Game Update 04: Coming soon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Mar 1, 2013.

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  1. Sedisp

    Perhaps then it would be a good idea to wait until the Launchers come out before globally nerfing every single vehicle in the game?
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  2. TheRev

    Nonsense do you even play the game?
  3. Bungee

    I am not panicking about this at all.

    Prowler already needed 2 shots to insta gib infantry if they had flak armour. So I cant 1 shot BR2 noobs... good.. Im going to 2 shot them instead. Better players will still be 2 shotted.. (unless this nerf is really really harsh).

    On the faction specific launchers the VS and NC ones seem pretty good. (I can see my prowler exploding multiple times to lancer hits to the rear) The TR one might be great OR it might be rubbish. Its all a bit too vague at the moment with no damage or flight performance statistics available. The TR one will probably be the worst in terms of damage but there is an indication that it will lock onto tanks and aircraft. So will 3 missile hits kill an ESF? If its not enough to at least set one on fire then its probably a waste of time.

    I eagerly look forward to seeing some more data.

    Then I will have a look at them again once the inevitable nerf buff thing has happened

    I can see HE prowlers becoming a rare sight
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  4. TheRev

    Did you read the patch notes even?
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  5. Ranik

    Yes, hence why the never ending nerfs to MBT's performance never actually addressed the problem that their are 50 tanks.

    There is too much of something means you try and reduce their numbers somehow. Turning them into toothless tigers is pointless. Unless they hurry up and add real 2-3 man MBT's.
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  6. Frostbitten

    I'm bumping my own post due to the major lack of common sense in this thread.
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  7. AdrIneX

    Terrific explanation. Then why not just remove the double barrel design and replace it with a single barrel? In other words, why would you give the Prowler 2 barrels that deals 50 50 damage when you just as well can make it one barrel that does full (100%) damage?

    What is exactly the benefit of having 2 barrels on the Prowler instead of one with combined damage? That'd be a better question.
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  8. NameForForum

    Hello Mr.Higby,
    thanks for your time.

    My 2 questions only are:
    when i buy the new Pump Shotgun of NC do i got the TR and VS too?
    And then i buy the Piston do i got the Pandora?

    Or are all that Empire Specific?

    This is only to be clear.

    Thanks for reading.
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  9. Beartornado

    AP has no splash and HEAT would practically become AP if it's splash got nerfed any further.

    Also I've been 1HKOed by an HE prowler as a heavy with level 4 flak armor, **** need to be fixed yo. In many situations I could've been behind cover by the time the second round fired, but that doesn't matter when the first kills anything in its blast radius.
  10. Ranik

    To make the Prowler difficult/impossible to balance due to a different firing nature
  11. Dingus148

    So in other words; remove the only regularly defended point from the game?

    -1 to this post. Make all bases as defensible as the Crown.

    (Well, not quite, but at least take away the welcome mat that the devs gave attacking forces. Defenses that are defensible! Who's have expected that twist?)
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  12. RasFW

    I think the flash being a OHK to tanks is.... okay...ish... Even with 2 people, because that person on the back could have an AV rocket launcher and the driver could have an M40. That would ruin just about any tank's day, especially if they're lock-on rockets coming off an ATV...
  13. TheRev

    I read the stupidity the first time.
    Let me sum it up. If you are infantry and getting killed by CONSTANT bombardment from all forms of rocket pods and tank spam at any base that is not a bio lab it is your fault.
    It couldn't possibly be the fact that you can't use the designed cover because some idiot in a tank can just shoot at the cover and kill you anyway. Wow boy ya that is some dynamic gameplay boy we should really make sure that never goes away.
    I mean you took the time to get on that hill overlooking the tower and it is your RIGHT to now spam HE/Heat into every nook and cranny of that base for the next 5/10 minutes UNOPPOSED.
  14. Ranik

    And the nerf to radius will change none of that. Their will still be 50 tanks outside spamming in. But now individual tanks that aren't in a zerg are going to be even weaker.

    It doesn't fix the zerg, but it does hurt small groups by making the individual tanker even weaker.
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  15. Otulien

    True enough. I didn't occur to me that even without the new rocket launchers, they added a new AT method.

    E.G. - Equip lock-on launcher>Rumble Seat>Invisible>Get Behind Tank>Fire>Run. Rinse and Repeat.

    The tank stands next to no chance what-so-ever. In agreement with the post above, this further decreases the Chance of Survival of lone tanks/small groups.
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  16. Maruun

    It already changed rapdily with the addtionen of the AT-Turret alot, less and more less vehicles. After this patch i see even less vehicles and more infantry HA spamming...seriously Vehicles arent worth the ressources anymore, no love for them nerf nerf ner nerf until they behave like a galaxy...just for transportaion at that point i am done with the game its not "combines arms" anymore. Just another plain infantry shooter...only on a bigger map.
  17. TheRev

    Ys sure bro lets take some footage from big battles tonight not in a biolab and find me ONE example of infantry being overpowered.

    Cause I can be for damn sure I can spawn and 10 bases and 6 of those 10 will be surrounded by tanks getting spammed and my only option is to redeploy.
  18. MediocrityGoggles

    This is essentially the same question on both counts. These weapons are all faction specific and will not be mirrored for other factions, so no, you will not.
  19. sustainedfire

    Wraith Module is for infiltrators only?

    Rumble seat passengers- they are weapons free? Does that mean they do or do not have access to weapons?
  20. framperton

    Those are empire specific weapons dude.
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