Zealot Overdrive so OP it needs a 2 seconds on an of switch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Madiadk, May 22, 2013.

  1. XRIST0

    Sorry let me correct that ..


    Its too effective on a max unit , simple as that .

    Stop defending it , seriously :rolleyes: they move around way too fast , deal too much damage all for a rediculous 20% decrease in armor ?

  2. FnkyTwn

    People who use ZOE should automatically be banned, because they know
    how OP hacked it is right now and they are the worst people ever. At least
    in PS1 it was expected that Vanu Maxes would be flying around, but now I
    just don't know what to do. They're like Land Sharks with Lasers. Deadly.
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  3. Jaloro

    If it's that OP why would you ever turn it off.

    Oh wait, it isn't is it.
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  4. XRIST0

    Why would you turn it off ? is there really a reason to ..
  5. Jaloro

    Yes, when you are getting fired upon to reduce the damage being taken. Whilst you don't take double damage as some VS idiots have been suggesting it is still not the inconsequential amount the TR/NC would have you believe.
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  6. GraphicJ

    What grenades do you suggest? Most of the time they are surrounded by other players so hardly that effective especially in BioLabs.
  7. Hagestol

    Concussion and flash combined absolutely murders maxes.
  8. Koldorn

    The quoted sentence, "Double Damage" is misleading. And also outdated; as is the "ZOE runs faster then infantry!" Both things were changed just before launch, but it is imperative to stay current with live servers.

    "Double Damage" Comes from the small arms resistance of a MAX (base: 80%) would initially go to 60%. While normally a MAX would take 20% of a bullet's damage when hit, they'd now effectively take 40%. IE: Doubling the damage taken. This was changed to (speculation and field testing, no hard numbers now.) "The armor decrease is closer to 25% now, so its a roughly even trade on offense/defense with a moderate boost to speed." As recent as I can find.

    There is also another thread, that looks buried now; detailing the new movement rates of the live ZOE.

    Pushing bias again; will not be tolerated, sir.
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  9. Shadeofcircle

    Oh sorry, i've just been stating facts so far. Perhaps you have me confused with VS player's who have been promoting claims of double damage, 5% damage boost, highly restrictive strafe momentum etc etc.

    So far, all I've shown is one particular common VS claim is bull. And if you are reading bias into my statements so far..... then apparently you are putting it there.
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  10. Zapon

    Here;s the movement

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  11. Koldorn

    Thank you.
  12. Zombo

    No Bullet drop is your only argument here, which is useless on unaccurate guns

    Thats why NC is still the Nr. 1 dominating Faction in Biolabs?

    Calling something Supersayian mode and saying its OP without stating WHY? Vegeta would be ashamed of you
    Vanu begged for this not to be in the game because it is just a toggleable sprint mode, no one in his right mind would gun while ZOE is on because you have an effective HP pf 1.5 Heavy Assaults, every real vanu wanted the jumping/jetpack for the vanu max

    Seriously, is it just me or is every NC crying over ZOE because the Vanu get something remotely usefull this time?

    They get a shield that can stop TANK ROUNDS, but thats not OP, no, it's totally UP! it should shield you from everything from every side for a tleast 8 seconds while still being able to fire, right?
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  13. Metallideth

    I got to play with ZOE and it was quite fun in a bio lab fight. Receiving end of a max crash all with ZOE not so much. I'd like to see how it is a bit from now, but my guess is they might take a speed reduction, even if that goes against the VS philosophy of mobility.
  14. Zapon

    they already nerfed the speed hard- now charger maxes are faster, AND infantry are faster

    they nerf it again, it won't be faster than a normal max not dashing, just using sprint

    Where's our speed?
  15. Zombo

    you mean like taking extra damage from almost everything? oh, wait....
  16. Total_Overkill

    Was pleasantly surprised yesterday when a max ranked TR charger chased me down and caught me in an open field...
  17. schwarzklang

    ZOE 5 will let do a Max kill you with 1 less Bullet on every AI weapons. With the Comet i need 10 shots to rear amor to kill a Vanguard. 2 to kill infantry. The movement buff let me move slighty slower than HA soldier. A burster max will get the biggest boost.
    ZOE 5 with burster on Reaver: 26 hits
    without ZOE on Reaver: 34 hits

    A normal VS Maxunit will get 80% dmg from small arms. A NC6 Gauss Saw with 200dmg per bullet. 20% from 200dmg per bullet = 40 dmg per Bullet. Maxunits got 5000 Hitpoints. 5000/40= 125 shots to kill a VS Maxunit.

    A overdrived VS Maxunit will get 60% dmg fromm small arms. A NC6 Gauss Saw with 200dmg per bullet. 40% from 200dmg per bullet = 80 dmg per bullet. Maxunits got 5000 Hitpoints. 5000/80= 62,5 shot to kill a VS Maxunits.

    VS Maxunits will recieve 100% more dmg if zoe is activated.
    Normal 40 dmg per bullet.
    Overdrive activated 80 dmg per bullet.
    Thats a + of 100%.

    * all shots are normal bodie shots.

    Btw what kind of overdrive system needs more effort than to press a button to be activated?
  18. Metallideth

    Stand corrected, yesterday morning was probably still sleepy or the infantry were slow as heck. Seemed like it was going faster than it was I guess. Eh, we'll see how it plays out in 2 weeks.
  19. Varben

    You should have to hold down the f key to turn it on, and the longer you hold it the better it is. Your man also starts screaming when this happens and there are several effects that play around him. At the end, he says "Sorry that took so long, I normally don't have to do this. I call this Zealot Overdrive Engine(rank you have it at)." I believe this will both balance the ability and provide large amounts of immersion.
  20. FnkyTwn

    Would you say that ALL the factions are "sometimes quite biased and often quote incorrect statistics"?
    Or is this something specific to Vanu? Because you make it seem like a Vanu-only problem, which of
    course would be.... bias.

    It's too early to know if ZOE is OP or not. 99% of the whining is coming from the fact that in the 6 months
    the game has been live, only a small handful of players have ever even seen a VS Max. There will be an
    adjustment period where people realize that yes, Vanu is also allowed to play their Maxes, and that the
    ZOE system brings the VS Max in-line with their TR and NC counterparts. Without ZOE though, all VS
    is left with is high-heels and crappy charged laser pistols.
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