Stuff I will TK you for (and laugh about it)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scatterblak, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Ultimatestormer

    I avoid TKing as much as possible, but there are a few situations where I will.

    1. I have bought horns for my Sundy and Harasser for a reason. If you don't understand that me honking means get in or get out of my way after I've been honking at you for awhile, then get ready to feel my tires over your now dead body.

    2. I have requested heals or repairs from someone that is the correct class (I never request that people switch for me) multiple times, yet they don't respond. If there is no one else around that can heal/rep me and I've done my best to attract your attention (a few bullets, walking in front of you, radial menu, etc.) then I will give you a short lesson on situational awareness.

    3. You have TKed people just so you can get that sweet overload experience. I'll TK you, but not for my personal gain.

    4. You are destroying an enemy terminal when there are almost certainly friendly infiltrators around, and I have requested you stop, with a few bullets and/or voice chat. However, if I am an infiltrator, you get no warning. If you are an infiltrator and are shooting a terminal, you don't get a warning either.

    5. Hijacked squad/platoon lead from an outfit officer and won't return it. This usually involves the entire platoon TKing on sight. And yes, this has actually happened before.

    6. You are providing a running commentary. Step 1: mute, Step 2: kill.

    7. I have seen you intentionally TK a lot, I'll just show you how it feels.

    Sidenote: I apologize when I TK someone almost all the time, unless I feel you deserved it. However I don't expect apologies, never demand for them, and almost never receive them. If that's how you were raised, not my issue.
  2. Codeak

    heres my list:

    1. If I think it will be funny.
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  3. Degenatron

    Really, the only time I TK someone on purpose is if they won't stop shooting at my tank. It's really freakin' distracting to have little "plink, plink, plinks" happening on the back of my tank while I'm working on killing the enemy or just getting from A to B. I will kill you, but I won't laugh about it. It's not funny to me at all.
  4. IamDH

    I'll TK you for making this thread
  5. LameFox

    Meh. If it's convenient or would have looked intentional I usually do, but if I'm fighting and some guy catches a stray bullet or I blow him away offing some C4 guy before he can set/detonate his C4, or a million other unforeseen things in battle, I'm not going to bother making a note of doing it later just in case he's hypersensitive and will have a fit otherwise. If such a person should decide to get revenge we can always feud, I like feuds.

    Enemy engineers are easier to find and kill on their way around bases than enemy infiltrators. There are very few instances (basically limited to needing a new sunderer, which itself negates infantry terminals) in which these things actually matter, and they're not worth much experience dead or captured, so I highly doubt many people bother with killing them for that as opposed to deny it to enemies. Especially on foot, as they're weirdly durable to small arms and sometimes even take no damage from C4.

    This is a bug, 'genius', and they should (IME very reliably even - haven't seen this problem for a long time) when destroyed return to being owned by the faction which controls the base at the time. So if you're defending, that would be yours.
  6. Kastrenzo

    I hope you enjoy getting suspended and/or banned, Repetitive TK'ing is griefing, and griefing is grounds for a ban.

    Just ignore it, walk away.
  7. Kevorkian

    What server are you on so I can: Not apologize, shoot at you for ammo, kill terminals for xp as a heavy, tip your atv over, shoot at you for a ride, block your doorways with a Sundy, and kill flipped turrets for xp on my heavy.... while staring at you.... like a boss.
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  8. Liquidrider


    I'd report Scatterblak for #3 and #7 no matter what. This may be hard to comprehend, but there are beginners in this game that don't understand what infiltrators can do. To purposely TK a player is probably more hurtful to a team regardless, especially if the person you just TK'd could've saved you from C4 being dropped on your head.

    And FYI I've seen terminals can be flipped back, and I have witnessed Vanu & NC both pull a come back because of this.

    Take one Inf, to flip a terminal.

    In all honesty I will destroy terminals and turrets if I feel the defense could have the upper hand. I won't if I am ordered not to based on Squad Leader and Platoon leader.

  9. LynxFury

    Yep, this happens a lot after someone's game crashes....than some non-communicative scrub ends up in charge. If talking, chatting and TKing don't help it ends up being a mess with the outfit moving to another platoon with a stupid name like "the real X" etc.

    A vote kick command would be SOO much easier.
  10. TheBillOf3D

    These aren't arguments to your points exactly. But maybe qualifiers or addendums.
    If you walk in front, you won't get many apologies. Some apologize when you do something stupid just because they got the grief. But not all. For example, Medics walking in front of Maxes, heavies, turrets, just to fire off a few rounds themselves will not always get an apology. And maxes are front line for a push, so no complaining about them 'getting in your shot'. Especially if you aren't a heavy. Vehicles may not bother looking at the text box to see who they hit or if they killed them. You get odd 'dings' sometimes. Lag can make one player appear to be in the clear while you are right in front of another player. So I have no hard fast rules on TKing and give the benefit of the doubt.

