TR on Waterson/Jaeger server suck

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KukKung, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. jamesr20

    Well I tend to avoid large bases and attacking those large bases since the merge because I know I can't compete that well with 20fps. Before the merger I could be getting 30-35fps in bases which gave me a fighting chance. Could have something to do with that, I'm sure if the developers optimized their game more people would be taking the time to play tactically. From my observations FPS seems to have a direct affect on morale, willingness to engage and threat prioritization. It also screws up your mouse movement, which could factor into the latter two reasons I listed.

    Another factor is the influx is massive zergs, it just crushes the willingness to fight in battles because you KNOW you will lose since nobody is that well coordinated to win against a zerg since there is no form of global communication that doesn't cost a **** ton of certs.

    Overall from my gameplay, the enemy seems less responsive than usual. NC's on average have been easier to kill. Been having more trouble with the VS lately though.
  2. Grimpiggy

    Last few days have been kinda bad.
    Jaeger was always pretty damn good till this merge.
    Hopefully things will change in a week or two.
  3. gudman591

    Looks like TR is just plain bad across the board.

    I wonder what happened. I was going to say it's Prowler buff that made people careless and prone to joining useless zergs (really now, capping Crossroads Watchtower and then going to die under the Crown, are you all a salmon?), but then I thought that when VS had their Magriders intact, they still were kind of potent fighters.
  4. Boomotang

    With the server now at high population much of the time, it's not possible for a single outfit do have as big of an impact as before. That's fine. That's what this game is supposed to be like. It's a massive war and we should set our goals realistically. In order to take continents outfits SHOULD have to work together.

    As a soldier in TRAF I can proudly say that our leadership definitely wants to work with other outfits. They constantly encourage us to be the better man and not have a stupid elitist attitude.
  5. Revanmug

    Welcome to Waterson where the TR population is just that awful.

    It's been the case since the dawn of this game on Waterson and I doubt it will change soon.
  6. Forkyar24

    good to know ill be moving to matterson with my tr then
  7. Forkyar24

    I disagree,tr is great,just it depends on the server
  8. strike235

    I am a native of Waterson and I have to say that the TR in general were only doing so well due to having such a large population advantage. On an individual level, most TR are on the lower end of the skill spectrum, but being outnumbered 3:1 really swung things into their favour.

    Now that the servers have merged, I have actually had a much easier time fighting against the TR. The drama between the Jaeger and Waterson players can be easily seen, but the TR have it the worst. I have seen TR outfits shooting at other TR outfits. Honestly, the TR just have their panties in a bunch. IF they get past this, it will be back to the 100+ TR vehicles spamming the crap out of everything.
  9. The Shermanator

    This **** needs to stop on all factions. I get so sick and tired of this notion that other human beings are superior to other human beings because of a server choice.
  10. Jstenholt

    Gentlemen, if I may, for a moment, distract you all from this horrid ****fest of a thread.

    This merger has been hard on Jaegerson TR, that is true, but the reasons for this are not at all individual skill, lack of leadership or space cows. TR has organized and very effective outfits. HSTL, defenders of Space Australia, ODAM, masters of Waterson, TRAF, men of organization. The list goes on and on. When any two groups of previously independent and highly specialized forces are thrown together, there is bound to be a little stumble and fall. There was quite a bit of interoperability between outfits on Jaeger, and I know for a fact that TRAF has had delegations with all of our new comrades in arms on Waterson.

    The highly advanced framework of the coalition that existed on Jaeger has plenty of room for additions. As a Waterson TR, you have many fine choices in outfits. No matter who you chose to run with, rest easy knowing that in time, once we have picked ourselves up from the ground onto which have fallen during this tumultuous merger, the Republic will rise again not in the form of the disorganized zerg to which you have become accustomed to over this past week, but as a remarkably efficient and organized force of the highest caliber ready to jump at any heretic's throat and beat him back down like the animal he inescapably knows deep down he truly is.
  11. KukKung

    OK enough is enough i cant take ****** play on this server by the TR. last night was ok, i was stuck on indar again because thats where the majority pop and action was. we managed to conquer the crown and get most of the continent at the same time we did have over 50%. so i thought well things are starting to look better.

    this morning i get on, we still have the crown and we have 44% vs the rest and in a matter of 20 mins the VS took over the crown and ti alloys lol. and it wasnt by much it was probably maybe like 15 guys.

  12. Duban

    The idea that players would have biases in which server they choose based on how good they are or will be is not nearly as weird as you make it out to be.

    New players without a commitment are more likely to just grab the first server they see while someone who is more committed is likely to think through the server they choose. Waterson tends to be a name that stands out while Jaegar one that's less obvious, but more noticable when someone thinks it through. The same thing for their positions on the list. I think TB playing on Waterson is also partially responsible for the bad TR on the server.

