Official Striker Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

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  1. GhostAvatar

    Derp, all lock ons that are able to acquire air targets have a range of 500m. Just so you know, that's the Hawk, Grounder, Nemesis, Annihilator, and the Striker. I suggest you find out some facts before typing again and making yourself look like a fool.
  2. CaligoIllioneus

    Maybe the missiles leading was added as a detrimental thing to balance out the rocket launcher.
  3. LibertyRevolution

    Yep.. I got my norths and souths elevations mixed up..
    Doesn't make my point any less valid..

    Here is my problem with 500m lockon... see elevation:

    NC Warpgate:

    NS Secure Data

    Top of Hvar tech plant:

    Quartz Ridge:

    And that is all I got before being shot down..
  4. Hanea

    As someone who owns the Striker here is my problem with 500m lock on range.




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  5. RasFW

    I'm not saying it isn't total nonsense, but to be fair, unless range is only calculated on horizontal distance, they're only going to really be able to lock onto you at flight ceiling if you're directly over the top of them.

    Personally, I think we need some weather in this game, a stratified cloud layer if you will, that would be placed somewhere in the sky between the ground and flight ceiling. This way you could go up and above the clouds to avoid missile locks because they cannot see you. You could use this to transport troops in galaxies and everything. Or hide in the clouds.

    But that's just me, thinking like that. Weather isn't even on the roadmap yet. :(
  6. SpaceKing

    Or doesn't know you can 'scrape' lock-ons off on the ground.
  7. LibertyRevolution

    If a lib is flying at 301m, right above your head, You cant hit with phoenix..
    If the lib is 100m away and moving at normal speed, phoenix can't catch it.. I just watch as lib pulls away from me.
    If your using a lancer to down a lib.. if its parked and it lets you shoot it with 3 clips.. then maybe it will it fly off to repair...

    TR made out best as far as a new AV option (until they nerf it like they did annihilator).
    NC made out best for an AI option (until the nerf AI damage, then it will be useless at everything).
    VS lancer is junk, It is great if your goal is to give the enemy free repair XP...

    I am very underwhelmed at the new "gold standard" of weapons...
    I mean if this is the best we can hope for, maybe I should just go back to BF3...
  8. Fauzt

    I have every other rocket launcher. I wont buy this. I prefer the grounder because I can lock on air or dumb fire for anything else.
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  9. Satanam

    You can only kill vehicles (unless you kill the guy inside the vehicle too), while the Phoenix and Lancer can deal damage to infantry. I know, I don't a powerful-against-vehicles-and-infantry rocket launcher, I didn't say I want it to have larger blast radius or anything. It would be fine for me if it keeps focused as anti-vehicle (meaning it wouldn't have large blast radius), but we need dumb-fire on it. Dumb-fire without large blast radius wouldn't make it OP or anything like this. To be honest, I don't think it should lock-on to MAXes, but we should be able to dumb-fire them.
    NC/VS guys may think it would make Striker "OP", but it wouldn't, and it shouldn't be nerfed because of it. The dumb-fire would be useful when, for example, we place our C4 bricks on enemy Sunderer and then we get our rocket launchers to dumb-fire and finish the job. If we need to lock-on, it's then pretty useless. I tried it so many times while using Striker and I didn't get the vehicle kill, just because when I was waiting for the ready lock-on, there was an enemy infantry to kill me.
    Also, please fix the base turrets bug. I don't wanna keep wasting my Striker ammo on turrets when I lock-on it and then it hits the base of the turret, dealing 0 damage. Thank you. By the way, "it has 20 bullets", but it's actually 4 clips only. Compare it to Lancer and you'll see how boring is it to have only 3 reloads.
  10. EyelessSmurf

    After trying it out in VR Training it looked promising so I gave it the benefit of the doubt and bought it.

    This rocket launcher looks soooo cool! Especially in a full squad that's using it.

