GU08 Weapon and Attachment Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by joshua, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Fenrisk

    Ugh.... Can't edit it again but yeah.
  2. Plompkin

    Even the default ones have their places. Attachments are very easy to add in the game, though. Also I prefer the idea of unlockables being better than defaults in certain scenarios, like the MSW-R being better than the CARV up close. In some cases (TR carbines is a good one) there are some weapons that drastically outclass every other option, and I think that's really bad for the game. No one is more disappointed in the T5 AMC than me.

    I'd like to see Advanced Forward Grip for Ursa, Flare, TMG-50 at the very least. It seems rather strange that they don't have it (almost like an oversight).
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  3. Ultramarine

    I'm confused, what's this talk about LMG nerf? there's no such thing written in the notes. They're getting an attachment BUFF, and other weapons are seeing some improvements
  4. DxAdder

    Are we going to get the EXACT changes that be applied to each weapon before this goes live ?

    Right now its all kinda vague.

    For example "Hold Breath will have a longer duration", could you give us how long it is now and what it will be changed to ?

    Also is there any way you could adjust the UI stats on the weapons to reflect an attachment will have on the weapon so how so it is to see and compare?

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  5. TheArchetype

    There's no suppression in this game so nothing will really balance out that inaccuracy. :(
  6. Knarfis

    Is there any chance that with these weapon changes that those guns that have select fire options like 2x burst fire will be changed as well??

    I have never understood why my EM6 has a 2x burst fire option instead of a 5x or 10x burst. I mean a 5 or 10 burst is truly a burst where the 2x is more of a comedy joke.

    I doubt anyone from any other factions that deal with this stupid 2x burst wouldn't like to see an increase in number of rounds down range. Could this happen SOE??

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  7. TheArchetype

    You can't punish people for making the best of unconventional weapons. I run around with the G3A3 and I think it's the best assault rifle in BF3. You can't call nerfz on the G3A3, you just can't.
  8. Xind

    Compensators are being buffed, but most LMGs don't get one (for TR at least) and they're losing the vertical recoil bonus off of the foregrip and gaining an increased equip time. That = nerfs. Some LMGs in the lower ammo category seem to be slated for a reload speed buff, but ammo capacity is hardly as important as accuracy/recoil.
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  9. llPendragon

    You also forgot to mention the extra 2 seconds it takes to reload the SAW. And the faster bullet speed of the TMG-50.
  10. NC_Edacyn

    I wanted to add my2c.

    When I first read this, I got really upset, fast. I'm an EM6 *****, I admit, and the prospect of my beloved EM6 changing caused some angst. But when I thought about it some more, most of the classes being played are heavy assault, and that definitely needs to be changed.

    I played mostly Medic during Beta and early game launch, but I didn't find that I was surviving very well with that class, so I switched to heavy assault.

    Making the LMG more of an area suppression, instead of a direct-fire room clearing is going to be nice to give other classes more of a chance. And I adapted my HA to use an AR now with a munitions pouch to run more rockets, so I'm a rocketeer.

    I kinda like that, tbh.

    So yah, these changes are going to grow on me. But others I know are pretty pissed at the changes, maybe SOE should consider a refund of HA weapons purchases for the LMG >50 clip, one time since folks may want to recoup some of their money after changes like this.

    that's the downside to the purchase system, you make these retroactive changes, the devs should consider refunds like before.
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  11. Navoletti

    i have a this update launch more weapons types for sunderer?is posible a weapon for sunderer with "lock on"?
  12. Zaxudih

    Why are they nerfing LMG's? Compared to carbines they've always seemed like garbage to me since the beta.
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  13. eldarfalcongravtank

    i use an ns-15m lmg with compensator & foregrip on my heavy assault class. what do you guys think? will it generally be a buff or nerf to this gun-attachment combo post-patch?
  14. Xind

    I think this patch will end up buffing weapons with access to compensators and foregrips, but nerfing weapons that only have foregrips.
    Even though the reason they bring up for the foregrip nerf is the stacking effect with compensators?

    So I'd wager it'd get better or stay the same.
  15. FnkyTwn

    nvm i was thinking flash suppressor
  16. Yiaz

    No nerfs for Shotguns? Lame.
  17. Odin

    Yes there is a nerf to shotguns pumps are getting. A rof nerf.
  18. Reventine

    I used the G3A3 as well even on the ADK metro 24/7 maps I used to run. The most amusing thing that ever happened was that some low BR called me a G3A3 noob.

    How I wish this game had a G3A3 and my SABR-13 was an AN94. Infact they should just scrap the battlerifles and just make a clone of the G3A3 and M14 EBR.
  19. Tythes

    Will in game UI be updated so we can:
    1. Compare recoil info between guns
    2. Compare stats for same gun but different attachments
  20. Bill Hicks

    Inline ? so can heavies heal, repair, give ammo, revive ? oh so not really. Basically support classes want it all: killing power, and cert soaking utility.