[Suggestion] HA Overshields and why they should change.

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by McFatal, May 9, 2013.

  1. gggg

    He's a console player... this explains all his whining. Leave now everyone nothing competent can come out of this thread.
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  2. McFatal

    >Haven't played console since October
    >Can't be console player

    I'm part of the PC master race now, shut up.
  3. Effect

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  4. Ruvan

    Shock and horror, support classes that are meant to y'know support, aren't as good at fighting as actual anti-infantry classes. Do you actually have a deeper argument as to why the shields should be changed? Other than "I personally don't like it" that is because that's what the OP basically equates to.
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  5. McFatal

    It's not competitive, the shield is a buffer zone for a skill gap, and it's plain silly. Ripshaft said earlier that I have a misconception of the design of Heavy, but that's not the case. I know how it was designed, and I simply don't agree with it because it isn't competitive.

    The shield is a buffer zone for skill gap, no matter what way you look at it, the Heavy Assault takes less skill to kill someone simply because it can take a bigger punch when up against a different class. That's not competitive, that is my reasoning.
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  6. Alarox

    You realize you have the same exact mentality of every racist or sexist who has ever lived, right?
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  7. Alarox

    Actually, it's not.


    All factions are about the same. For NC:

    Light Assault is about 13%
    Heavy Assault is about 26%
    Engineer is about 30%
    Medic is about 12%
    Infiltrator is about 18%

    Support: Engineer and Medic
    Anti-Infantry: Light Assault, Heavy Assault, and Infiltrator
    Anti-Vehicle: Heavy Assault and Engineer

    Heavy Assault and Engineer fall into 2 of those categories and are the most popular. The rest are about even split.

    Engineer and Heavy Assault simply fill more roles and are more attractive because of it.
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  8. FnkyTwn

    So you're basically saying.. "every major sports fan ever is a racist/sexist"?
  9. Zernok

    Engineer is a more played class because it's a requirement if you want to preform decently in any sort of vehicle. Thus making HA the most played class for infantry combat.
  10. FnkyTwn

    This is where they start moving the goalposts.
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  11. Alarox

    Did I call him a racist or sexist? No. I said he's using the same mentality.


    I'm saying that assuming someone has a certain set of negative characteristics simply because of one small unrelated thing you pick out about them, and then saying they deserve no respect because of it, is exactly what those kinds of people do.

    What does a racist do? Assumes that people are inferior and unworthy because of their ethnicity and gives them no respect.

    What does a sexist do? Assumes that a person is inferior and unworthy because of their gender and gives them no respect.

    What did that guy do? Assumes that a certain type of gamer is inferior and unworthy because of their platform and gives them no respect.
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  12. McFatal

    Hmm, maybe it's just my server then. I looked up your stats, my stats, and FnkyTwn's stats(Because he plays on my server too)

    http://www.planetside-universe.com/character-5428021759076345697.php?tab=charts <-- You're stats(Alarox)

    You have more HA kills than Engi, although the difference in the amount is so very minute. It would imply that engineer and HA are played near equally on your server.

    http://www.planetside-universe.com/character-5428010618035375921.php?tab=charts <-- My Kill chart

    http://www.planetside-universe.com/character-5428010618035072769.php?tab=charts <-- FnkyTwn's kill chart

    I play TR Mattherson and FnkyTwn plays VS, and we both kill HA significantly more than any other class.

    So, is Engineer more played on the other servers? Is Mattherson unique where HA's are played more often than any other class?
  13. Alarox

    In my case, I only played Engineer because I was bad at infantry combat (my first PC FPS) and stuck with vehicles, then got pretty good and switched to Heavy Assault.


    I think this is why you see the split.

    Engineers have anti-vehicle capabilities, have support capabilities, and work extremely well with vehicles (huge part of the game).

    Heavy Assault has direct anti-infantry capabilities and can also fight armor.
    Light Assault has indirect anti-infantry capabilities and has no other utility.
    Infiltrator is about indirect anti-infantry capabilities, but has a ton of other utility. But, it also has a niche appeal.

    Medic has one use: support. It's not particularly good at fighting vehicles or infantry.

    It makes sense that the top 3 will be Engineers, Heavy Assaults, and Infiltrators. Engineers appeal to so many people and are so versatile, and are also used by people who use mostly vehicles. Heavy Assaults have anti-infantry with a broad appeal, and also have another main combat role. Infiltrators have many uses, but the appeal for stealth is niche.

    Then you have the Light Assault. If you want to play him, you're essentially sacrificing direct anti-infantry and anti-vehicle just for a jet-pack.

    As for the medic it's only fun if you're into support classes, which is also niche and overlaps with the Engineer.

