[Suggestion] Do not give the VS MAX ability that is currently on the Test Server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. lillbabz

    give the vs max this ability:

  2. Xasapis

    What's that? Supersonic fart?
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  3. Goretzu

    Given the lack of ranged dropoff comparatively they should be able to sit a bit further back, certainly out of C4 range; grenades without teamwork behind them never really bothered MAX roadblocks (of any sort) with decent support.

    We'll have to see, of course, but TR MAXs could do this very well in PS1 and I think they'll be as least as good at doing it in specific places as the pre-nerf ScatMAX were in PS2.
  4. Liquid23

    the ability to be a bad remake?
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  5. Fenrisk

    The NC ability is the best of the lot.

    NC Max. "C4! (pops shield and survives) What C4?"
    TR MAX: "C4! We are boned!" <dead max still rooted to the spot>
    VS MAX. "C4!... RUN AWAY!!!!!" BOOM! <half dead max>
  6. Tilen

    Exceptional deduction, my friend! Good show!
  7. meucha

    It happened a very long time ago. Games Workshop and Blizzard settled the matter out of court.
  8. Volccis

    I feel sorry for NC, because VS and TR will get very nice ability against vehicles. Especially TR will blow up every aircraft faster and further. I thought Striker was enough and all those ESRL's, but now we will have even more stuff to blow up vehicles. Oh wait, NC still remains same, happy biolab farming NC Maxes :D
    And yes, I wont go to TR areas that likely. Thanks to that Lockdown and Strikers. Also could bet that TR will fight against NC more likely too. Poor NC :(
  9. Liquid23

    the ones I fear are the smart ones that know to not stand in the same spot more than once... nothing more annoying in a BioLab than a smart mobile MAX user hopping doorways and corners.. it would make my life much easier if more of them chose to nail themselves down to a single spot
  10. Gorion

    .... how about to hit a MAX with c4.... ?
    tr max down
    vs max .... RUN AWAY... boom also dead...
    nc max ..... shield... shield off ...boom... dead..

    where is the problem??

    its a shooter and u should still have some skill to kill things!!!!!
  11. StormFrog

    The main developer for guns in the game, Jimmy Whisenhunt, is TR. But NC guns are OP because Higby, the creative director (ie. the manager who doesn't directly create or balance guns), is NC.

    I like this bat**** conspiracy game. Let me try a few more.

    The senior art director, Tramell, is VS. That's why the VS are best looking faction (lol).

    The lead vehicle designer, Kevin Moyer, is NC. That's why the NC have the best ESF and tank (rofl).

    All of the designers for planetside are professionals who care more about their jobs than silly faction alliances and wouldn't ruin something they've worked hard on with inane biases. Wait, I'm sorry. This last one is just too outlandish. No one would ever believe something that improbable. :rolleyes:
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  12. Fenrisk

    Once again the devs give the NC the best ability of the lot. The most useful ability and one that fixes the flaws with maxes. Instant kills from C4 kill maxes more then anything else and guess what? ONLY the NC gets a counter for it.

    You can also use the shield to storm a doorway then flip it off to instant gib every infantry player in that room or on that point with your hacksaws. TR and VS have no offensive options to pull that off but NC is going to get one.

    Why do you think NC has the high pop? They get all the fun and useful weapons and abilities. Everyone else gets lockdown, lock ons or nerf mode.
  13. Advanced Darkness

    TR one is old. Been done before. No complaints then but heh different generation of gamers.
  14. StormFrog


    Meh, I think I'd still rather have charge. Charge gets you out of bad situations and is far less conditional.
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  15. Antich

    Wow... just ... wow. We are indeed blessed to have reavers, vanguards and MAXes that can shoot a barn door from more then 10m. But yeah, i forgot we own cause the SAW is OP....
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  16. thebigbortishbort

    the NC max cant attack while the shield is active ,gives em good support potential for moving cover , or covering ur *** while you backstep away from a fight
  17. Shinrah

    Enitrely depends on how much dmg you get, currently a Decimator to the face takes out a MAX. So I would assume with ZOE active any Decimator hit is a OHK, and probably a Shrike&Co hit aswell. MAX units are the stormtroopers of PS2´s infantry they´re supposed to move in while taking DMG and still get the job done, thats why every Empire is using MAX Crash´s to break Biolab stalemates - if they can organize them.
    That ability goes against the way MAX´s are used. The TR one for example makes you immobile but increases your DPS, very good defensive ability , and in that case engis can stand behind them and repair. NC one is also good for Defense and Offense, if you storm a room turn it on, if the enemy rushs you head on turn it on.
    The VS one has to be VERY VERY well balanced to work, and we all know how good SOE is at getting their fine tuning done right...
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  18. Dragonblood

    Useless ability is useless. Good luck trying to flank enemies with this ability.
  19. Fenrisk

    Phoenix, Scatter/hacksaw Maxes and now a shield. ALL of them are fun, extremely useful in base defence or cap and attract players.
  20. PS2Freak

    our grass is much greener then yours, tr. always.