New patch: FANTASTIC!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codeak, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Loclear

    Stealth and patches and 37mb, oh my!
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  2. sladuog

    :eek:ing in an :eek: thread.

    Also, can we get some numbers on the improvement relative to how it was pre-GU04? is anyone seeing a noticeable improvement, or is it a reversion to that performance level? I can't play right now, but I can :eek: with the best of them.
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  3. Stordito

    i still get terrible fps after a while.
    i can't fly at all.
    infantry gameplay is slightly better but still freeze the game at every respawn for like 3-4 seconds.
    and i'm running ps2 on a SSD...never been so slow since...ever.
  4. FigM

    Watch all these improvement vanish in the next content update patch!
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  5. tastyBerryPunch

    Oh my god! I almost missed this thread!:eek:
    Kudos for the stealth update.:eek:
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  6. Codeak

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  7. MilitiaMan

    Yo Dawg! I heard you like to :eek:, so I put a :eek: in your :eek: so you can :eek: will you :eek:.

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  8. Ronin Oni

    well, yah... me too. I've been in since late august and that's been my prime suspect for a long time now.honestly not sure entirely how they can improve it but they really gotta work on it... that's for sure
  9. SinerAthin

    I would like to know as well.
  10. Arenthas

    Dear SOE,

    Please make :eek: an inf/vehicle decal in game.

    You'll make millions. billions.
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  11. TerapiaTapioca

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  12. hawken is better

    Was just getting 50-70 fps in Allatum during a massive battle. That's definitely an improvement over the previous 40~ fps range. Good job guys.
  13. DemoniWaari

    I think Deep Thought was wrong. The answer to the Ultimate Question is really 37.
    ps yay for performance!
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  14. AshOck

    Still starts to stutter after a while.
  15. Osskscosco

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  16. UrMom306

    :eek: an infantry/vehicle decal? :eek:
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  17. fish998

    Funny how we're all celebrating that they fixed something they broke last week. Anyway, FPS seems back to normal now, but the game is still the same load of old ********.

    Oh and :eek:
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  18. DanGadelha

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  19. Osskscosco

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  20. NightmareP69

    Bravo PS2 developers, you did a great job with the hotfix. My old FPS has finally returned, it's not an amazing frame rate but it's 10x better than the one i had when GU04 launched.
    I still belive there will be a day when I'll finally get 30-40 FPS during large fights, specialy around AMP station but 20-30 is ok for now, it does hinder my aiming skills a bit but it's at least playable
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