MAX AI kills over 125 hour period (GU14)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gnometheft, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. CrashB111

    Except for the part where they are not designed for different roles. TR/NC/VS Anti-Infantry MAX are all designed for the same purpose, to kill enemy infantry, one of these things is not like the other and is very strongly outperforming its brethren.
  2. NoctD

    Obviously the TR MAX needs a buff, and the NC MAX is still too powerful. Those Mattocks! :eek:
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  3. Purg

    Gawd. Half the amount of shells for 90% of the amount of kills with a higher percentage of hits - and I'm telling you the Comet is significantly better. Has 2 shots per arm which can kill infantry in one double shot and has a faster reload. WHICH WAS MY POINT!
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  4. Chewy102

    Ok man, I am sorry but I need to retype this to make it readable. Nothing to break up the lines and numbers is near impossible for me to read and tell one thing from another.

    Kills__Unique Killers__KPU (Kills per Unique)

    NCM1 Scattercannon-

    AF-34 Mattock-

    AF-41 Hacksaw-

    AF-23 Grinder-


    M1 Heavy Cycler

    MRC3 Mercy-

    M6 Onslaught-

    M2 Mutilator-


    Quasar VM1-

    Blueshift VM5-

    Nebula VM20-

    Cosmos VM3-


    Faction totals-




    There, more readable and all the weapons are in order with each other.

    My opinions.

    Overall with just the faction totals, it has odd balls.
    VS has the most kills and highest KPU with being 2nd for most users. TR seems to be the worst MAX for AI but being the most used MAX a lower KPU is normal, but not this low. NC on the other hand is 3,000 men short from the others (3 out of 20 is massive) but somehow has the same kills as TR (most used) and the NCs KPU just murders that of the TR as well.

    ZOE Id think is the reason the VS is top dog. More damage removes the HMGs problem of others stealing kills. More damage taken hurts like hell, but this isn't K/D it is KPU. In KPU you can die many times but you are still just one user over those deaths (I think) and each kill you get only grows your number. Only more users lowers the KPU. So a ZOE MAX can clear a room over a few revives and those deaths and extra damage taken wont change the fact that the extra damage done is letting you kill more than what maybe you should.

    I think that NC is kicking *** with the fewest users is from the lack of a ranged weapon option. If you stay in CQC away from vehicles and close to infantry only areas then farm shouldn't be that hard to find and you should have support not far with you being forced to stay with them at all times from, again, range limits. Also there's the fact that NC has shotguns and the others have HMGs. Shotguns kill or not, little to no middle ground. HMGs have a lot of assists that come from others stealing kills from everyone showering everything in lead.

    TR though, I have no idea WTF they are doing with their AI MAXes. The TR either don't know how to support MAXes in infantry fights, pull AI loadouts in the wrong fights (long range or in vehicle heavy areas), or something is wrong with their weapons. I don't think it is their weapons from the tests and what not Iv done in the MAX sub forums, but that could be wrong.

    Opinions on the weapon classes.
    Stock- Almost close on these for VS and NC, TRs Heavy C falls behind though rather bad. I can't give a real opinion without sorting this out by BR due to the fact that idiots can be idiots and ruin data.

    Accurate- NC KILLS in KPU, but has only 1/6 to 1/8 of the users of TR and VS. 600 users to 3.8K and 4.7K is just a joke and might ruin the data with how few Mattock users there are compared to TR and VS. Outside of the EXTREME lack of Mattock users (buy the damned weapon! It is GREAT.) the VS is just ungodly next to the TR. TR out numbers VS by almost a thousand and just has nothing on that Blueshift. ZOE likely but a Blueshift is really a damned good weapon on its own before upgrades.

    Rapid fire- There are more NC than TR and VS combined in users, but NC is leading in KPU. Not much, just by .3ish over VS, but that many users is a heavy factor. And again, TR is lagging behind.

    Ammo count- VS has a clear lead in KPU then NC and TR is just hurting. But TR has a good chunk of users over the rest, and that leads to idiots dragging down KPU. I don't see why or how the TR is lacking so much with their MAXes.
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  5. Purg

    It reflects the lack of versatility that (at least) its users perceive. I'll usually only pull mine when we're in a Bio Lab or Tower fight where there's lots to shoot at and lots of support so its easy to rack up lots of kills in a short amount of time. Falcons and Ravens are a lot less effective at longer range AV than TR/VS options so I'll usually opt for either a HA, AV turret or just let someone else deal with it when dealing with a tank zerg. I don't bother with Bursters that much any more on my NC and see very few Bursters being used by NC.

