GU011: Weapon and Vehicle Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by joshua, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. TothAval

    I just played an hour on indar and took a look at my ressources. I tried to only use a tank,
    in this case a lightning since i haven't certed the mag right now.

    start mechanical ressources: 750
    end ressources: 750
    ressource gain on indar with territorial control between 25-35%(didn't looked excactly) 91 every 5 min
    didn't counted actual fighting which gives more ressources

    total lightnings pulled: 3-4
    ressource cost: 600-800
    ressource gain in total in one hour 91*12=1092

    probably ressource usage with gu11 1200-1600

    ressources available in total 1200+750=1950

    Considering i am not a good tanker and i die pretty fast cause i try to kill other tanks in a drive by
    and if i fail, which happens a lot due to crappy aiming, i try to c4 or rocketlauncher them.
    Nethertheless, my tanks dies pretty fast if i don't care about my tank.

    So i really don't see any problem here and as i stated before, if you run low on ressources,
    change to a continent where your faction is currently at a better stand and recover your
    storage and then return in a combined effort and fully refreshed.
    Consider continent locking coming in the future this ressource change will prepare you a
    little bit for that too.
  2. lolitank

    it's 900 resources for 2 tanks and like you said 1 hour is 1k and some maps it will be even longer like when you are wrap gated
  3. TothAval

    I calculated with a lightning since this was the only tank i used, and according to the gu note preview
    lightning shall cost 400, so i have to stay alive min to pull the next one, which i have to anyway.
    and after that additional 25 min to pull the next one if i don't kill or destroy anything.
    I think this is not as bad as people think it will be. I do hope some sort of ressource reducing cert will
    be implemented somehow for those who are a lot more dedicated than me, but i think this change will
    help the game more then damaging it.

    And as i stated before i don't counted in the fighting. In my example, if you wait a hour in the warpgate
    and do nothing you could pull almost 4 mbts if you start with full mechanical ressources. I'll wait to
    see how it plays out before complaining. Theoreticaly this isn't a bad thing, let's see how it works in
    the game and tweak it if necessary afterwards.
  4. lolitank

    25 mins do you know how long that is for tanks it's rare for one to live that long i have done it but i mean alot of the time i playing chicken when i do that
  5. Morchai

    I can stay alive 25 minutes in a lightning if I'm part of a zerg or being overly cautious and ineffective. However, if I'm actually trying to have fun staying alive long enough to afford a replacement at 400 resource isn't realistic.
  6. Takoita

    Seems promising so far. Some things I'd like to mention:

    - No-deploy zone should be a destructible/repairable objective, IMHO.

    - As many people have already mentioned above, Flash costs seems a bit too high.

    - Sunderer cost is lower than MBT now? We are gonna see an upsurge of Battle Buses again.

    - ES HA AI weapons getting an update is certainly good news, I'm eager to see how they would turn out. IRNV optics would be nice to have on them. No spin-up delay on MCG is a godsend; would it be possible to up the maximum ROF on it?

    I am concerned about "splash damage to allies" reduction for the Lasher though. Does it include the user themselves? Just how much would it be reduced? Would a squad of HA be able to suit up in flak armor and steamroll indoor areas without bothering to watch their fire?

    - Speaking of IRNV, are those changes really necessary? I would perfer to have a reliable scope option for CQC with VS without resorting to swapping the gamma settings on my monitor each time the game's time of day changes.

    - Underbarrel attachments no longer fudging up equipment slots would be good. Especially if it would work without bugs.

    - Pumped up for the Vulcan changes. The videos of the tests perfomed on the test server don't seem that promising yet, but at the very least the sound got better.

    - Increasing projectile velocity for the Skyguard is a very much needed buff, IMHO; eager to see how that would turn out.
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  7. AssaultPig

    On balance I do think there could stand to be fewer tanks driving around. I'm not a monthly member and generally speaking I don't have to pay attention to my vehicle resources; I pretty much always have enough to pull a lightning or a vangaurd and will generally make those resources back within the life of the tank. These increases seem excessive to me though (especially for the lightning/flash/harasser.) I guess they really want people to be monthly members :eek:

    I do worry a little bit that this will wind up being detrimental to factions that are already under-populated, since they already have less territory to draw resources from.
  8. Keiichi25

    I will say, that this may not be a good idea for some vehicles, but then again, it may actually break tank zerging.

    I do feel, however, the cost of tanks is a bit high in comparison to the ESF and Liberators... The Sunderer didn't really change as it was initially 400 to begin with.

