SOE tell me why should I ever again invest money in your game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, Apr 22, 2013.

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  1. SolitarioSoldat

    buff, nerf, buff, nerf, buff, nerf

    and all for the sake of sales not an actual gameplay....

    It takes for a soldier with pump shotgun 1 shot in the upper body to immediately kill someone and yet a NC Max with 3 shotguns on each arm seems pointless after you graceful nerf.

    I didn't know how much was nerfed , cause today I try to use AI weapon after a long time, the 1 thing NC had going for itself was the MAX and you gave it a shaft, soldier on foot with pump shotgun is more deadly vs a freaking 9 foot robot with 6 shotguns in total....

    I'm sorry, but you devs are either desperate to make some sort of new weapon sales, or you just lost cases that somehow got into this type of business.

    Do you people ever play your game first before, whats the point ? is it the money, I use to play this game with hours at no ending ( due to work was slow at some point), but now I just don't care for the game at all.

    Is it just me who thinks the game has become circus at some point???

    No no nooooooo no money coming from this end of the wallet, I'll let the others pay for your game while I slowly drop the game down the drain till my next fav title comes out.

    about a month a go I was actually thinking , hey I wonder when is the next triple or double CS sale, would be good to spend some money on cosmetics, lol WTF was I thinking!!!!
  2. Teegeeack

    Your rhetoric aside, it is shockingly poor development we've seen so far, and I suspect most players no longer trust SOE.
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  3. Bape

    I don't trust SOE no more that why I didn't buy the commissioner and the underboss because it will get nerfed eventually lol :mad:.
  4. VanuSovereignty

    If you can't still double click to one shot someone with a scatmax you're doing it wrong.
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  5. Littleman

    What cosmetics? We've only seen a handful of decals, camos, and a plethora of lunch-break made quickie helmets in terms of new cosmetics since release.

    Can't wait for the quality stuff to actually hit the stores.

    But as to your question OP, because it's ****ing awesome, and actually getting better. Though I'm finding PS2 is apparently a love it or hate it kind of game. It really depends on if One sees the glass as half full (focusing on the fun bits) or half empty (focusing on all of it's problems.)
  6. Laraso

    Ah, yes. Another "complain about SOE for the sake of complaining about SOE" thread. It's pretty obvious you made this thread not because of a legitimate complaint, but because you just felt like complaining about something. Well, welcome to the "SOE sucks" bandwagon, where anything and everything SOE does will be chastised and ridiculed for no good reason.

    Stop making threads like this. I'm getting sick of "SOE is balancing weapons too much so I'm never spending money SOE sucks" threads.
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  7. Teegeeack

    Double clicking would be two shots
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  8. Owleyes

    Spending money on a game isn't "investing" Did you expect to profit?
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  9. AClockworkGrapefruit

    Two shots in the exact same time it takes to take 1 shot.
    Is right clicking along with left clicking so hard on your fingers?
  10. Teegeeack

    Yes, I lost my middle finger in a skiing accident.
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  11. DashRendar

    Is this your first exposure to game balancing?
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  12. Jachim

    An NC Complaining they're underpowered...

  13. SolitarioSoldat

    SO what few guys say here stop complaining just keep on playing and spend money if you want to see some success in near future right???

    How does that makes any sense at consumer point of view, don't you see what are they doing??? they buff and nerf factions for the sake of money circling not for the sake of gameplay, are you people really happy every time they change stuff and trow you of the zone and feeling of the weapon u were using it 1 day before???

    Isnt this sort of slap in the face of the consumer, I mean what kind of game are we playing when it keeps on changing every 2 weeks for the sake of sales???

    Its not about the sake of complain, its about the game was good weapon wise and they should of concentrate more on FPS bump and new maps, instead we see bunch of ads ingame for new skins and constant buff and nerf so they can squeeze every penny that they can.

    You guys are fine with this, great don't complain, keep playing and financially supporting them. As for me I'm not going to, but I did post this so they see why they lost 1 customer.

    1 customer who got turned off by their politics is nothing, question is is it just me? for their sake I hope it is only me.
  14. SolitarioSoldat

    dude..... I can be troll and post my KDR including with total of kills so that you can have a glorious come back about how that's not important in game... but I'm not the good at trolling like you are....

    This is not balancing, this is game development politics for the sake of squeezing as much money as possible, are you people ok with that?
  15. sustainedfire

    Scatmax is still good.

    I was going to buy more SC for the last sale, but decided against it, as there was nothing of interest for me to purchase, and nothing on the horizone

    Blanket I hate the developers statements are a bit extreme. Sounds like you played the game extensively, maybe you need a break. Come back in a month and see if anything has happened. :eek:
  16. SolitarioSoldat

    LOL, they are not balancing the game, they are bouncing ang joggling wallets, I see you are not getting the message.
  17. sustainedfire

    You opened this thread complaining about Scatmax nerf.

    The scatmax was available in its insane form for 3-4 months. Then it finally received balance.
  18. WalrusJones

    I am waiting for the questionably underpowered item that may be fun to use get released.... One day.
  19. SolitarioSoldat

    the max is just 1 of the example...
  20. Jachim

    It wasn't an example because that is not why they nerfed it.

    Contrary to how you think, there are no greedy old evil dudes twirling their moustaches at how much money they make creating OP items then nerfing them.

    It's still bad form, mind, you, and they need to get their act together, but no there are no conspiracies at play here.
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