New explosion noise when JJ with light assault!

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by SharpeShooter, Apr 18, 2013.

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  1. ChaosRender

    They plan on doing Empire sounds i believe, And if you are fighting a group alone your suppose to die or hide real well.
  2. vaxx

    Yeah, that whole 3% of your time playing LA makes definitely gives you expert status. Second least played class.!/5428026242700255793/stats

    Please tell us more....

    Tell us how an Engi has to think about laying a mine or an ammo pack, or repair a turret? Tell us how a HA uses a shield in a strategically way? You know...beyond turning it on when being shot, or running into a hot room?

    Please...if you don't know much about the class don't act like you do.
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  3. ChaosRender

    One I like how you assume that is my profile, or that I have only one character. That said it takes very little to understand how classes in this game work, or the role they fill. So please get off the high horse, we are trying to have a discussion not a finger point contest.
  4. Lagavulin

    Jetpack sound is truly awful. All the whining by in fils that led to it was BS anyway, but the sound added is just hideous beyond belief.
  5. jak

    Yeah, that's a pretty stupid plan if true. Unless they're planning a tool slot item that benefits us given they'd be taking away the one true advantage we have.
  6. Ghoest

    Its really annoying.

    And when you stter tap the JJ you get a long series of bangs which is even more annoying.
  7. Ghoest

    I dont want any noise. But if we must be nerfed we need a different sound.

    The bang is actually annoying to the person using the JJ.
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  8. IronWarrior

  9. ChaosRender

    Do people really think LAs are so useless? I know I am starting to enjoy mine more and more.
  10. Shockwave44

    You are strapped to a rocket that can lift you up. A ROCKET not a trampoline.
  11. jak

    I have 248 hours played on my VS LA. I understand the class completely. I didn't say it was useless, but there's a point when the class will (borderline is currently) be more painful to use that the fun it gives.
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  12. paradroid

    Forget everything else, as a LA player I HAVE to listen to those freaking BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMS every time I feather the Jetpack, in a 5 second flight that can be up to 7-8 times!
    The inflight sound is ok, just those BOOMS!
    RadarX, where in the patch notes does it say that booms were added:
    Leave the volume as is,
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  13. LibertyRevolution

    They are jump jets, not rocket packs.. get it right...
    They run on compressed air...
    Why don't you go look up youtube for compressed air jet pack and listen for loud explosions sounds..
  14. Ogedai

    If i should sound like the spaceshuttle taking off I demand that Heavys sound like nuclear bombs going off when the shield activates! 50% of the people i kill and 75% of the people i get killed by are Heavy assult, surely if you want to nerf classes thats where you should start?
  15. Aresius

    At least have the effect play once every time we take off... We don't have access to proportional thrust control and we can't change the direction of the trust, so we have to feather the jets if we want to fly in level, which results in a lot of loud explosions.
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  16. Ogedai

    Now we just need a extremly loud and irritating sound to the heavy sheild and then all the classes are ruined. Then we could all roll enginers and stand around repairing turrets.
  17. Ghoest

    Ya pretty much every flight involves 3-4 bangs.
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  18. Shockwave44

    Ok then after each use, you have to take off your pack and pump it up so it reaches a certain psi. Be happy this is all they did and stop complaining over something you won't care about in a week.
  19. Kreantris

    I'm not sure about the recharge, but the distance still appears to be the same. The pattern for the JJ upgrades has been: 2 gives a nice amount, 3,4,5 next to nothing, and 6 gives a nice amount. The standard test is going out the side door of the warpgate spawnroom and standing on the ground. Then try to jet up to the aircraft resupplypad.

    I have JJ upgrade 5 and still can only just reach the pad and sometimes if I time it good land on it.
  20. Yalk

    Guess it's time for me to constantly tap the space bar while waiting on cap points and the base to flip

    Or in the warp gate

    Oooo!, LA is gonna be the best Troll class

    People blaring music over proxy? Psshh noob, spacebar son ....spacebar, just gotta take off my head phones

    RISE MY LA BRETHREN, across factions, LA is thicker than faction loyalty....RISE, they will beg for the sound to be reduced!!
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