MBT vs C4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BengalTiger, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Zorro

    I would prefer that C4 be replaced with a futuristic shaped charge. Besides being silly that a modern-day explosive be still in use in Planetside 2's setting, it is unrealistic that C4 be so effective, while a futuristic explosion could be explained. Light Assaults should still be able to destroy a tank, as they are the most skill-based class.
  2. Ranik

    Tanks are now successfully pushed to 200+ meters away from any infantry fight so as not to be C4'd. And now they only have to contend with swarms of lock on's / ESRL's / Max AV / AV mana turrets which beat them at their own open field game.

    Balance achieved.
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  3. Muhdic

    Tanks are for killing other tanks and suppressing infantry from a distance, they are not for parking right next to buildings at outposts and taking a nap while your auto-click macro shells that spawn room door or parking under enemy towers where people can easily drop c-4 on you.
    Stop getting close to tons of enemy infantry and have some friendlies support your vehicle by watching your *** (or an alert kobalt gunner) and your mbt getting c-4'd won't happen nearly as much.

    One player can drive and gun an MBT effectively, why shouldn't a single player be able to eliminate one given the proper circumstance?
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  4. Muhdic

    Neither does pulling a 1/2 tank
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  5. jak

    Has nothing to do with my usage of C4. It has to do with me being not in favor of nerfing something because people, in general, are too incompetent to use the tools already available to them that will allow them to not be massively impacted by C4. You can't cert situational awareness, nor should you nerf things simply because a certain portion of the population lacks what the game provides them.
  6. Bill Hicks

    How about tank rounds dont insta kill me?

    I swear to goddess that critical thinking is not taught in schools.

    C- 4 is a counter to tanks. It doesnt matter how much they cost. A tank can kill and destroy alot of units while its up. C-4 is useful but dangerous to use. I cannot count how many resources I wasted throwing C-4 and dying before detonation.

    So NO you dont get any buffs against C-4 pay attention and have your team mates watch for jihadists.
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  7. Elrobochanco

    Holy crap I agree with Bill Hicks.

    Scissors: Nerf ROCK!
  8. Nintyuk

    As a heavy C4 user I'm perfectly fine having MBT's be crippled (AKA On red and burning) instead of popping straight up. It encourages Tanks to have a engy second gunner otherwise they will have to Jump out to emergency repair with the C4 instigator still there and it will encourage similar tactics to sundy removal. Unlike sundy's MBT's have a good chance to be moving about with some damage already so the C4 would still instagib.
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  9. Sebastien

    And a 2/2 tank focusing the same target prevents C4 because?
  10. Mostadio

    Just press the W key. No more C4.
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  11. Elrobochanco

    Presumably they could aim, shoot, and drive still.
  12. Thardus

    I really think it should take three C4 to destroy even a lightning. There's no reason any class short of Heavy or Engineer should be able to deal with a tank on their own.
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  13. Roll Fizzlebeef

    How to not die from C4 101:

    1 - Don't be an idiot. Use situational awareness (Situational awareness is binded to the T key by default)

    2 - GRAB A GUNNER!

    My outfit never leaves the spawn or warpgate unless there is a gunner in that tank.

    3 - You see those towers with the landing pads? Don't go near those. An LA can use the pad as cover and merrily plant it on top of you in complete safety.

    I actually blew up 3 tanks with 4 C4 because they were parked BENEATH the landing pad. I planted C4 on a prowler, blew it, and the wreckage blew up the prowler parked next to it camping the garage.

    4 - If you see smoke, back the hell out of there.

    Chances are, it's a light assault that just popped smoke so he can C4 you.

    5 - Keep your distance.

    You're a tank. You're a big target. The reason why you get C4'd so much is because YOU'RE A HIGH PRIORITY TARGET! No one has ever said, "Oh there's a tank killing all of our guys... we'll just ignore it for now". It's more like, "THERE'S A TANK COMING FROM THE EAST 200M AWAY! GET THAT TANK! KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!"

    Lastly, I see no one complaining about being blown up by Decimator wielded by heavies that cost no resources to pull. If someone blew you up with C4, that means he spent 700 certs to gain the ability to equip C4 for one class, and then spent 200 infantry resources to blow you up.
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  14. SgtBreastroker

    It doesn't. Your gunner's job is technically to cover you.
  15. Anubis132

    As a Light Assault player who probably gets half of his certs from C4'ing MBT's and Lightnings, even I have to agree that a MBT should take 3 C4's to kill. They should be more like sunderers, which are very tough targets for a LA to take out by himself.
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  16. Caydn

    You do your fellow NC a disservice by advocating such a thing we have the worst main battle tank we need the c4 not to be nerfed
  17. Anubis132

    On second thought, I've always thought that MBT's should be more durable. No need to nerf the C4 directly, in that case.
  18. Caydn

    Your right if a tank costs 450 vehicle points then a lump of plastic explosive should cost 10 infantry points
  19. Sebastien

  20. CaptainRobust

    Tanks are more valuable now, but the stats of tanks don't reflect that. Now that they cost so much to field, they should probably get a buff in the survivability department, no? I always found the insta-gib C4 to be a little odd on a vehicle that takes several AP rounds to the same spot to destroy it.

    Now, I'm not saying that you can't avoid being attacked by C4. Since it's pretty easy to just back up and shoot at the Light Assault when his jets run out. It's just a bit silly that an infantry handled book-sized block of explosives does more damage to a tank than the main gun of another tank.
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