SOE tell me why should I ever again invest money in your game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, Apr 22, 2013.

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  1. Eugenitor

    You mean the Lancer, which was practically unusable pre-buff?

    It's a tossup between malice and incompetence, but there's got to be a certain "Make people want this" factor involved when they make new weapons. Even if that factor is "Prove you have more money than sense by paying $20 for a pistol in a video game".
  2. Bill Hicks

    Pfft this game is better than 95% of the crap that comes out. They keep adding nice features while keeping the game relatively lag free. I remember getting kicked out of gamespy and punkbuster all day. This is cake.
    • Up x 2
  3. Nocturnal7x

    I think the next 2 GUs should be 100% bug fixes. Don't touch anything for a while.
  4. QuantumMechanic

    No, it's not just you. They officially pitched the circus tents a month or so after release when they put the skull masks on the marketplace, followed by mohawk helmets and hockey masks.
  5. Kastrenzo

    I stopped trusting them after they banned my account for "cheating" after I got a buttload of kills defending a spawn bunker. After they Lifted it I'm always wondering what it's going to take for them to ban me again on behalf of some falsified AR from a ******** rager.

    I want to trust them, I like this game. but I've lost confidence in them at this moment.
  6. Ghosy01

    can you people stop this bs about 'investing' money in a game? you dont 'invest' you spend your money in a F2P game , the only thing getting invested its your time ,
  7. Syphers

    Not all that good anyway at least for an infiltrator
  8. The King

    Seriously? You can still kill from a distance with those things...
    I didn't bother to read passed that since you do not know what you're talking about.
  9. RobotNinja

  10. Bape

    Yeh it not good but you know the community anything released will get nerf thread raged.
  11. iller

    Bought mine with certs ... b/c infiltrator is useless in CQC without one.

    Still ain't giving them a dime though until I can play this game above 15 fps in a platoon fight, and sniper hit registry stops showing my bullets going straight through solid bodies & getting no hits but then getting hits or even headshots when the tracer's clearly no where NEAR hitting them.... It's seriously more frustrating than all the shotguns & hackers combined.
  12. SolitarioSoldat

    haha!!! that video crack me up.

    Alright I might have came out negative and little disrespective in the post about the devs, and in a way I tossed some negativity along the way.

    I think maeby they should stick to their guns once when they create new content, you created it, released it, leave it be as it is, its just changing stuff constantly gets me ticked off.

    Honestly I loved the way the M key layer was done previously, you could spawn on your squad leader and pefore you do so , you click once and it would mark on the map where is the leader before you make ur decision.

    They are other things that are new and they are not bad at all, actually helpful like the capping timer on the map.

    For some reason this many changes makes you feel like playing beta test game and not an actual complete product.

    Thanks to all for your input, opinions and trolling :)
  13. Blackinvictus

    Scatters are mostly fine, no real complaints.

    What they did to the Falcons though is an abomination. Totally different weapon now for all ten of us that were using them regualarly pre-patch.

    I can't help but think this is some prelude to a new weapon they plan to sell in the future.
  14. Chipskream

    i keep buying sc because i want them shinies. youre welcome, playerbase.
  15. RadarX

    I'm going to go ahead and close this as we have tons of threads available for discussion on MAX changes. We absolutely appreciate the feedback.
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