Issues TR (Mattherson)/TR in general face

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pr0FadeZ, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. KodiakX

  2. Johalt

    Every faction has good and bad weapons, and the biggest issue tends to be people trying to use a weapon for something its garbage at instead of what its good at. Saying that the veteran TR players that quit did so because our weapons suck is a load of ****.

    Negator, I know you and a few select other VS outfits actually look for even fights and actually want to fight, but since probably the first month I started playing PS2 until about the beginning of June when I stopped leading platoons regularly if I brought my platoon to a VS base where there was a platoon of VS already I'd say about 40% of the time they would pull out of the base and start ghost capping all the connected territories, 40% of the time 2-3 more VS platoons would show up after 4-5mins of fighting and only 20% of the time that one platoon would stay and fight by itself against equal numbers. Where as if I brought my platoon to a NC base where there was one platoon, I'd say 90% of the time they'd stay and fight because they just wanted a good fight too.

    Now while spreading your forces out evenly to cap as much as possible and then bringing them all back together to hit a single defended base with overwhelming numbers is extremely effective, its also incredibly boring and not very fun for those on either side. I can't speak for every outfit on TR obviously but the common theme with the veterans who have quit from HNYB is they were tired of only being able to either ghost cap or have to fight 3+ platoons with one platoon. There's only a handful of people who were playing even just two months ago in HNYB that are still playing today, and those that do still play today tend to only play for a small fraction of the hours a week they used to.

    So now with the latest GU server pops are back close to even but TR population has basically doubled, meaning half the TR players online first started playing PS2 within the past 8 days. Unfortunately there's just not enough people left on TR to show them the ropes and get them trained in to being useful, and the few who still play that could just don't give a **** anymore. I plan on trying to do what I can this weekend to teach as many new TR players the game, but its going to be a long uphill battle and I fear the few veterans who have stayed this long will finally give up and leave once they realize how long and how much work its going to take to get the faction back up to where it needs to be.

    Anyways, sorry for the long rambling and probably rather scattered post, it was typed up piece meal in-between working. I just felt like you deserved a response since you also seem to want to see the server improve. If you'd like a more clear and thorough response we can talk later tonight.
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  3. Dhart

    I blame your militaristic guilds who think they know more and are better than anyone else.

    You don't need just need them... if you can't keep up... it's your own damn fault.
  4. Negator

    oh man, this guy that talks about 'natural bias, inaccurate stereotypes, and ignorance' to support his side, but his own bias/ignorance on display for all to see regarding the opponents side. Oh and the only outfit gone from Matherson is E911, nobody else left.

    Too funny. Still waiting on that evidence to support your inaccurate comments about weapon quality.
  5. Negator

    I think you need to review that link yourself. Since 'you' are the only source given for your arguments about weapon balance, 'you' are inspected and deemed invalid in that respect. Try harder with the wit please.

    How bout this:

    My TR:!/5428034441434770625

    My VS:!/5428010618020705601/weapons

    equivalent accuracy ratings for equivalent classes of weapons with a sizable sample pool=balanced weaponry.
  6. EliteEskimo

    TR didn't get bad, it's just that we have been the most underpopulated faction the longest and now we are finally even. Guess how that happened? A metric crap ton of new players which need direction and learn how to do everything were dropped into the game. For the longest time Mattherson TR was basically defined by its well trained outfits and everyone else who wasn't in them tagged along for the ride. Now however we have all these new people which need to be trained and need to find outfits to join. Give it time for the new players to get educated, organized, and part of an outfit. BWC, AOD, 903rd, and HNYB are only going to get better with time, and bigger too as the new players find out which outfit suits them.:)
  7. CrashB111

    I've been pretty dissatisfied with AOD and HNYB today.

    First AOD decides instead of bringing their 48 man platoon to the Crown to win that fight for the TR that was ongoing, to go attack Snake Ravine which only had 1-12 defenders.

    Then later on HNYB decided that after getting beaten at Palisade to go Gal drop Scarred Mesa instead of hold back the VS zerg at Crimson Bluff Tower.

