Sturmgrenadier is Recruiting

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Lostlogic, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. delshin

    Let the Good times roll....
  2. Striker

    Been with SG since PS1 and never looked back - Cant wait for another 10 years of the best group!
  3. Intruder

    January, 2003... and still bleeding with these guys. You'll never look back.
  4. Harvuster

    Armor division checking in. Vannies ready to rip it up!
  5. Relentless

    Back again, and already eager to roll with my homies. I'll never be a part of another outfit!
  6. PineSG

    Joined for PS (2003) Stayed for SG. I just cannot imagine playing without SG.
  7. Solex

    Hello, I joined Sturmgrenadier back in 2003, after playing against SG alot in ww2online I decided to apply so I could join them.
    My first few years playing with SG was in Planetside 1 and I never left after it.
    I cant imagine playing any multiplayer game without one other SG member, why would I?
    We are mostly US residents but like myself there are a few european and asian members also.
    Playing as a team, organized, respectful, and having alot of fun doing at the same time is my main reason to stay with SG.

    Hope to see you online soon!

    Old planetside 1 video that our member Draacco made.
  8. Alderego

    WOuld you guys happen to have an EU branch?
    I quite like your organised gameplay when you go into the thick of the action, but being european I might be a bit too far away time-wise :(
  9. Aldman

    We have EU members, but we all play on the same server. We have not had good success with separate servers for each timezone.
  10. Relentless

    We do have quite a number of European members, but don't forget that you get to try out Sturmgrenadier membership for a while before you decide to commit.
  11. Warrender

    If you squint real hard you can see me running around in that video.

    Hey Solex, how are you doing? Good to see you and all the other old SG'ers coming back to PS2. Have you guys decided on a server yet? Probably the US East one if old habits die hard.

    • Up x 1
  12. XTremeZ

    Nice to have heard from you WingedNazgul, see you on the battlefield.
  13. Ozymandias

    Which server will the outfit be on? 1 or 9?
  14. Logik

    Hey Sturmgrenaider! Wish you best of luck recruiting.
  15. JaxChris

    Free bump for the most organized clan ever!
  16. SleepyZ

    Probably US East.
  17. Hexadecimalt

    I would love to join but I just don't see the purpose of paying an outfit for the opportunity to join. Why does this exist? Is it possible to participate with the outfit on a trial basis before paying the fee?
  18. Bawaga

    Most organized outfit I've been in. Many who join, stay permanently.
  19. Aldman

    Yes, everyone gets a trial period before paying dues. As for why we have dues; we decided a long time ago that nobody should be asked to carry the burden of paying for servers for site/forum/TS/gaming all on their own, so everyone in SG chips in $1/mo, and we have amazing hardware because of it. There are no free rides in SG.
  20. LegioX

    Dude i didn't know your clan was in WW2OL. I knew your squad sound familiar. GOOD TIMES BACK THEN.