(Joke) One TR is 10 NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NyaR, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. NyaR

    One day a NC platoon’s alpha squad was trekking to secure an objective in the Indar deserts. Ahead, from a Rock formation, came a well placed sniper round that took out the squad’s only medic. Alpha squad took cover and heard on /yell: “One TR is 10 NC”.

    Naturally, the squad leader took this insult against the Conglomerate personally and gathered the remaining 10 soldiers. They plotted a strategy to assault the rock formation and began their attack. Automatic and burst fire was heard across the hex, there were grenade explosions, claymore explosions, flashbangs - and when the dust settled the squad leader saw nobody of his had remained. He heard on /yell: “One TR is a platoon of NC”.

    Alpha squad lead got on the mic and organized his whole platoon. They mobilized armor and galaxies, harassers and liberators. A recon team was sent ahead on wraiths to secure the perimeter and deploy tracer darts. They set onward to teach the Terran a lesson in liberty. Explosions rang, tanks shelled the formation, reavers emptied their whole salvos, there was destruction, sabotage - one could feel auraxis rumble beneath their feet.

    As the wreckage faded and a dust storm swept away smoke from the charred remains of the surrounding landscape alpha squad leader could see a blue infiltrator silhouette coming toward him. The infiltrator made his way and collapsed, his energy reserves depleted, ammo gone, and health in the red the infiltrator visibly struggled to whisper: “It was a trap, sir. There were two of them.” (highlight to see)
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  2. KenDelta

    Best PS2 novel yet , release the whole book please.

    P.s amazing vanny push with a sundy sig.
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  3. StolenToast

  4. Badname3073

    That was cute. Good job!
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  5. LowTechKiller

    A VS sniper with his one-shot wonder rifle, a TR heavy with a Striker resting on his shoulder, and an NC ESF jockey with his flight helmet under his arm all three walk into a bar...

    As they sit down, the bartender looks up from his work and says "what is this, a joke?"
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  6. Spude

    heh stupid NC
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  7. Wezdor

    10/10, loled hard and would read again.
  8. Sebastien

    A TR and VS walk into a SAW
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  9. RHINO_Mk.II

    Something tells me I've heard this joke before with Marines and Army as the two sides.
  10. Wezdor

    Op, pls post moar kthnx.
  11. NyaR

    I heard it about us spec forces and taliban.
  12. Messaiga

    Lol I don't understand, how was it a trap? I have a feeling it was because all of their people got killed by 2 TR soldiers or something like that but I am unsure. Anyway, I like it, very descriptive. If you have played on Waterson this almost completely describes a lot of the NC on there.
  13. Badname3109

    1 NC is 20 TR
  14. PieBringer

    Totally fake. Everyone knows that TR never leave their vehicles.
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    I ran into a "Spude" on Woodman today. Was that you? Crapped myself when that max came around the corner and blasted me.
  16. Slyguy65

    This thread should be renamed "The official thread of good sigs"
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  17. P4NJ

    Somewhat similar to what happened to our squad and the VS a few weeks ago =P

    And I laughed, which is quite rare for me when I browse the internet =)
  18. LordMondando

    Come dance on Miller with the NCTO.
  19. ManualReplica

    A VS, TR and NC platoon came together under peaceful terms...

    Okay, well, long story short, the official PS2 forums were founded and the whole thing collapsed in on itself.
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  20. NyaR

    Why not a bump?