When are Premium Members getting the free month they DESERVE?!?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Your Future Ex, May 5, 2013.

  1. K3STR3L

    I know what self entitled is and I still say they are self entitled brats. They paid their money and they are still getting the service they paid for. "oh look daddy he has sweets, I want them too", sound familiar?
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  2. The King

    Agreed, cannot believe members are so opposed of trying to get more people to play the game.
  3. The King

    Well my i7, 16GB RAM 7970 works just fine.
    I guess I am one that is able to work the PC.
  4. Paisty

    What the hell.........

    This is about business transactions payed for with real world currency. This has nothing to do entitlement, at least as you phrase it.

    Consumers have the right to protest to any company they feel has wronged them. That is what is happening here. If you cannot grasp the concept "unintended consequences", which btw should have been obvious to SOE before they announced this "Loyalty Program", then you have not been an actual consumer for very long.

    When a company offers a discount or perk to only part of it's clientele, the other part of it's customer base is usually pissed. If they cannot also get the same treatment/options. In this case the ones who got the perk, chose not to spend their money on something the pissed side did spend their money on.

    This would not be so bad if it didn't have an obvious effect on the current subbed members. Which I myself meet all the requirements for the whole package, except that i had the audacity to pay for this month.

    You just want to rage against what you see as a bunch of elitists. Well I work my balls off in a factory for my money. My hours do not leave a lot of time for hobbies, so I invested some of my hard earned cash to save some of my hobby time.

    That investment has been destroyed, my time is important to me. The fact that my queues went from 2 minutes to 20 minutes is a huge issue to me, I am not made of money. I go without daily, like most blue collar people, so when I do have time I can get the most out of it. Wether it be vacation, a night out or a video game, if I pay for something and the service is diminished without any compensation, yeah I get pissed, you should too.
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  5. K3STR3L

    Premium costs just under 30p a day at maximum rate. Would hardly call anyone who can afford that an elitist. You don't even have to be employed to be able to afford that.
    You also realise the queuing times are going to go up and up regardless of whether people are getting it for free or not, right?

    I see a hell of a lot of "I" in your post, just saying ;)
  6. WookLordz

    Who said that? Do you know what a strawman argument is? It's the manner that the attempt was made. I feel like I'm arguing with a bunch of Creationists....
  7. WookLordz

    I have no idea what you are trying to say.
  8. justinbelieber

    8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’

    9 “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner.12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

    13 “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

    16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
  9. toxs

    I just hope as this game ages it get more players. Unlike every other SOE mmo.
  10. Krayus_Korianis

    Might wanna take your own advice. Still don't see why you people are being all self-entitled.
  11. usages wnbgrintooth

    lol well as I said before I think it is a good idea and perfect timing since the launch of the buggies kinda has killed the infantry game for now so not playing right now anyway...but I really have gotten tired of hearing you call the paying members self entitled so I guess the answer would be because they are not free loaders expecting everything for free...maybe when you grow up and work for a living you might understand that.
  12. Tact

    That was a rather pathetic attempt to silence a dissenting voice with apologist drivel, and for what? You hope to carry some favour with the gods? We need less of that sheep mentality, and more support for solidarity within the gaming community.
  13. Your Future Ex

    Self-Entitlement means that person feels that they deserve special treatment or are allowed to do certain things that others are not. Had there been no money changing hands, then yes, your definition would be correct. However, many people paid for a service that was totally negated by giving inactive players the same exact deal. This has driven most queue times to well over ten times what they were and TAKING AWAY the "priority queue" altogether. In addition, how does a business arbitrarily give a service to someone for free that others are paying for, and then say directly that the people that are paying should suck it up? You can't do that, and you alienate the already paying players this way.

    So basically, you don't know what self-entitlement means, or else you would not have used it for this particular instance. You should Google what you mean before you post it so you don't look foolish.
  14. Eugenitor

    It's funny because this is exactly how I feel about people who show up in ESFs for the last 10 seconds of the cap timer.
  15. Krayus_Korianis

    Yea, you don't know what Self-Entitlement is actually. It's a narcissistic behavior that develops when people believe they deserve something when in fact they do not.

    Now, what would you do if EVERYONE had to sub? There'd be the long queue lines. Your points are moot, since you have failed to see past your own behavior.

    It'll be ending on June 1st, at that time there'll still be queues you pedantic, arbitrarily so, foolish person.
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  16. K3STR3L

    Get of your high horse. I am not trying to silence anyone and hardly a SOE fanboy. Poor hard done by you, get over it.
  17. Paisty

    When I spend my money on me, it is all about me. When I donate money to charity, volunteer at the firehouse or help a friend or family member that's "for the common good".

    This is a service I paid for, I am not here to help SOE. I am here to have fun, sitting in a 20+ minute queue is not fun, so I purchased the option to not have too, that was taken away without ANY compensation. Thats the problem.

    Why would people with active subs not get the same free month? I meet ALL of the other requirements.
    (did i put enough "I's" in there for ya?)

    Now to the guy who said something along the lines of "what if everyone bought the membership and the queues were the same?"

    I simply would not re-sub. The certs and extra XP are little perks that do not really matter to me. BR does not matter in this game, which I actually like. I am in no rush to get too cap, the end game in PS2 starts at BR1.
  18. K3STR3L

    I am waiting no longer than 1 minute maximum while on this premium deal. Even when I wasn't using it I never ever had to wait more than 7 minutes. How the hell is it taking so long to get into the game?
  19. Paisty

    Oh you again................ You do not even know which queues we're talking about obviously.

    Have a good life. I'm not your teacher.
  20. Rhaeyn

    Simple answer: As soon as SOE thinks, that this will earn them more money in the long run than they'd "lose" during that month.