[TR] BRTD combined forces team play

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by BigAl, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. huller

    If you are TR and not in BRTD you are missing out on the chatbox and our mumble adventures
  2. Loui5D

    I am monitoring this thread.

  3. YamiNoTenshi

    BRTD chatbox is the best catbox.

  4. YamiNoTenshi

    Why must you force me to double post!?
  5. RWJP

    Well now you don't have to triple post! I'm so kind!
  6. Arquin

    Ok im signing up when do i get my hat
  7. YamiNoTenshi

    When you pledge your respawning fish soul to the great republic!
  8. Justicia

    Yami, sometimes I feel like an archer fish shooting down bugs (mozzies) :)

  9. YamiNoTenshi

    Sometimes I feel like a mosquito trying to suck blood from an archer fish :(
  10. Arquin

    This fits me more

  11. huller

    This is generaly the level of maturity of BRTD :D
  12. YamiNoTenshi

    I prefer sporks.
  13. allelujah

    This thread needs more allelujah...
  14. allelujah

    Look there is allelujah, isnt he amamzing
  15. allelujah

    So dreamy aswell
  16. allelujah

    I'm starting to dislike this name... from now on i shall me know as the bringer of freedom and the harbinger of justice
  17. allelujah

    it's the bringer of freedom and the harbinger of justice so dreamy
  18. allelujah

    dont forget how awesome he is
  19. YamiNoTenshi

    Aww how sweet, you're talking about me ^^
  20. huller

    Everybody <3's Yami