    People have all sorts of weird biases like that, it's not weird at all to think some servers will be better off than others.
  13. CaptainYamerica

    Do I need to? No. Obviously not. But, posting in yellow text is something I have done since my days of playing EQ and DAoC.

    Do you really need to question my motives based on the color of my text? It's the content which matters, whether as a joke or posted seriously. Words read the same way regardless of color. If I was REALLY trying to be obnoxious or the "center of attention", as you so eloquently put, I would post in a myriad of colors. Rainbow posting is where its at!
  14. KukKung

    couldnt agree more, where i see own player kills are usually in the bio labs where everyone loves to huddle in the teleporter room, always a hand full of people trying to throw grenades out the windows. and dont even bother trying to rush out to kill, cause you just get TR bullets in the back of your head.

    tank/plane fire i usually get when near capturing a base, and everyone is huddled around the spawn room to make sure the enemy can not progress out. there you get all the tanks and planes just firing down on one lone soldier who refuses to quit respawning.
  15. Jstenholt

    Before defecting, I highly recommend getting Teamspeak and running with the TRAF for a night or so. Failing that, our brothers across the trenches in Phoenix Battalion are a good group of guys.
  16. SirJohnIV

    This thread is a plssing match, you people are cooky as hell. Go play the damn video game already.

    Give it a week, I am sure TRAF will gobble up a lot of the smaller Waterson outfits and give them a fighting chance.
  17. WycliffSlim

    The Prowlers have been ridiculous the last couple of days... I'd imagine everyone is trying to get their fun in with them before they get the ole nerf hammer. xD
  18. The Shermanator

    I have to wonder how hard you had to try in order to come up with that crackpot theory.
  19. Assist

    VS don't have these issues. Then again, the VS don't have enough numbers to have an effect on the game :<

    btw, anyone who chose a server other than Waterson is definitely inferior. I don't know why you would think otherwise.
  20. TheShrapnelKing

    I'm NC. The Jaeger TR have definately made the TR on Waterson more ferocious opponents, but it's still nowhere near the threat level of the VS.

    That said, I do understand the immaturity/incompetency the Waterson TR appears to exhibit and why the good players would be frustrated. Today I spawned into TI Alloys swarmed by several platoons of TR. They stupidly kept running around in front of the spawn building where we gunned them down (WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS???) from within the shields, but there were close to 100 of them and only a squad of us. Just as they were about to cap it I switched to inflitrator, shot a TR outside one of the doors, cloaked, and ran TOWARDS, THROUGH and PAST a couple dozen TR who did not see me. A MAX then drop-podded down right in front of me as I was recharging my cloak. I put a round into his head, waited two more seconds for my cloak to completely recharge, then ran down the hill away from the point. The MAX still hadn't returned fire.

    There was a TR soldier running right in front of me who was completely oblivious to my existence, yet all his buddies up the hill by the spawn point knew I was there and fired a maelstrom of bullets in my general direction - they obviously didn't know what they were shooting at, and while they took me down to 50% health I did not die. They hit the guy running in front of me a couple times by accident though, so he turned around to face them (and thus me) right as my cloak wore off. It must have taken him a second to realize I was NC not TR, because I shot him in the head before he could even ADS.

    So now I had not cloak and could be seen clear as day, so I was shot at again by the swarms of TR behind me. I recharged my cloak behind a rock while they ran after me, then, as they rounded the rock, I shot one through the head, cloaked and ran. They began firing in various directions and swarming around the rock trying to figure out where I'd gone. My clock ran out again, they saw me, and ran after me while firing their weapons.

    So at this point I was nearing the bottom of the hill that TI Alloys sits on and was heading towards Ceres. I was hit a few times and had to cover behind another rock. I saw at this point that there were a couple Reavers and a Lib flying this way, and a couple Vanguards in defilade. The slope below TI Alloys was swarming with TR, I'd estimate a full platoon, but they'd run off on their manhunt (for one guy) without their armour support and were completely exposed on the hillside, and so what ensued could only be described as infantry farming at it's finest as shells just plummeted incessantly around them and cut them to pieces. I didn't even snipe them, I just watched the massacre as my cloak recharged and then ran to find the nearest medic.

    Not to mention throughout all of this they were yelling in chat for all to see. The list of topics was wide, including:

    - specific tactical intel that the enemy should not be told
    - insults towards their leaders
    - leaders treating their subordinates like crap
    - immature frat boy topics (like hot celebrities, 'cool' and 'uncool' activities, calling each other ****; you know the kind of thing I mean)
    - taunting the NC
    - self-congratulatory, NC-trashing victory messages
    - taunts aimed at me as they chased after/tried to find me (quotes: "Come out come out you rebel scum we'll **** your face hahahaha!"; "No use hiding you sniping ***"; and my favourite: "You ******* suck you ******* cloaking *****; I bet you'll never stand a chance in a real fight with us")
    - and finally, rage after the Vanguards/aircraft showed up, aimed at everything from their own leaders to their tankers to their pilots to each other to the NC