Official Lancer Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Shockwave44

    It's a novelty weapon. You're using it because its there, not because its the best launcher for the situation. It's not even close what it used to be.
  2. Qaz

    There is no other launcher in the game that'd be better suited to the stuff i mentioned. The range i've been using it at is 250-500m, and i've been hitting tanks consistently, and without much of a warning. The lancer is great for defensive positions, imo. When tanks are approaching and you have line of sight, they'll explode before they become a threat. If you're attacking and it's cqc, take the decimator.
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  3. Shockwave44

    That's well within lock on range and the hades and nemesis doesn't do this...

    There is no warning but they will know exactly where you are the second you pull the trigger.

    It's useless against air unless its already on fire and less than average against tanks.
  4. Qaz

    good points. the thing that makes the lancer stand apart for me are reliability and having fun when using it. So .. if you charge up and fire on whatever is in your crosshair, you know that it will take damage. When a tank comes into view and gets spotted, there's about 3-5 seconds without anything at all. Then the first charged up shots and salvoes hit, and the tank either finds cover immediately or explodes. there is no real counter to this (or warning), and it can be quite powerful due to being pretty immediate (unlike rockets)

    So .. while lock-ons may be able to deliver similar damage (the same, actually. except striker) at similar ranges, reliability + flexibility + killspeed are advantages of the lancer. Being vulnerable to snipers and air (gals and libs make good lancer targets tho) is a distinct disadvantage.
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  5. Mxiter

    Just read the VS feedback on the last 5-7 pages of this topic.
    There is also others topics about the Lancer where people find it fine.
    The one things that is still needed is hip to ADS while charging.
    Zoom would make it too much effective imo, but why not if the lancer is still UP.

    The lancer is 100% more effective than the Hades against vehicles at range if you can aim correctly.
    And is also more effective in almost every others situations. (just worst against NC max or to OHK infantries)

    Dammn allf the VS wich posted that the Lancer was fine since the last fix are all liers...
    What's going on?

    -You really think that a striker deals 5 times more damages than an Annhi and have the same requirements?
    -True for the phoenix, but it's a more situationel weapon and NC have to stick to them Crow for long range.

    I'll stopping to speaking to a limited guy an will let the Lancer user convince you.
    Apparently you're arn't understanding what are arguments.
    I won't waste my patience and my time with you anymore.
  6. Mxiter

    And the lancer is still more effective to deter aircrafts than the Hades ;)
  7. PBRStreetgang

    It has lock-on so good you don't even need to see the enemy vehicle...and you want more?
    They need to nerf this OP launcher now, it is unbalanced to have Launchers that actually do their job when other factions have crap launchers.
  8. ALeviathan

    Glancer,,,,,,,,,,lock on?
  9. Zan_Aus

    You seem to be getting quite upset, that's quite a forum warrior frenzy from someone who thinks everyone else is wrong. Watevs.
  10. Shockwave44

    That's the kind of response I expected from someone with no real video proof and thinks if they say something enough times it will become fact. Good day.
  11. RogueComet

    I still think the Lancer is pure and utter CRAP. What I saw today was 2 squads of Lancers, 1 of burster maxes, and 1 support (engineer/medic) unable to hold back an advancing equal size NC armor/air column. This happened across a nice LONG valley where the long range sniping capabilities of the Lancer would have been ideal (hence why we tried it.) We still got utterly steamrolled.

    If you saw that same make-up but Phoenixes or Strikers it would'a been game over for the attackers. It is simple, the damage on the Lancer SUCKS compared to other rocket launchers. If that would'a been two squads of Annihilators, or anything else really, things would have been much different. I am 100% confident of this because I've seen other make-ups (of Annihilators mostly, but still Hades and Nemesis too) OWN enemy zerg's much larger than what we went up against.

    Sorry the Lancer sucks. Simply not enough damage.

    What SOE really should'a done is offered the Lancer 6 charge levels. Here's the damage levels I would'a given it with a 1 to 1.25 second delay between each level (yeah that's a long charge for max level but that's the idea):
    level 1: 94 dmg (instant shot)
    level 2: 188 dmg
    level 3: 375 dmg
    level 4: 750 dmg
    level 5: 1500 dmg
    level 6: 3000 dmg

    Make the VS sit there for a super long time, but allow them to actually damage something with it if they do. This is the second BS empire specific weapon that SOE has given us that does LESS DAMAGE THAN THE OTHER EMPIRES. Really, go look at the damage for the Lasher. Seems SOE is set on giving VS sub-damage weapons compared to the other empires. BS ON THAT!
  12. Jachim

    It's supposed to do less damage. You can't have an insta-hit weapon doing the same damage as the deci, or any other ESRL for that matter.

