[Video] TRAM event hits Esamir

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cowabunga, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Cowabunga

    TRAM: Terran Republic Alliance Miller. Large outfits throughout the Miller server coordinate in huge epic battles to ensure victory for their empire.

    As seen from the FU's perspective. Watch as TRAM assaults Mani Bio Lab in a glorious rush through its teleporters. Then experience the epic defense of Glacier Station as hordes of NC rebel outfits attack. Lastly Jaeger's Crossing is besieged by the NC rebels and also must be held at any cost.

    The montage follows platoon leader Hadouken as he commands his squads into battle. Com chatter from fellow TR platoon leaders can be heard, giving vital information and coordinating with FU. Also squad leaders "gently" motivate their soldiers the TR way, through the ingame VOIP.

    Do YOU want to be part of this? Then join FU @ Fuclan.org and be part of something bigger.

    Thanks to all the TR outfits that participated and also special thanks to our fearsome enemy outfits for making Planetside 2 worth playing.
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  2. KAHR-Alpha

    Pretty impressive, I shall use this to advertise PS2 :p

    Now, who is the voice we repeatedly hear in the video? Sounds like the TR commander we hear every time we're about to lose or cap a base, but I don't remember hearing those sentences in game.
  3. Geronimo

    Wow - Just, wow.
  4. Mightyhalo

    The HA featured throughout the video can't aim for ****.
  5. Cowabunga

    I assure you that I CAN 'aim for ****' - Though my individual skill does not "shine" while I command my platoon and coordinate with other outfits. Since I have to take time and make sure my squads are positioned correctly rather than "doing the lone wolf" 360 skill shot. Check my other "lone wolf" vids and I'm sure you can see a difference.

    Plus if it's my aim you're looking at you clearly missed the point of this video, congrats.
  6. Deltafoxnine

    COD kiddy comment ftw.

    Other than that, great video! Keep em coming.
  7. LordMondando

    Pesky TRAM!!!
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  8. Cowabunga

    Feel free to! :)
    It's the Commissar Lord from 40k.
  9. AdennTM

    Was great fun! :D
  10. SharpeShooter

    it was not me ( and I like how you put a countdown in haha... sorry)

  11. Rolfski

    Nice dramatic voice over and music on that video.

    Here's a funny perspective on the same event:
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  12. IMTasty

    When Sharpe tells you what to do you do it, does not matter if you're in another outfit. Hell, when Sharpe tells NCs and VS' to run into mines they ask "How fast and how many people do you want in my sunderer?".
  13. SharpeShooter

    If that was true I would have Margaret Thatcher making me turkey sandwiches constantly and Brian Blessed yelling "DIVE HAWK MEN" every time I took a dump. Sadly its not :'(
  14. IMTasty

    ...that's not the case?

    You just completely ruined the image I had of you. You're pathetic! A loser! A blight upon humanity! You! You're a slimy SLUG!

    Secret <3+love
  15. SharpeShooter

    you wait until I get on mumble! "gets out the nine tails" you wait!!

    Few mins later: HAHAHAHA just seen the hidden message LMAO
  16. biterwylie

    Wow those TR maxes are OP.
  17. Canaris

    beware our TRAM has no breaks :D
  18. SharpeShooter

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  19. IMTasty

    Pffft, i will only get on to get taped for the "World sexiest HA" with Stoneman together with Steveo Max (complete ripoff of mine I tell you) and some random LA... wait... don't tell me you're the mysterious LA! :eek:
  20. biterwylie

    You can clearly see the ttk is way to low. Needs hitting with the Nerf bat and hard.