.

    I don't have any fancy camo and I play NC. So I'm very visible as a medic when I do play one. Why they didn't come after me, I have no idea. (I do notice I get hunted across the map when I play infiltrator or heavy assault though.. not figured out why yet).
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  2. deggy

    MAXes got more expensive, making them seem like one-use items. When Medics can revive them, it seems strange.
  3. GhostAvatar

    Source or it didn't happen.
  4. Oreo202

    It seems like people have trouble understanding the second most important rule of going into buildings. The first is that you never stand in doorways. The second is that you always kill the medic first.

    They didn't get any buffs to compensate for being expensive, however.
  5. Posse

    Not anymore actually, in fact up until recently, you would have found a huge difference in your KDR between what it said ingame (or in the official site) and what it said in sites like PSU, when I checked to see the difference, it was around 400 deaths between both sites, 2 or 3 days ago my sig said I had a KDR of 3.7x, now it says my KDR is 3.98 (no, I can't make it go up THAT fast with almost 10k deaths). That KDR of 3.7x was probably my KDR including those deaths, 3.98 is my KDR with deaths removed.

    What you mention only happened for like 2 weeks after they implemented it, that's when everyone noticed it so I suppose all of you kept thinking that it was still that way, but no, as time went on, I noticed that growing difference in my K/D between the official site and PSU, though now PSU records it the same way as the official site so I have no way to prove it to you, what I can tell you is to check your KDR at a session where you received revives, log out, log in again, check your K/D for that day in the graphs ingame and you'll see it's the same as before you logged out.

    Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, it's a good compensation for every single TK I received :p

    ONTOPIC: The combat medics became an issue when the metagame evolved in such a way that medics became more relevant in squad compositions, happens in every game, in fact, in RTS like Warcraft or Starcraft, it was the changes on the metagame that made certain strats overpowered and forced Blizzard to make balance changes. It's not necessary to change the stats of something for it to become overpowered or underpowered, the players themselves can make that change (though it's obviously a slower process).
  6. Llaf

    I see. I assumed the combat part would be the part people would complain about. I'm not of the "revive tool is OP" persuasion, mostly because everyone can get one, and they are (I think) the cheapest tool to cert in the game(Even mine is level 5, I'm a firm believer that EVERYONE should have at least rank 5, it takes like..a day).

    As I'm sure you are well aware, one medic can make a pretty big difference with his revive tool, and several working together can, as another poster said, pretty much keep an entire platoon up and running through quite a bit of pressure, but I think that this is part of the game and just something you have to deal with. Only very rarely have I ever actually encountered a serious issue with an enemy platoon or squad due to medics, such as 5 or 6 medics, some engineers, and some maxes holding down a specific area.

    It might be overpowered on a small scale, where one can run around for 5 minutes without finding a target, but in the grand scheme of things, in the larger battles, they really only serve the purpose of prolonging the battle until either they get wiped out by overwhelming firepower or their side wins. Either way, prolonging of the battle adds to the games trademark epic scale. No one wants a 48+ vs 48+ battle to end as soon as everyone on one side dies one time, that would be short and boring, and so we have medics and sunderers. I have never seen an entire platoon of medics before but I'm sure it would be annoying, impractical and likely overpowered against those stupid enough to try and wipe them out without sufficient numbers/firepower, for a short time, but really, who does that, and how often?

    Spaced things out so it wasn't too much of a wall of text.

    TL/DR - I don't think the revive tool is OP.
  7. Selentic

    And removing that would be bad why...?
  8. CrashB111

    You basically said in this post,

    "LoL just crush the enemy platoon with overwhelming numbers to beat a medic horde of revives."

    When the only option to beat something is to out pop them into submission, isn't that indicative of a problem?
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  9. KAHR-Alpha

    Except it's not the only option, the other is moving forward and sitting on their corpses instead of camping some hallway/rock. Other options include the clever use of flashbangs, concussion grenades, and etc.
  10. Consumer

    This seems very valid, at least from what I've seen. One or two skilled players can become the crux of an assault even if the general strategy behind or the average skill behind oncoming enemies is much better. Especially when this group puts the other on the defensive, it hamstrings their ability to attack their enemies in an order of priority without major change--all the while the same group upholds the status quo. The Medic's ability to so quickly revert any clear progress made by an attack on, say, a squad can make a fight hopeless or, at least, tedious where it really should not be. And again, on the grounds of particular individuals that serve as lifeline.

