Bring back the beta night!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Seaker Drone, Mar 27, 2013.

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  1. GrizzleFist

    Why is this still being ignored?
  2. DoctorXqY

    Luperza has responded at least a few times in this thread. They're looking into it. Be patient.
    Additionally, if they're going to implement it, they're going to want to do it right the first time, with the least people ******** on the forums about it, just like with Lattice (I.E. "Bring back the lattice from PS1!" "Lattice sucks, change it back!"
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  3. IamDH

    Man i just played on high graphics i cant see anything at night
    You want to make it darker?
  4. deggy

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  5. MasonSTL

    If you where on Amerish that is understandable mainly because the color pallet for that continent is rather dark; dark browns, dark greens, and greys.
  6. IamDH

    In general
    I was playing on very low before and the night time is really just a black sky lol
    When i switched to high graphics i couldnt make out the Vanu and Terran at all
    The faction colors and probably shadows prevent this from happening
    A darker night will be pretty much pitch black i guess then
  7. Hicksimus

    It's not like we're asking for weather or some new feature....
  8. Choggo

  9. Choggo

  10. NeverWas

    approve of beta night, hope SOE will bring it back soon.
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  11. VSDerp

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  12. YamiNoTenshi

    Lets hope that the night vision change to ESFs is in preparation for darker nights!
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  13. Wariamu

    Ok so you're saying there that you just messed with the brightness? .. ..
  14. Ethancol

  15. Ethancol

    30,000 views baby!! By yours truly. A sign for good things to come?!
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  16. Anti-Skub

    I'd really like to see a poll taken by all the people in this thread who play on low graphics settings with the brightness above 0...I bet it's not an insignificant number. Nights are dark if you play with the settings that make them dark. On high settings with fog shadows on, the brightness at 0, ambient occlusion and max shadows, it is definitely not bright.

    I'm totally up for them making the nights completely dark so you need torches and night vision but first they need to sort out the fact that playing on low gives you a massive advantage at night. It's not as simple as just reducing the brightness a little bit, that would just make it so that playing on low makes it like it is playing on high now and everyone who is playing on high will be blinded.

    As long as that isn't overlooked then yeah, bring on dark nights and while your at it put flashlights on lamps on absolutely everything. In a tank I don't want to be forced into using an NV scope, give me headlights on the front, a searchlight on the barrel and a fog lamp on the secondary. Same with the lib, forward facing landing lights for the pilot and high power spotlights for the gunners.
  17. 1Jammie1

    We can only hope.
  18. technopredator

    Pitch black knights will be a good addition to the game and make the battles more interesting, more tactical than just numbers and firepower.

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  19. EvilNinjadude

    Well I'm sorry, I can't turn up my graphix. I even have to put up with <10FPS sometimes.
    But my brightness is at 0 in most cases.

  20. technopredator

    You can reduce render quality down to 50% if necessary, get all settings to 0and uncheck all boxes on graphics settings, also make sure your graphics driver settings are on low settings or 'Use application settings' settings, disable flora ingame, these quite a bit. You can increase them later on if you get 60 fps or close to that.
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