Pump action shotguns need a buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blashyrk92, Aug 26, 2013.

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  1. Kodaa

    You're overthinking this, dude.
  2. Flapatax

    Considering the topic is "buff PA shotguns" anything other than "lol, no" is over-thinking.
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  3. FocusLight

    I'm sorry, my memory was off. I've got 209 kills with a PA shotgun. Because you know, that was all in context to the other guy who insists in knowing what he's talking about with 0% experience utilizing the subject of this topic?

    I don't struggle with a shotgun. I use it when it's viable - in CQC. First shot don't kill? Fire again. All I've been saying is that I agree with the OP and that SOMETHING should likely be done, because they seem somewhat sub-par to me. If the Devs disagree? Fair enough.

    Further I have no ability to respect the so called "arguments" of people that present their personal opinions as heavy-weighting facts, especially if those opinions include remarks like "farm-factories" "Cheese weapons" and other heavily-opinion based slang. It simply shows they have no respect for the existence of these weapons/items and can't be bothered to make any kind of neutral contribution, as opposed to telling us all how it's fine because their opinion of it is so low. Yeah.
  4. Ender

    I love jak. I love Sock. I REALLLY love Fortress, mostly because of his awesome forum sig, intellectual savviness, and massive fetish for batteries . PA's are perfect where they are.

    I'm the leader of DA, and I approve this message.
  5. Flapatax

    Cold. Ice cold.
  6. Kodaa

  7. Sock

    Cutting rebuttal, I totally see your point now.

    Buff pump actions, this game needs to be handicap accessible.
  8. Kodaa

    Yes, that's exactly what I said.
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  9. Flapatax

  10. Kodaa

    If you're suggesting that what he said went over my head, then I'll have to assume that what I said went over your head.
  11. jak

    So you complain that none of the "don't buff PA" supporters provided arguments, I spent time doing so, and now you don't have the courtesy to engage in the debate that you so publicly complained wasn't happening?
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  12. Visk

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  13. Sock

  14. Stride

    That's a joke right? PA shotguns are weapons which requires skill. To a inexperienced shotgun user it may seem to be the way you have described but I assure you that it isn't.
  15. DoctOrious

    I have 0 kills with pump action shotguns and I think they are fine.
  16. Posse

    They're fine like they are right now, don't you guys remember how it was before, in every single tower it was full of Pump Actions, it was mandatory to get it to stay competitive (and thus, I have Auraxiumed the Phobos, now I use it rarely but it's still useful)
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  17. Sock

    No you don't understand they require skillllllll!
  18. Posse

    You missed the :eek:
  19. TeknoBug

    I had a LA run up to me while on my infiltrator and he blasted every single round of his pump shotgun at me and missed every single time, not a single hit and I ran around while he was reloading and trying some more... I kept running around and then he was shot down by someone else.

    Biggest shotgun fail I've seen.
  20. tenzenator

    these 100+ kills were made in one day, after that i realize is OP, so i stopped using it

    PS. they are still pain in ***
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