    An engie can destroy and repair a turret with less fuss and aggravation than yelling for an infiltrator to do it and get it done quicker time. Especially since they tend to be the ones hanging around those areas. At least as long as they own the base. If you don't own it then destroying it can be a jerk move. You'll only start a chain of team killing if you pick a wrong fight there.
  11. Onetoo

    I rarely team kill on purpose, but if a friendly kills me intentionally or through gross negligence, I will write down their name and destroy their vehicle once they've pulled one.

    If a friendly harms/kills me in what seems to be an accident, I forgive and forget, because this is a video game and crap happens. I've made my share of mistakes and will continue to do so, even though I try hard to avoid FF.
  12. ZakTurbo

    People that TK you while you're arming/disarming a gen just because they want the points. Had some fool do this to me earlier so I proceeded to hunt him down to get my revenge, to my delight there was friendly medic was around at the time so I got my 'revenge' a good 4 or 5 times before he decided to respawn.
  13. LameFox

    I find a good general approach to turrets is: if it's AV/AI and faces your side, kill it. If it's AV/AI and faces their side, hack it. If it's flak and near the spawn room, kill it and leave a freaking minefield. If it's flak and they keep using their flak, kill it or hack it and stay in it. If they're leaving the things alone and/or they've got lots of planes, cap as many as possible.

    Hardly worth TKing over though.
  14. NinjaTurtle

    Blaring crap music out over proximity

    TKing me twice. I can accept once mistakes happen, twice however is just taking the piss

    Spamming prox channels with nothing useful to say. There was a kid that sounded about 10 the other night talking about just random stuff, he then started singing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme at me :eek:
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  15. LameFox

    Exception: doorways, especially to spawn rooms. I know MAXes seem to love doing this but with their size, they're blocking more firepower than they're putting through the bloody door. Spawns are the worst because it doesn't even soak up damage, just gets in the way. I can knock the heads off numerous people with a sniper or just get one after another after another with a LMG or AR, and this is just one little guy standing in the corner of the door. Then a MAX wanders up there and sprays effects all over the place mistaking intimidating looks for lethality, and using up most of the doorway. If anything it should use us firing through as a chance to rush out and potentially change something.

    Or if it's hopeless and you just want score, I don't care, but... be something not a MAX. Unless you're NC and they're in shotgun range, then sure loads of score.
  16. Vandraad

    Spamming music or just flapping your ******* gums because you think that you've got **** to say everyone needs to hear? I'll take all the time I need to find and kill you over and over until you stop or my weapons are locked.

    You shot my vehicle? You're an Engineer, Light Assault or anything that can drop C4 or Tank Mines and running towards my vehicle? My gunner will kill you or we'll just run you over.

    I get killed/injured because we're in a crowded area trying to push and you decide that chucking a grenade is the intelligent thing to do? Yeah..TK coming your way.
  17. Mechwarrior

    1. Accidents happen. Cry more.
    2. If there's a max with low health near a terminal who's constantly yelling yelling for repairs, and nobody changes to an engi, it gets pretty annoying. Try repairing him next time instead of just screwing around.
    3. If an infiltraitor in a squad manages to flip a terminal, spawn and immediately deploy a sundy, then you can easily have an entire platoon in a base in seconds.
    4. Never even seen this happen.
    5. So you're in a huge rush that prevents you from stopping to pick someone up but you have enough time to turn around and shoot them? Seems legit.
    6. I've seen people use these to block off door ways so that enemies can't get through them. Works even better since AI turrets tend to not take damage from rockets.
    7. I've killed plenty of turrets and repaired them back, it's just when they're not flipped but considered an enemy turret (they'll be the faction's color but have an enemy marker above it) that will cause them to glitch out, which doesn't matter anyway since they can't be repaired and people can't get into them so they're useless anyway. Also killing and repairing them grants a lot more XP, weren't you whining about "denying allies XP" in your third point?
  18. TheBillOf3D

    The maxes are usually in the door to signal a push and hope to get some engies on them. Which usually flops because engies would rather make easy kills out of the shields than do their job. Light them up a few times with a repair gun and see if they don't try to move out. Picking off noob infantry from behind the shields usually doesn't do anything but pad KD if there is no push involved. They just keep respawning.
  19. patricio_z

    V -> 8, half a second is just a little time to apologize for you being a bad shot/careless
    There are other tools for that...use them
  20. NightFallzz

    The OP sounds like the typical [D]ick outfit member