    Here lately the only outfit I have seen consistently try to hold their ground is 903rd.
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  8. EliteEskimo

    I won't talk badly about any outfit on the Ultra Alliance as I have respect for all of them, but I will say that when BWC does its twice a week major Ops we always get a lot done. :cool:
  9. xanimosityy

    Exactly. Having 10 Helen Kellers help you assault a base is adding more fodder to the mix at best. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to be surrounded by completely unreliable players. Been in so many situations lately where 4 friendly's watch a guy murder me on reload without returning a single shot his way. I don't even want to get started on the friendly fire. The other day i was gunned down by a TR while i was giving him heals because you know, clearly thats something an enemy player would be doing.
  10. Crashmatusow

    you guys could start by not standing perfectly still while using a striker
  11. Geneaux

    Doesn't matter when theres an entire Vanguard column just waiting to shell you.
  12. zu2

    It's not just the TR and NC who got new players. I was on Amerish today running around Sungrey gathering resources since Indar was pretty infantry poor at the time. Killed low Br vanu players over and over and found one trying to use his ai turret to kill a shield gen. Finally tried to help the poor suckers out by yelling at them to press e and hold it down to kill the gens. Took awhile but some other vanu showed up eventually to help them out. At the end I went max and wiped out the entire vanu contingent on the control point with a minute left but no Tr came to cap the point. Ah well, was a nice little farm while it lasted.
  13. KodiakX

    You're right, I'm sorry I completely forgot who I was replying to. To expect you to make a half reasoned or non-personal attack based argument or assessment was silly of me. At least you stepped up from demanding I provide videos of your "success" and my inability to do so was validation for your claims. Or is that next?

    What a joke.
  14. Alexandrix

    Going to go ahead and throw my 2 sc in here.Not that it really makes a difference,but anyways.
    It really doesn't have much to do with faction imbalance.At least not as much as people want to make out.Sure,the ZOE is still stupid and needs a timer.The VS guns seem to be hyper accurate....but that's just my perception...I doubt they are really THAT much different than the TR/NC guns.But,other than really isn't that big of a deal.Our weapons are fine.

    What really screws us is two lack of command structure....and,like someone said before,lack of fighting spirit.You have no idea how many times,just last night alone,I was the only TR leaving a spawn/teleporter room to try and fight.I remember a fight at rashnu biolab in particular.The pops were fairly one point TR even had a few more % than VS.But Lo and behold,everyone is just huddling in the tele room afraid to move.No less than 3 times I left the tele room,killed at least 4-5 VS and set up and blew the gen...ALONE.Instead of coming out of the tele room to help,the other 7-10 TR just poked in and out to shoot at stray VS that got close enough.We lost the fight and got pushed back 2 hexes.

    I think most of the TR has gotten so used to being spawn camped by the VS zerg over pop that they don't know how to fight from anywhere except behind a spawn room shield or something.Why are people so afraid to die in a game with INFINITE LIVES?!?!?!

    Also,the TR make terrible terrible strategic decisions.They would rather stay and fight over 1 hex for 2 hours instead of going to stop the back hacks from the other faction.By the time anyone responds we have lost half of our territory.

    These things are why the TR get owned.Not the weapons.The people.We have no one to blame except ourselves.
    (Outside of prime time is a different story.when the VS has 50%+ world pop to the TR's 22%...there really isn't much you can do at that point.)

    We need to regain the will to fight.To get out of the spawn room and tear the VS a new one.We can do it.We just have to want to.
  15. Negator

    It is non personal and reasoned, but youd prefer it to be because it gives you some kind of moral high ground.

    Since you fail to understand crazy things like 'statistics' and 'facts', please explain to everyone here why VS weaponry is clearly superior without wild generalizations. At the very least you could actually attempt a response to my last post about weapon balance.
  16. Holomang

    Just makes you wanna give those little cheekies a pinch
  17. Badname3073

    However, in the last alert (Tech Plants) you guys were able to keep Tawrich, while the NC had none.
  18. CrashB111

    We were doing that in the tech plant alert this morning that was just the 3 on Indar.

    TR own Tawrich.
    VS owns Mao.
    VS owns Hvar.

    The NC in their infinite wisdom decided to push along scarred mesa and red ridge into Tawrich while the VS pushed from the north which resulted in the VS not having to split their forces between Hvar and Tawrich and just stomping both factions with 50% pop.

    Conveniently enough, immediately after the VS started to push us out I looked at the map and the NC were pushing Hvar even though Tawrich would flip before they would be close to capping it giving VS the win.

    So if you NC are listening here, during alerts especially focus firing the VS is the best way to stop constant dominating victories.
  19. Dis

    In the name of science I offer myself as a test subject. My stats are nearly identical on TR/VS, and the only reason my score per hour is higher on TR is due to boosts/membership.

    The only people who cry imbalance are the diehard empire fanbois who typically are not very good at Planetside 2.
  20. Kendricklamar619

    I would just like to point out that the TR won the Amerish alert towards the end of prime time with even 33 33 33 population. In my opinion the TR on Matherson are probably the best on PS2, our weapons dont suck they just require discipline. to all the people saying the Stryker is OP piss off! you cant solo kill anything with a stryker low damage and by time you get enough shots off you will probably be dead or have the vehicle escape. people only complain because the get killed easily because 15 of them are fired at you. Its called superior tactics