    My TR and VS MAX on the other hand I'll pull anywhere without hesitation, AI or AV and will see a lot more users along side me compared to when I fight as NC.
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  6. Van Dax

    Well TR on miller use maxes like this(sorry for quality)

    The base was rushed with 2 platoons of maxes, there were only ever up to 15 defenders present, TR have the highest pop in total right now and are the highest pop on several servers.
    TR have highest pop on:
    Mattherson (currently)
    Prime time briggs
    Connery (interchanging with NC apparently)
    Cobalt (similar to connery)
    If they all act like they do on miller its no wonder they get fewer kills, they're divided among so many users.
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  7. KAHR-Alpha

    Man, I hadn't realized the Mercy nerf was that bad, maybe I should switch to Onslaught
  8. zombieslore

    The reason why NC maxes are so high up is that we don't just randomly pull maxes in all situation, we only pull it for CQC, burster, or dual ravens, don't see much of anything else cause their highly restricted to these fighting enviroments and excel better then others by a bit but VS/TR just pull maxes no matter what range or situation it is, they can perform better then the NC maxes in every situation except CQC which they only lack behind by a tiny bit (0.5 TTK about) and that there are just way to much idiots pulling maxes for TR/VS, I see one and I got hey look free kill and you get so much hate because they expect to be gods.
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  9. hammyhamm

    Onslaught is good for face**** damage (particularly against VS but fractures are good for ZOE maxes) but the mercy is probably a bit more adaptable to medium-range fights - past about 10-20m you'll be getting alot more damage on target with the mercy than the onslaught can manage, inside 20m you are prey to NC max scattercannons and it's a bit too risky.
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  10. Paisty

    The numbers on TR maxes can at least be partially explained by Lockdown.

    When using the TR ability you need to Lockdown in a place not taking fire. Then you have to wait for an idiot to run in front of you to get a kill. Tr weapons feel balanced around being locked down, IMO.
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  11. Fang7.62

    Well lets just say I knew what I was doing when I ditched the herpsaws for dual mattocks w/ extended mags. Everybody is ******** about limited range but the shotgun with almost twice better dmg falloff and tighter spread barely sees any use. :confused: Its still a shotgun so it annihilates in hacksaw ranges just as good but can reach out much more and makes going for headshots more viable too because of the spread. One reload = 20 mattock shots, if you empty that into enemy maxes head he's gonna drop even with KA5 thinking he's safe outside shotty optimum range, ZOEs that dont turn off their stupid ability in max duels make this even faster. Possibly the only thing that can beat that is a locked down onslaught max but I aint walkin infront of that. Charge to his side and turn his head into nanite dust meanwhile he's trying to unscrew his feet from the floor lol.
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  12. gigastar

    In what confused world are you living?

    Wheres the proof that every VS MAX pulled over the last week has rank 3+ ZOE equipped?

    How do you know that the number of MAX's pulled across all factions gobally is the same?

    How can you be sure that the average support each empires MAX's recieve are equal?

    Youre ignoring important variables for the sake of getting something you want, and I will not allow that.

    And you dont get accuse people of anything when the best you can come out with is half-baked troll logic.
  13. freeze

    we should add comet + fracture + raven kills to the kill-total... maybe then the numbers will be more equal

    I get shot more by fractures than by anything else when facing a TR MAX.

    bring that weapon in-line and see how it develops
  14. Swoo

    Sadly, Charge is probably the best TR MAX ability currently. I get so many kills on my alt because an enemy gets too close for comfort and I charge backwards quickly, snap off a shot to prematurely end it if need be, then begin the backpedal-firestorm yet again. I run dual Mercy and wouldn't trade them for anything. You don't want to be face to face (imo) as a TR MAX, and having bullets with no damage drop is just fantastic. I want Mercy's for my NC MAX.

    The only two times I wanted Lockdown were a)When Bursters didn't suck. b)When you want to just lay down an absolute hail of bullets to protect a shield gen or the like.

    I have dual Fractures, they are good versus infantry, but they aren't amazing and you can really feel it after running 2M or 2O. You are handicapping yourself if you are using DF in close range instead of running a pair of chain guns by a large amount EXCEPT in MAX vs MAX fights. And yes, if I know I need to help chew through a MAX for my squad to progress, I will swap to Fractures to fight him if possible.

    What makes Fractures so deadly versus infantry is in that medium to long range area you can constantly pelt a target who is moving very minimally with very little trouble. Much like the under-slung grenade launcher it's a weapon that penalizes you for taking up defensive positions. It's another little complaint I have with TR vs NC MAX's as the Fracture flies true, while the NC shots are slow and a little cross-eyed. I'm hoping the new patch with the upped velocity and such changes that.
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  15. DuckSauce

    Kills per Unique is a stupid metric. Best ignore everything in this thread.
  16. GhostAvatar

    While all this is good, it is always nice to include some information on what the data is derived from. For example when was the data pulled, what is included and what isn't. Also what is considered a unique kill in terms of this data.
  17. Purg

    The Fractures have around 3000 more kills than the Comets - the Ravens at about 40% of the Fractures. NC MAX falls further behind.

    Vortex numbers are pretty dismal. Being a vocal Vortex lover, I suspect it's due to the fact that people bail from their vehicles before you get the finishing blow quite often. The Vortex is also difficult to kill infantry with. I bet the SPH of the weapon would be pretty high, though.
  18. Van Dax

    it does favour things that are certainly not the entirety of the situation but it is a piece of the puzzle. It is unwise to ignore it and ignorant to claim its the whole picture.
  19. CrashB111

    Did I miss anything?
  20. Orpheus66

    You can argue what you can and can't take away from this data set. But frankly to me what this PROVES is just how limited NC MAXs are.
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