    The flash cost... I think comes into play trying to tweak the Infiltrator/C4/Wraith suicide run. Given the cheapness of the vehicle and the means to bypass people to blow up a high priority target without the risk of being discovered (Engineers/LAs can pull it off without being discovered) a Wraith Cloaked Flash doing an insta-kill with C4 on it is a bit not right.
  9. manson970

    bunch of lil whiners here too much for my lil tank waaaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaa, now i hope i dont have to fight zoe, and swagriders all the time and that VS,NC will have to use tactics not just rush 30+ tanks and maxes, and the heavy weapons change is good i hope the MCG will be good now i am looking forward to fighting NC and VS the jackhammer should be deadly now in cqc, and the lasher should be devastating
  10. Spookydodger

    I would say only allow it if
    1. You haven't taken damage in 15 seconds
    2. You are within 50 meters of a vehicle terminal
    3. The vehicle is stationary
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  11. Dharnia

    Since territory already has a resource gain that should be added into the cost of the vehicle cost continent wide. You should be getting more expensive vehicles the more territory you gain causing the other factions who have less territory and less resource gain to have lower cost vehicles regardless of where they are. You could put it down as a vehicle tax per say as you gain more territory the increase in tax rate against your vehicle cost. Capture a continent and the 100% tax will keep your faction from just spawning more tanks and sunderers at warp gates as the cost will be extremely high.
  12. Sea of Ink

    All stupid changes. Everyone should just play HA and medic, 'cause that's obviously where this game is headed.

    Seriously, this will only slow the game down that much more. Less action and less engagements sounds like buckets of fun...
  13. lolitank

    sad that CoD is the only game that all games follow now
    well other then BF4

    easily going to be the worst GU yet. weak, easily killed vehicles like lightning and harasser are now more expensive than a galaxy. the flash, basically a disposable transport, gets a senseless 6x price increase.

    and before infantry players start to cheer about fewer vehicles, realize that the incoming dual burster nerf will allow liberators to again ravage entire platoons. bursters were a deterrent at best against libs at range, now they're going to be zero threat, lib pilots will laugh as you shoot inaccurate spitwads at them, then blast helpless ground troops to pieces. combine that with a MAX price increase and the infantry will be completely screwed except for biolabs.

    the skyguard buff is meaningless because lightnings will be twice as expensive and still easily killed by dalton libs. so don't expect those to save you. skyguard players are so rare anyway that this will provide no defense.

    burster extended mags essentially useless now. sustained AA fire was the entire point of the extended mags. now that "sustained fire" will be receiving COF penalty, you might as well not even bother with extended mags. another 1000 certs wasted.

    bravo, SOE.
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  15. manson970

    bunch of lil whiners here too much for my lil tank waaaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaa, now i hope i dont have to fight zoe, and swagriders all the time and that VS,NC will have to use tactics not just rush 30+ tanks and maxes, and the heavy weapons change is good i hope the MCG will be good now i am looking forward to fighting NC and VS the jackhammer should be deadly now in cqc, and the lasher should be devastating
  16. kyxash

    I perfectly know SOE is owned by Sony , i'm just saying that our dear japanese masters don't tell direcly SOE devs what to do in planetside2.
  17. LeBigJimbo

    You would have a mix and use one to drop the shields, then 45s later pull in the spawn meaning that within 60 seconds you can seriously screw up any base. This just means you are left with an alpha strike and nothing else >.< Such horse**** from the devs supporting the noobs/idiots when PS1 had its success for all the opposite reasons.
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  18. TothAval

    And i say it again, this works in my example if you do nothing. If you kill and destroy and defend and conquer and all that
    stuff, you will have your ressources quicker.
    Easy to be tested by everyone:
    write down your start ressources
    write down your end ressources
    write down what kind of vehicle you pulled and how often
    write down your playtime
    and if you want write down your ressource gain every 5 min

    run tests at different times and see how many ressources you
    gain in your tank, and how many you loose. If you do this, you
    will know whether this change is affecting you or not. I bet it
    won't affect dedicated drivers that much and i bet it won't affect
    random players at all, since they due their infantry stuff and the
    fact that they only grab a tank occasionaly.

    But it will have an effect on how this game is played and what
    a group of players can achieve, they now can hurt the enemies
    economy which wasn'T possible before.

    But i wouldn'T mind either if the lightning would cost 300-375 instead of 400.
  19. Lambchopz

    I guess I half-heartedly approve of the vehicle resource cost increases. If it means that well-off factions will have to be more mindful of Tank spam and resource consumption, absolutely. However this is just going to make the already problematic snowball effect of being a minority faction in terms of territory even worse. Right now resources are pretty much inconsequential if you are at least competitive territory wise, but if you start to get pushed torwards your warpgate and drop below about 25% territory control things get a little ridiculous. This is just going to exacerbate that problem. It makes it that much harder for an underdog to come back when they are being pushed hard.

    As others have suggested I would much prefer a cost that scales with distance from your warpgate in order to simulate strained supply lines, but to also give factions a sort of home-territory advantage. It only makes sense that if you are forced to fight near your "home" (warpgate) that getting supplies (vehicles, max suits, aircraft, etc) to the frontlines would be easier. It would certainly soften the blow to the underdogs when they get screwed by overpopped factions and have no comeback avenue because of how punishing the resource system can be in that situation.

    I approve of the nerf to Lockdown/ZOE bursters and the Skyguard buff. Bursters are too good now, they are the end all be all anti-air and just a few of them make entire sections of the map no-fly zones, while also out-performing the Skyguard in pretty much every way.
  20. HadesR

    I think the issue is that there is a major lack of communication from SOE ... Things like the resource cost changes might be part of a planned bigger puzzle , that when taken with the other pieces such as the forthcoming resource revamp might make more sense.

    But the problem is the players are only given the info on bit's of the puzzle at anyone time. I do wish if they changed system A because when they change system B it will all make sense , that they would tell the ******* players about B when changing A ..
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