[SOE Cast] What's your favorite role and why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luperza, May 13, 2013.

  1. SpecOps Delta

    My fav role is to operate in front of the grunts - sabotage and clear the way for the main attack group, so my favourite role is Infiltrator (SMG CQC) or Light Assault. Kill generators, clean up Snipernests, switch off their def (Turret and Terminal hacks), reeinforce our troops where it is needed.
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  2. Advanced Darkness

    My favorite is combat engineer , adv hack , infiltrator ...ah nvm..that was the other game. Ummm I play the role that shoots guns at other guys with guns.
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  3. Spookydodger

    Interesting that we haven't seen medic mentioned. I rarely play it, too, and usually if no one else is doing so and we don't have quick access to respawns in the area. For me, I often go medic at a biolab purely for the cert gain.
  4. Hosp

    Infil/LA w/ Lightning & Harasser

    I like speed and maneuverability, while I'm not opposed to playing roles that can take a few extra hits, I much prefer roles that avoid getting hit in the first place. The downtime between actions if you're not hit is much shorter than if you take a few hits and have to recover. Granted, those roles are also not easy and have a higher skill ceiling for effectiveness.
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  5. Beemo The Greatest

    Combat Medic. Tons and tons of bullets flying over your head while you take cover and revive your fallen allies so they can fight once more. Nothing feels as awesome as it. Except ramming a Mosquito with a drop pod, of course.
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  6. Luperza Community Manager

    Thank you everyone for your answers! Please tune in for the cast today at 4PM PDT! I'll post the recap of the Community Cast here once it's up on YouTube! :)

    If your question was chosen, you'll have a SC code in your PMs. ;) Thanks again for being awesome!

    Being an ESF pilot. Nothing is better then terrorizing the infantry minions as they vainly flee for cover.
  8. Lemaya

    Combat Medic, because bringing the dead back up is always cool.

    Also almost no tanks fear a CM, but they should ;)....