Stuff I will TK you for (and laugh about it)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scatterblak, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. rayvon

    American commits friendly fire incident, whats new here ?
  2. FaLI3N

    I always wanted to try that, alas I spend my time on the ground picking off your kind in my rock lobbing magrider. I have drove someone particularly annoying 3000m to an enemy warpgate before locking once haha. Left them there, probably still there.

    YOU are the d1ck. What did it cost you to repair his damage ?
  4. Chris Bingley

    Sometimes, when people team kill me, it was my fault (running in front of somebody who's firing) and sometimes it was an accident and I can accept that. However, if somebody team kills me when there's no enemies around, or worse, rams my flash because their tank has racer 3 and they don't want to slow down, then I will rage and TK them in return.
    Yeah, you used to be able to prema hack terminals by setting up AP mines next to them after you hacked them (you had to shoot them a bit first). They got rid of this however as there was no defence against it (blowing up the mine with gun fire would still kill the terminal, but at least you survived).
  5. The King

    Killing your own terminals (his number 7) is at times, needed. We don't need the damn terminal, but the enemies use it to spawn sunderers and the likes. TKing because your own team was more smart than you to prevent the enemies to spawn said vehicles is a ***** move which would get you TKed back and then some. And many times, when I kill the enemies hacked terminal, I can repair it just fine. You TK me for that? I'll TK you back and then some until you quit the game permanently. I'll also get my 2952 friends to do it too.. lol(yeah that is a joke, but you'll still get TKed for TKing me.. and it will not be near the spawn)
    I'm replying to the guys number 7....

    As for you, I swore SOE changed it where if you had the newbie medic gun at rank 1, you rez em at 50% life. I could be wrong though, I have it 2nd to max rank. However, if you TK'd me for rezing you and taking off to rez, I'll just TK you back. I may rez you, and if you accept, I will kill you and rez you again to kill you again if you accept.

    As for the engineers not repairing, resupplying, etc and the medics the same way. They don't have to do it, which is fine. But it does tick me off too. I look at the wall and think, wtf dude.. And it kinda makes me want to kill em.
  6. Zorlox

    lol. i actually thank them because they give me free xp to repair them. he's either a troll or really ignorant.
  7. Oheck

    I make all my TKs look like accidents, thus avoiding the weapon lock.
  8. TheBillOf3D

    Some just blankety tell their platoon not to kill terminals because explaining the exceptions is too difficult for noobs to get into their heads and they blow them all up. So when told not to, a bunch of these noobs then self-righteously think they can TK anyone who destroys a terminal or turret. Which is also annoying. If you own the base, destroy and repair is ok. If the enemy is using a turret or may use it, destroy is ok. Saving enemy turrets for your infiltrators can lead to much comedy and better than just destroying them. Or just ask platoon/squad leader first.

    It does seem logical to noobs to destroy these things. Not simply because they want the few points. But they think denying the enemy these things is a good idea. I've done it myself not knowing any better. Tking them will not work as well as simply educating them.
  9. Kumaro

    Only time i team kill is when people run in to my line of fire From behind me or near me when it's clearly visible that im standing there shooting. This often happens in shielded rooms.
    In bigger buildings or open places i tend to let them run into the enemy and be bait for me so i can easily kill them enemy and get the extra revenge xp. Simply put i often manage to stop shooting move away my aim as the final bullet takes down their shield. (has even saved me a few times) But if im HA or have the mana-turret i just hold the trigger since i can afford that loss of bullets :p

    Fire-fights and behind the actual front are a lot different. If i can i do an apology (V-8) i tend to forget their names so tell is a bit hard >.<
    But i always run up to their place and call a medic if i can. Mostly this has worked. I am a very supportive player and often try to adapt to the needs of the players around me.

    However the rage of a support player is big i have a short fuse for some things
    This one guy that died by my final bullet in a fire fight that i got another medic called to revive. Shot me and sent me some colourful tells. It became my mission that day to make him rage quit. About an hours work id say -w-