    It's not a problem of the Heavy Assault being OP, it's a problem of the Medic and Light Assault being boring and lacking multiple roles. Why play a Medic if you're not into support? Why play a Light Assault if you also want to fight vehicles effectively?
  14. LonelyTerran

    The HA overshields are a joke when 5/10 people have perfect inhuman aim.
  15. Rochy

    So, I know I'm not the only one because I saw someone mention the TTK in this game is astronomically low, but has anyone else noticed that unless you see the person coming, IE being a bad player taking on the "HEAVY" Assault class head-on, you will end up dieing before you even have the chance to pop your "OP" shield?
    Also on that note the shield only stops about, what 2 or 3 shots? I've never really counted and depending on the weapon and accuracy of the user, even less.

    All this is, is a thread trying to get the whole game leveled and all and any variety taken out of it. Sure, it's already getting that way because HA is fairly strong, but that's because it's an all around class that is easy to pick up and play effectively. I've personally been able to easily kill and get easily killed by a HA, much like I've always been able to easily kill ANY other class in this game and get killed. As well as other "OP" things constantly being used and being the only thing that exists in certain situations because if you don't use the item, you will lose EVERY time.

    All in all? The HA shield CAN lend an advantage in firefights, but that's because that's what they were designed to do. That's what their role is in this game and something you know all too well, seeing as you play them. As many people said, they are meant to take a punch and properly put one back out. In a 1v1 situation, head on and guns a blazing, the heavy is made to come out on top. Not all classes are made equal and they never should be, or else you don't need "classes".

    In competitive play, people are not going to run in and go guns a blazing against the class meant to do EXACTLY that and are designed to be better at it. They will use all sorts of tactics, have back-up, take out high value targets, etc. If you want fully competitive and even game play go play Counter Strike or something of the sort. They do not have classes, they have no specific advantages, it's all skill and competitive game play.
    Really, I'm pretty sure you created this thread for the sole reason of getting it to flare up and have something to do, seeing as anyone who has played the HA, would know that as often as the Shield saves your *** it will also do absolutely nothing because it doesn't get the chance to be used.

    Dissect my post, point out all the flaws and lack of "numbers" and **** that you want, point is, this game is all about having advantages and disadvantages. Go look at ALL the threads and there will always be "This is OP!", "This is underpowered!", "Everything is so unbalanced and broken!", etc. People will always complain about what kills them or doesn't allow them to kill someone else.
  16. Kastrenzo

    Explain to me why a soldier wearing a dumpster with armholes should be able to die as easily as a soldier wearing nothing but BDUs and a helmet. HA is the standard foot soldier. It dishes out and sustains more punishment since it will be in the thick of the fighting always.

    Request Denied.
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  17. Bill Hicks

    LOL you just owned the OP Nerf fnktwn to make the forums competitive.
  18. CupBoy

    I don't think kill stats are an accurate measure of class distribution. It seems much more likely that Engineers rank higher in the playtime stats because it's a commonly used class for vehicles. Unless you're primarily fighting people in vehicles, I can see how engineers would be less represented on the average kill stats.
  19. BuzzCutPsycho

    The NMG throws off the TTK in this game far too much. If you're an HA player and defending the usage of NMG against infantry you're defending one of PS2's biggest crutches.

    Ideally HA's NMG would be reworked to handle ordinance much better and make them less susceptible to those things while not affecting bullets whatsoever.

    I personally play HA a lot because it's often an "I WIN!" class against others in most situations and I really like to win.
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  20. FnkyTwn

    That's exactly what Flak Armour is for.


    Step 1 - Buy the Serpent / GD-7F / Lynx
    Step 2 - Equip IRNV Scope
    Step 3 - ADS
    Step 4 - Aim for Face
    Step 5 - Profit

    I don't think that the 1 or 2 extra bullets the Overshield takes is a "crutch".
    If it was always active, then yeah, that would obviously need some tweaks,
    but with its recharge rate, and relying on the user to religiously activate it in
    every situation, unless you're talking about the "ideal situation", it's not more
    OP than any other class ability. If this game were only ever about 1v1 battles,
    then sure.. maybe, but it's not, and it's not intended to be.

    Nerfing the Overshield would necessitate nerfing the Medic's Nano Regen,
    and then we would need to turn our attention to the jack-of-all-trades, the
    Engineer class. Infiltrators are mostly inconsequential, and the LAs maybe
    shouldn't get OHK weapons or some other terrible idea.

    It's cute and all that TE thinks the class they primarily play is broken and
    needs to be nerfed, but I would think that SOEs internal metrics would be
    able to sort out if one class's ability was grossly OP or not, and that they
    would make adjustments to it if they found that to be the case (like they
    just did with LMG ranged accuracy and LMG increased equip time).

    Maybe it's just the Adrenaline Shield that needs to be downgraded, since
    that's the version of the Overshield that keeps going and going and going,
    and that's the one BCP prefers. I'm all for nerfing BCP and TE specifically.
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