    What would you like SOE to do, VS? Remove the lancer entirely and give you basically the Striker, or some other boring same-old thing? Give some suggestions that don't involve buffing its damage, because that can't happen.

    Also lol.. 3000 damage on a charge up weapon that you can hide behind a hill to charge up for, then fire for basically all the HP of a tank. GG.
  13. Shockwave44

    Yeah, I have to agree, those numbers were over the top.

    I posted the information below on another thread. I think you'll find these tweaks more reasonable.

    One problem with the lancer is the fact that the single shots almost never give you xp assist, if at all, because it is so incredibly weak it doesn't even register. Three single shots doesn't even kill a flash. Also, it needs a zoom capability, that can't be questioned, especially when the max you are shooting at is smaller than the dot you are aiming with, which is only 200m away. Try that at 500m.

    The bigger problem is the charging mechanic itself. The single shot is a gimmick but there are ways they can fix it.

    1) Have any charge use only one ammo, not two or three.

    2) More ammo in a clip, so instead of six, have twelve.

    3) Go back to the PS1 version and have a one second delay but do less damage, around 1000-1200 per shot and only have 4 in a clip to keep it balanced.

    Notice I never said they should buff the damage against armor but they do need to buff it against air. but if they did any one of those things, then the lancer will be where it needs to be. I think pretty much everyone can agree with one of those options.
  14. RogueComet

    Actually if they buffed the damage I wouldn't have a problem with the necessity to be sitting out in the open the whole time. The idea is not giving us ANOTHER FREAKING WEAPON THAT DOES LESS DAMAGE. I'm sick of that bull.

    3000 damage with like 8 (10?) seconds to charge up to that level, without the ability to move, open to snipers could work and be a true different weapon from others presented. Get a clue people, the weapon is CRAP because it doesn't do **** for damage in its current form.
  15. Shockwave44

    Yeah but you're drifting so far away from what the lancer is. Just read my above suggestions, highlighted in blue, and tell me what you think.
  16. Afrothunder

    Everyone has spent a lot of time discussing this weapon but I'm just going to share my opinion. This weapon while having a couple key flaws, is fun to use and when used in the right circumstances very deadly. I know the Damage is subpar to the other esls but the lancer has 2 key advantages. Range, and missile speed. while at closer range I don't see why you wouldn't use a dumb fire launcher like the S1 but shooting at armor at mid- long range is a lot more efficient with the lancer imo. Now that the ******** cone of fire is gone making long range tank kills is actually possible. And to all the people who are asking for this thing to have a buff in damage, think about what that would do, now I'm not saying maybe tweak some of the damage I mean the damage to maxes and infantry could be increased and everyone should agree that on a launcher that you have to charge you should be able to one shot infantry ffs seeing as though almost every other launcher in the game does it, but in terms of damage to vehicles. having an undodgeable instant source of damage from a very long distance onto a tank is a very strong tool to have, its hard to balance something like this and it will come in time.

    ps. just another thought, one reason why I like this thing so much is that when a tank is getting hit it usually begins to back up but this gun is great at finishing off fleeing tanks. I know that sounds like ******** but it always annoys me when an enemy tank is running away to repair and I don't have anything to hit it with.
  17. Shockwave44

    That was the same thing when people were using the lasher in the beginning. Once people notice the bright beam coming out of the lancer, they'll find you fast.

    You know that's just not true.
  18. SgtBreastroker

    I find it hilarious when people spray the Lancer.
  19. C0L0NELH0GAN

    Used the Lancer yesterday with my Outfit and do quite nice to stop a Prowler Zerg with it!
    Clearly to say - used in a Group, Tanks are busted. Used as single Infantry its sucks due to do only "warning shots" on a Tank

    What I definately suggest the Devs to make as a last change/buff to the Lancer would be an 4x scope on it, because having the ability to shoot on 500-700m (Damage Drop off Zone) is nearly impossible with 1x scope
  20. Andy79

    - stronger zoom
    - holding charge as long as you want
    - charge outside of zoom and then zoom and fire at wish
    - second charge state feels like it has no place and requires different lead than full charge
    - pitiful damage vs ESF imo