As usual, VS received the worst item : crappy launcher

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Akordia, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Akordia

    No words.

    Phenix sniping is overpowered against AV and AI.

    Striker spamming rocket is just a joke.

    And Lancer is useless.

    Soon, VS population will raise 15%.
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  2. Disparu

    Higby says you need to learn to play, seriously thats pretty much what he said. His exact quote is

    "Matthew Higby@mhigby 9h
    @Cry0sin it's the best of the three IMO, looking forward to seeing people learn how to use it."

    He also said that about the lasher, which also sucks. According to Higby the VS are basically just terrible, they have no idea what weapons are good and what are not, because we're all so terrible at the game we couldnt possibly have any opinion which could ever reach the lofty skills one such as himself has.

    Higby knows how to use the lasher and the Lancer to maximum effect....he plays NC. So there you go, thats how Higby expects us all to learn to play, its the skill of learning that you need to change faction to NC.
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  3. QuakerOatsMan

    I can see his point of view though. The lancer is the least-countered of the three because the striker is pretty much just another annihilator (most certable counters, zero AI capability, warnings, etc.), the phoenix leaves you a sitting duck (and can be shot down? Has anyone tried this yet?) and has a pretty wide turning angle. The lancer is the most situationally versatile (not having to charge up means you can harass vehicles—including ESF—with regular fire), can hit a vehicle as long as it's not behind cover, and can (almost guaranteed) destroy any exposed tank or aircraft in seconds or maybe instantaneously if used simultaneously in conjunction with others, or at least very heavily punish a "peek-a-boo" tank if it becomes exposed. It's an uncounterable, no-drop, zero-sway, hip-fireable sniper, and I'm pretty sure that's why its AV damage is so relatively weak (very high potential). Has anyone seen any lancer groups/squads in play yet?
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  4. Akordia

    As you said, Higby is a NC *****.

    Come and play Vanu this morning, everybody is in HA with rocket launcher, and you will see if lancer is the best of the three.
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  5. kungflu

    higby failed to see the flinch and explosions disrupting my aim with striker users all over me. it's impossible to even see anything,
  6. VanuSovereignty

    The lasher is inferior to every other weapon in the game unless you are supressing doorways, that's it. The lancer is only useful and teams and that's really lackluster compared to the striker and phoenix.
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  7. Rhinzual

    The biggest issues with the Lancer are it's accuracy at long ranges, the maximum range, the inability to cancel a shot if the target moves, and how long you have to expose yourself to get a good shot off. Higby's just being well... ignorant of how things are working. He says the Lasher is great, yeah it is at suppressing enemies behind rocks and trees, but an MBT/ESF can do that better, and the Lasher projectile speed is horribly slow and the orbs are explosive and are mitigated by Flak Armor. Seems like whoever made it forgot why in PS1 it was called the Lasher to begin with.
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  8. Deadeye

    Yes, and it's a hell of a lot better than most people make it out to be. At this point, if you haven't made an NC character and actually tried the phoenix, you're just an ignorant deuche who needs to stop being terribad.

    This is not the phoenix from planetside 1. It's been nerfed so much that all you can do with it is stare at the tank and pilot the missile to the tank. You can't arc it unless you're shooting at someone a couple hundred meters away, and even then you have to be pointed in their direction to start.

    The phoenix is no OP. The crybabies did their job. Stop being bad.
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  9. Mefi

    The lancer is lackluster compared to any RL.
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  10. roDDo

    The charge + near-instantaneous hit looks pretty boss to me. You can make vehicles go boom without them ever knowing what hit them.
    The only possible counter to it is putting an obstacle between you and the HA. Which you can't, because you don't know where they are.
  11. Kireles

    The default RL has all the benefit of a max charges Lancer with none of the draw backs. I'm sure Higby is happy with the Lancer because he plays NC and knows how terrible it actually is, same thing with the Lasher. Fact: If you learn to use the Lancer effectively you'll be eleventy bajillion times better with the default S1.
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  12. VanuSovereignty

    Except it has a CoF and a maximum range. Hardly a long range sniper.
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  13. Kireles

    Yeah, shame it does F all damage at ranges where you need that projectile speed.
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  14. Mefi

    It may be even a hitscan weapon but it has COF that effectively negates projectile speed bonus.
    And current speed isn't even enough to deal with aircraft.
    Add the maximum range and it looks even worse.

    On paper the Lancer is a good weapon but only thing that it does effectively is a kill stealing.

    Edit: oh, 3 answers for you :D
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  15. roDDo

    I think you will find that the update that's being applied right now increases the Lancer's accuracy.
  16. Oreo202

    It won't be enough. It should have a CoF of 0. Having a CoF at all for standing still on a 'sniper like' weapon is really really stupid.
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  17. Millsy

    One weapon is much better than another? Ka ching!
  18. Doogle

    Calling it now btw Lancer squads will be the most OP of the bunch.
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  19. Oreo202

    Lol. You can't coordinate properly because you can't hold the charge.
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  20. Wund3rwaffen

    I'm very happy with the Lancher. But keep the cries up please. I don't want to see it nerfed right away :)