    In regards to the topic: I would also attribute the change (although remembering there were a number of complaints before this marked increase) to the increasing number of players fully upgrading the tool. Even now, after using the level 6 tool on a few different accounts, I am always baffled by how sluggishly the earlier tiers operate at. It makes the Medic's job much snappier with greater effectiveness and at less risk at a very significant scale that it would not be surprising if this was the sole factor.

    It may even be an increase in players using a tried-and-true approach. But it's definitely not because they removed the death count for revives, at least not beyond a nominal amount.
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  11. M4L4CH1TE

    I believe the medic is a great example of counter-play. When used against an opposing team rez'ing keeps the game rolling and helps increase the variety of the opponent for ways to play.

    But then some folks would complain if you hung them with a new rope.
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  12. Luighseach

    Nah it was a problem before the stats change. The problem with the Revive mechanic is that dying is not punished if you are in a coordinated squad.

    3 medics can keep the rest of the squad up against a lot of odds. The more medics the bigger the problems. 7 or 8 medics can piratically keep the rest of the platoon going for days.

    I would like to see a better healing and Revive Mechanic but the only way to fix healing is to change the way infantry gameplay works which shouldn't happen. Honestly even Reviving is currently good as it is and shouldn't be changed.

    However I feel that dying should be punished a bit more by adding a diminishing return on deaths. The more you the die the greater the timer should be before you can accept a Rez. Medics should get a small percent XP for Giving the player a Rez opportunity then the major xp if he Revives. (This could be adjusted to make Rezing always be faster than Respawning while making it a bit better to take out dug in squads that do not have support). Respawning at a Sunderer or Spawn room should then reset the death timer.
  13. Accuser

    Fair enough, apparently I stand corrected.
  14. DeadliestMoon

    That's because the price was raise only to stop the ridiculous spamming.
  15. Aquilae

    it's always been an issue, it's just now more and more people are starting to abuse it. if you get a critical mass of medics into a room, it becomes literally impossible to remove them without bringing several times their number, because if you dont kill every last guy in the room in one go, they're all back.

    it's the classic example of 'class/weapon/tactic that doesn't require special skills or coordination can only be countered by special skills or coordination'. "get a bunch of medics and stuff them into a room" requires "big coordinated assault or hugely superior numbers" to beat because again, the only win condition is exterminating everyone in the room in one shot, which doesn't happen when you put two similarly sized and skilled groups against eachother.
  16. HerpTheDerp

    Wouldn't be a problem if CM functioned like same class in Battlefield series.

    But SOE just had to be "different" so now here you go.
  17. hansgrosse

    I don't necessarily think the medic's revive needs a fix at this point, but if something must be put in place to limit its power then putting the medic tool on a cooldown timer between revives is probably best.

    Start with a 10 second cooldown for a basic tool and have each level certed into take a second off, with a maxed out tool having a 5 second cooldown between revives.
  18. Stew360

    Nah this is just a trick from this DA guys to try to Derails the attention from the issue thats need to be the main topic here

    ZOE maxs
    HA armor capacity and weapons availability
    Nanoweave Armor and the problem in TTK efficiency and competitiveness

    Hes clan players are ATM abusing the HA classes to a point where its not even funny , but also they all run up with NW armor ...

    And this DA guy choose combat medic simply because iam playing it lol , combat medic isnt a issue and as never been a issue the only thing is Now peoples are accepting the revive more often because the revive remoove the dead so they have nothing to loose in the end so they take a chance its also good for the CM since they at least get point for the risk they take ....
  19. Rene Korda

    Instant unlimited revives are one of the reasons for the combined arms being so badly balanced. Instead of being forced to depend on sunderers, that are vulnerable to vehicles, or even spawnbeacons (though these need to be made visible from much longer ranges and larger, so that they are properly vulnerable to vehicles) organized infantry attacking the point can become completely self-sufficient sitting right on that very point with a bunch of medics, completely bypassing all vehicles. This basically robs vehicles of their role in the game.

    Typical scenario: squad leaders fly over the point in their ESFs, get killed there by enemy interceptors. This should've put a stop to the attack - instead, a couple squads deploy right on those dead SLs (how come deploying on dead SLs is still in the game?), run into the room with the point and just sit there being ressed by medics all the time. This should've been stopped long ago. Limit squad deploy drastically - preferably make it spawn the person onto the nearest available spawnpoint - and put countdowns on medic revives.
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  20. gualty

    Revive itself is not OP.
    The issue is that sometimes is more pratical to revive than to heal wounded.
    So the comparison revive/heal is in favour of the first one.

    Devs should address that healing issue in some way.
    Something like a syringe: you "hit" someone instantly and it slowly regenerates by itself.
    Or something that does not involve the same exact procedure used to revive except for the fact that it need more time.