    Unfortunately the Striker also has a terrible tracking mechanic.With 10 strikers locking on to ESFs on Esamir we fired
    volleys of 20 or more rockets and only killed 1 in 4 targets that flew overhead within 200m. The flares are a fair defense for flying vehicles but because of how much the rockets lead the target they just have to dive and they go smashing into the ground or other pieces of collision.

    Against ground targets they're also less than impressive. Unless you're at least half as high up as the enemy is far away there is a high chance that the rocket will simply hit the ground. If there is anything in the way that's half the height of the vehicle it can be used as cover against the striker rockets as well. This was disheartening to find out.

    - Air tracking leads the target too much and it is extremely easy to make rockets hit into the terrain.
    - Ground tracking targets vehicles and turrets too low so the user must be well above them to make the shot useful.

    I wish it had dumb fire but if the tracking was more user-friendly I'd forgive it for not having it.

    If it didn't look cool (and the novelty will wear off soon) I would completely regret this choice.
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  11. ya_ay

    Exact my experience with it as well. I mean it does a lot of damage if you hit with all five rockets, but it is way too easily defeated by countermeasures, and boy does it have plenty of countermeasures. Esf diving will make it slam straight into the ground. Vehicles can prevent a lock completely by just using the terrain. Then there are the flares, smoke, stealth certs to further defeat the weapon.

    It supposed advantage of having multiple rockets against esf is non-existent (fire and wait for flare to fire the rest). Doesn't work as flares break the lock and grant immunity for 5 secs anyway, in which time you could have reloaded anyway. In fact it is actually a disadvantage, more rockets just means more things can go wrong, more time for enemies to evade etc.

    It really only is effective against bad players, i.e drivers that drive into the open without using cover or esf that like to hover and overstay their welcome.

    Not only that, it is actually fairly limited in use. It can't shoot at ai at all and is useless at short range. Way to much exposure needed to use it at close range, in which time you could easily be killed trying to lock on and fire all fire rockets. Not enough versatility for me IMO.
    I don't know why they didn't just make a laser-guided launcher instead of another lock-on. That would be fun to use, unique and be heavily skill based.
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  12. Rustler

    It might be....but the Striker isn't amazing like some claim and it is worst than the phoenix.
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  13. Shockwave44

    Not for long. Plus the phoenix can't hit fast moving vehicles but I'm sure you already knew that.
  14. Shockwave44

    So what? I'm a VS player and they shouldn't have a crappy weapon just because we do. Both will hopefully get fixed but lets not keep the TR down while we're waiting.
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  15. Shockwave44

    All it needs to do is have a secondary switch for dumb fire and leave the damage where it is.
  16. Sebastien

    Check it. The Vanguard is a huge target, not as big as a Mag, but still pretty big. At long ranges it's difficult to hit Infantry with the Main gun because the zoom optic sucks, and the rounds have massive drop. But Infantry have a hell of an easy time hitting MBTs.

    TLDR; Infantry are now the counter for everything
  17. XRIST0

    The striker is cool , but the way missiles track aircraft just isn't effective .. 3 out of 4 times you wont even get a hit marker on an esf and thats if they dont flare .
  18. Chrattac

    I actually managed to kill a couple of camping inflintrators with Striker yesterday. Was locking on aircraft and shot, aircraft pulled down and the missiles flew straight to amp station tower killing those inflintrators, I lol'd a bit.
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  19. JexInfinite

    What is wrong with the Striker:
    Sometimes the locking is derpy
    Can't lock onto flashes, but why would you anyway?

    What is good with the Striker:
    Good with a squad of people
    It isn't requiring any changes except bug fixes


    PS: SOE, don't nerf it, just buff the Phoenix
    PSS: The Lancer is also good, don't nerf, just buff Phoenix
  20. JexInfinite

    Dumbfire with the Striker? ARE YOU INSANE? The other ESRLs need a slight buff, mainly the Phoenix, but the Striker is good as it is. Do you even outfit bro?
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