Something I don't understand about NC MAX's

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. BadAsElite

    Your logic is so ******* bad. So we have to spend a crap load of certs inorder to get slugs for both weapons. Inorder for NC Max's to be slightly more viable, (and I do by all means, mean the word "slightly").

    What you just said was nothing more then garbage.

    And im sure I saw a BR100 dressed up in a Pink Tutu aswell.
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  2. vanu123

    Pounders are bad as the Vortex but with bullet drop and anti infantry ability, falcons about the same, fractures blow them out of the water.
  3. Zenanii

    Problem is that the NC AI weapons is fundamentally different compared to the TR/VS equivalents in that the have massive burst and long reload where as TR/VS have massive sustained damage with low downtime. As such, it is hard to make NC maxes more viable at range without making them completely overpowered.
  4. Cab00se187

    No the difference is we cannot use our AV weapons as AI weapons. Every single weapon for the NC max is useful for only the one thing it's designed for.
  5. Zenanii

    Isn't the real problem that the fractures/comets are way too good at AI then?
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  6. Dinapuff

    I applaud empire spesific doctrines and faction diversity, but not at the cost of hamstringing their ability to fight on par with the other empires.
    An NC max simply does not compare to a lockdown or zoe'd rival max in many of the utilities that they are called upon to perform in. Charging across open terrain the NC max is an impotent max, and we see it during biolab max crashes aswell. The NC simply cannot be effective at it while the other factions are not even impeeded by the fact that a majority of their squads are fielding 6-7 maxes.

    As for the mattocks, i have a hard time to account for and compare a weapon so affected by server / client delay as it fires single shots of what amounts to a pre buff battle rifle. Aiming it still amounts to rolling the roulette dice, and I would rather die wearing my extended mag / slug hacksaws simply because i cba to click for every shot and cert another pair of arms until i hit auraxium medal..

    "Weapon systems designed by New Conglomerate engineers stress nothing more than the brute force they believe is needed to achieve their goals. While these weapons lack the accuracy, refire, and reload rates of the other empires' weapons, no guns can match the raw stopping power and bone-crushing force offered by those of the New Conglomerate. To a New Conglomerate soldier, long barrels and large magazines are simply signs of an unwillingness to get up close and personal and finish the job quickly.
    The New Conglomerate's vehicles follow the in-your-face paradigm adopted by the faction by being outfitted with heavy armor, and harder hitting weapons which is designed to punch holes straight through an enemy's front lines. Though this heavy plating does leave them vulnerable to more agile enemies with faster reload rates, just one or two hits from a Vanguard's main gun is often enough to bring down all but the most hardened targets. Without exception, New Conglomerate forces pose a dangerous threat if allowed to close the gap and bring the full weight of their ordnance to bear on the enemy."

    The max does not even feature as a "special unit" on their own wiki page akin to the vanguard or the reaver, infact aside from the aegis shield there is very little faction spesific about it other than the lack of anything but shotguns for AI as all maxes have the same base resistance.

    I am not saying shotguns are bad. Shotguns have a 0.3 advantage in TTK in close quaters combat. But the current itteration of having only access to shotgun arms on a mobile futuristic construction frame are not indicative of a self aware faction or compatible with a philosophy about hard hitting weapons, nor is it even remotely balanced against that of the other maxes who can field upwards of 150 bullets per arm without the long reload timer or a significantly reduced accuracy. It is simply put a niche on the construction frame. Not an end all be all doctrine of how to use the MAX on the battlefield similar to how our heavies do not only have access to the jackhammer the MAX's weaponry should have been expanded upon many updates ago.
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  7. Cab00se187

    Yes and this has been brought up numerous times over the past months.
  8. Liewec123

    TTK within 10m is similar across all 3 factions WITHIN 0.1 SECOND.
    do not go nerfing the faction that can only fire for 3 seconds before a 4 second reload...
    if ever idiots force SoE to nerf NC max for the millionth time i want an ammo boost to compensate for constantly getting s%%t on due to the myth that NC maxes are "CQC gods" because they use shotguns...
    no, go test, TTK is similar across all 3, VS/TR can just maintain the fire for 300% longer.
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  9. Brayton

    And as you can see, we're not lying when we say NC gets a very short stupid stick to beat itself to death with.
  10. Purg

    Against another MAX? No, it's not. Unless it's certed, it has no hope of defeating another MAX at that range.

    Clearly you didn't actually read my encounter with the ZOE MAX with KA5. It burned through my shield while I slowly moved toward it, I fired all my Mattocks between 5-10m and hit every shot - and lost.
  11. Yetskii

    Did you notice that all in all NC max have fewer unique users by a long shot over VS and TR?
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  12. vanu123

    Then get better because you shouldve won.
  13. Purg

    LOL. With Mattocks attached and no escape route, let me learn from the master, what should I have done against a KA5 MAX?
  14. Goretzu

    The burst is higher, but the infantry TTK is functionally the same. (only being 0.3 seconds faster for the best TTK NC AI weapons vs the best TTK TR/VS weapons)
    The difference being that the TR/VS weapons hold that TTK out to much greater ranges than the NC AI weapons.

    MAX vs MAX it is more complex.

    Standard MAX vs Standard MAX only dual Grinders can win without a 4 second reload (which is the same as saying only dual Grinders can win, basically).

    Fully upgraded (Kinetic Armour 5 + extended Mags) vs Fully upgraded again only the Grinder can win without a reload.

    This leaves NC AI MAX drawing in CQB and at a disadvantage in medium/long range against infantry.

    And at a massive disadvantage MAX vs MAX when standard or fully upgraded.
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  15. Goretzu

    Have you done the maths? Can you show it please.
  16. Jalek

    I do like the ignore function of this forum. It takes care of obvious trolls pretty easily.
  17. Voiidd

    yeaa.... cause who wants to actually have a fight on their hands. I mean If we had weapons that could be used further then punching ranges, god forbid, VS and TR might actually die to NC MAXes.
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  18. vanu123

    I just want flamethrowers :p
  19. vanu123

    You should be using cover and not be acting like a walking tank. The last thing you should do is be out in the open. The open field is where VS and Frac maxs live.
  20. Patrician

    What you mean how the VS and TR did before the NC AI Max nerf? When they did exactly that rather than running to the forums claiming the NC Scat/Haxor Max was OP and needed to be nerfed? Is that what you mean?
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