No suppressor for Underboss and Commissioner is a deal breaker for Infiltrators. :(

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Hoki

    Again, suppressors lower velocity and and thus damage at range.

    If you want a sidearm to give you good dps at medium range, the commissioner gives you this, the underboss does not.

    What you don't seem to understand about the suppressor is that it lowers velocity, and the velocity is what makes the damage difference at range between the underboss and the commissioner.

    This is a lot of video and wordy way of saying YOU DON'T SUPPRESS A WEAPON YOU WANT TO SNIPE WITH
  2. Zenith

    Harsh, but true. People are hating on the NS-44 because of the recoil, but recoil is a non-issue if A) you know how to counter it, and B) you're working at close range. Either way, the added damage it has over the NS-357 is very useful, especially as a finisher.
  3. Ripshaft

    A downside to overwhelming advantage... and a negligible one at that. Jeesh, this reminds me of the people that complained shotguns didn't have suppressors back when they were introduced (and available to infils).
  4. SgtBreastroker

    They are freaking revolvers.
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  5. Shockwave44

    If you put a suppressor on it, you'd then make a post saying, wtf SOE, how come this handcannon doesn't do more damage?

    My god you whiny little ******* are so annoying.
  6. Rhyl

    I said this on the infiltrator forums and I'll say it here. On your side arm a suppressor isn't a big deal. Ideally you only pull out your side arm when you're in danger of being killed. When your primary weapon is no longer useful. Your secondary should be the best weapon you have in order to stay alive in this scenario. This means when you're reloading and you don't have time to finish or you're using a weapon that isn't suitable for close range.

    The Commissioner in the reloading one should be a one hit kill during this situation with the underboss being a quick two hit kill. The Commissioner in CQC has the ability to kill an infiltrator without nanoweave armor in a single shot to the head. If you're a sniper and a rival infiltrator comes up on you with an SMG this might be your best bet to stay alive. Both guns in CQC are a three hit kill to most targets.

    Yes they reveal you on the map but so do recon darts which I also use for my infiltration work. Just make yourself scarce when you fire it or make sure you eliminate your targets quickly. A single EMP grenade from behind followed up by a commissioner results in some very efficient kills. Same with the underboss. Both weapons are great for picking off a wounded target. The lack of suppressor is one of the only things that are preventing these weapons from simply being better than everything else available. It's a drawback you have to accept.

    Why am I posting? Because it's misinformation to simply throw it aside and say it is not an infiltrator weapon.
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  7. Hoki

    I will probably get the underboss for medic/heavy/eng, but when I'm LA'ing and infing, I need something I can use to take people out without alerting everyone to my presence.

    Yes, the dart alerts people as well, which is why I only use it on an approach to an enemy point, or when I'm hunting a cloaker. I never use it in close quarters unless the enemy already knows I'm there.

    Same reason I don't cloak profusely like so many other infs do, those paying attention then know, oh there is an inf in the base, get their own dart, and smoke you out.

    Truth is I'll be fine sticking with the emperor over the underboss. I'm pretty good with it gets the job done, pop pop knife.

    So why the ***** fest? I don't know, cause I like the new pistols, and I'm primarily attempting to infiltrate. Especially on LA, everything is silenced. And I don't do a whole lot of sniping as LA.
  8. Bape

    To be honest I think the commissioner will get nerf you know the community anything that can kill you quick will get nerfed flame I bet $$$ in a week or so the infected thread will begin thus of me not buying it :rolleyes:.
  9. Rhyl

    Which is completely fair but also a reason why they probably did not allow the use of a silencer. Your reasoning is why. It makes choosing it not so clear cut and obvious. One of the major drawbacks is no silencer and something that needs to be taken into account. For your preference and style the Emperor is probably the better choice.
  10. Syphers

  11. gudman591

    Well if you wanna get technical, then I'm going to say this:
    this particular revolver can really be equipped with a sound/flash suppressor. It doesn't have a classic cylinder, it's kinda sawed in half, and the parts are properly sealed in their place. That means, it has no gaps out of which gases will leak (producing the sound, which is the reason why revolvers are not commonly equipped with suppressors). This means, it technically can be equipped with silencer.

    Though from a gameplay point of view Infiltrators with that thing will be the worst thing in the world, they're already pain in the butts with SMGs.
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  12. Manetheren

    Emperor drops to less dmg than the Repeater at 60~ meters, therefore you are better of using the Repeater. Also the Repeater can be fired semi auto, just press B. Emperor has 30-40 more dmg per shot, that's about it.
  13. Syphers

    But a SMG is much more easier to use and forgiving and the TTK is basically the same, I really hoped for a silencer since the other pistols are quite subpar agaisnt the overplayed HAs
  14. Shockwave44

    Show me this deal the infiltrators signed. If the agreement stated that suppressors were to be available in GU07, then you should speak to a lawyer.
  15. Shockwave44

    Right and you rarely see snipers out on the battle field...
  16. HellionX

    Good ! I'm glad infiltrators don't have that option. It would be a game breaker if they did.
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  17. Hoki

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  18. HazyW

    These new revolvers are not designed for suppressed SMG toting infiltrators. Sorry, you can't have everything.

    They are perfect for snipers though, for when you suddenly have an LA in your face.
  19. PieBringer

    If you suddenly have a Light Assault in your face, you're either already dead, he's stupid and standing there while he reloads, or it's the back of his head that's in your face.

    Oh, wait, you mean the ones that don't get that close without shotguns? Nevermind, I've got nothing.
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  20. gudman591

    Yup, and SMG has a drawback, it's high RoF and subpar clipsize. Wouldn't be too fun running in an Infiltrator, dodging all his SMG bullets just to be killed by a revolver. We already have to face this very stuff with shotgun hoes.
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