GU06 Info and Feature Preview

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Deth

    This is great news. Extra slots and an alert system to help get everyone together. I think the game is going to get a lot better soon.
  2. Alilua

    I hope this is April fools. The changes make me want to cry.
  3. TehGrimZa

    Best April Fools joke ever!

    Yeah CAP indar in 3 hrs.... BAHAHAHA!!! Seriously?
  4. Bucketnate

    its actually pretty high priority. The Roadmap is listed from high-low priority, this is at the top actually
  5. Bucketnate

    then go back to COD. Oh wait, they use something like Ribbons too so whats wrong with you?
  6. Cl1mh4224rd

    It's never going to be fixed, because **** you! That's why.

    Seriously, though, are people honestly worried that they just don't even care to fix certain bugs? If it takes them a while, that doesn't mean they're ignoring it. It could just mean it's difficult to reproduce and/or track down.

    Posts like this constantly demanding updates about specific bug fixes, to me, look like nothing more than, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"
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  7. SpcFarlen

    Any news on cert resets?... :(
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  8. Czuuk

    Sharpshooter. I expect a full report on this by morning GMT.
  9. Quiiliitiila

    MAX updates? D: Still nothing...
  10. Rebu

    How about a damn fix to spawn crashing/freeze instead
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  11. Accuser

    If by 'update' you mean 'NC MAX nerf", then yeah, probably in GU6.
    I'm pretty happy about the character slots, I needs moar toons!
  12. WalrusJones

    750 XP for getting a dozensomething kills each day?

    Hell yes.
  13. Cl1mh4224rd

    There's nothing wrong with implementing small stop gaps while still working on the larger issue.

    For the third time in this thread, battle flow improvements are scheduled for April, so expect it in roughly 2-4 weeks. Hossin has been pushed back 3-4 months precisely because it needs to be reworked for the aforementioned battle flow improvements (work on Hossin started long before the work on the battle flow improvements).
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  14. Cl1mh4224rd

    Unfortunately, this isn't the Continent Locking feature that's at the top of the Roadmap subforum, but it is #2 for April.
  15. Ranik

    And yet we've heard nothing of the new lattice system save for one small example. Heard nothing about new and decent facility benefits. Heard nothing about how the Armor game is in shambles atm. etc etc

    The saddest part is...

    If this were an april fools joke we wouldn't be able to tell compared to regular dev comments / patch notes.

    It would all look the same compared to the hamfisted changes in the past.
  16. Gavyne

    Exactly. Even if they had improved battle flow, Hossin, and all that jazz out. I would still want them to have these achievements ingame as they give players something to look forward to, something to shoot for. And possibly the most important part, the achievements & alert system will help casual gamers. You can't fill a game without casual gamers, whether you're a FPS or MMO. Achievements will give those with little time to play something they can work on starting from the minute they logged in.
  17. Quiiliitiila

    Nah, the empire specific MAX abilities and class polish overall. They'd moved it up from May to March, but it never happened (and they didn't say anything about it) so now I'm assuming April.
  18. Cl1mh4224rd

    Still scheduled for April: Class Revamp: MAX.

    My god, does no one pay attention to the Roadmap?
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  19. Gary

    Membership Definitely needed something especially since queues are almost non existent unless its a double XP prime time login even then it was less then 1 minute in queue =/.

    Premium early access section on the store has magically dissapeared and instead cosmetics are being released to everyone at the same time.

    We get a bonus sale each day (which still requires SC purchase) and 3 extra character slots =/ we have 3 factions why do i need 6 characters =/

    Need more bonuses that really sell the membership, If i wasnt about to reach 50% bonuses i would drop the membership considering the absence of two of the bonuses =/

    We now have what is basically a daily login bonus which is nice! especially since it requires some playtime :) Looking forward to the ribbons and alert system!

    the 3000xp bonus is exactly that a bonus for capping or being on the continent when it happens.. You still get the bonus XP for every action when participating.. the 3000 XP is awarded straight up for doing something that normally nets you nothing. That is a fair bit considering you will still be getting all the XP for kills and captures.

    The roadmap has some stuff on it, not to mention we are not getting the updates detailed in the roadmap the month they are planned, That is simply the month they really start to focus on the topic.

    We may see it the same month if it is simple and they know what they want. Other times we can expect it the following month! The roadmap is updated often
  20. {joer

    As such, these events will primarily be activated when the servers are lower on population, during the offpeak hours, so more players online can participate. During the more crowded hours players have plenty of options and plenty of incentives to fight anywhere they want, so it's less likely this will activate past a certain server population threshold.

    Being I'm not unemployed or a night shift worker, color me bored.
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